verifyDisk - verifies disk surface and partitions as an option disk
/usr/sysadm/privbin/verifyDisk -d drivetype -c controller number -u unit
number [ -l LUN]
verifyDisk invokes fx to perform two verification passes over the disk
surface, isolate any bad blocks found, and then partition it as an option
disk with all usable space in one partition, partition 7. It is
essentially equivalent to performing the operation fx -x -c VERIFY on
the indicated disk.
-d drivetype
recognized types can be found in the fx(1M) man page. The types
include dksc for SCSI drives, jag for SCSI drives connected to a
Jaguar VME SCSI controller, and fd for floppy drives.
-c controller number
the controller that the drive is attached to.
-u unit number
The unit number of the drive
-l LUN
The LUN of the drive, if the LUN is non-zero
"verifyDisk -d dksc -c 0 -u 1" would verify the SCSI disk with unit ID
number 1 attached to SCSI controller 0.
/var/sysadm/salog verifyDisk writes all fx output to this file, the
system administration log.
sysmgr(1M), runpriv(1M), DiskManager(1M), fx(1M).
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