touch(1) touch(1)
touch - update access and modification times of a file
touch [ -amc ] [ mmddhhmm[yy] ] files
touch [ -amc ] [ -r ref_file | -t [[cc]yy]mmddhhmm[.ss] ] files
touch causes the access and modification times of each argument to be
updated. The file name is created if it does not exist. If no time is
specified [see date(1)] the current time is used. The -a and -m options
cause touch to update only the access or modification times respectively
(default is -am). The -c option silently prevents touch from creating
the file if it did not previously exist. The -r option causes touch to
use the modification time of the file named by the pathname ref_file
instead of of the current time.
The -t [[cc]yy]mmddhhmm[.ss] option specifies to the time to use instead
of the current time. The option-argument will be a decimal number where
each two digits represents the following:
mm The month of the year [01-12].
dd The day of the month [01-31].
hh The hour of the day [00-23].
mm The minute of the hour [00-59].
cc The first two digits of the year (century).
yy The second two digits of the year.
ss The second of the minute [00-61].
Both cc and yy are optional. If neither is given, the current year
will be assumed. If yy is specified, but cc is not, cc will be
derived as follows:
If yy is: 69-99 then cc becomes 19.
If yy is: 00-68 then cc becomes 20.
The range for ss is (00-61) rather than (00-59) because of leap
seconds. If ss is 60 or 61, and the resulting time, as affected by
the TZ environment variable, does not refer to a leap second, the
resulting time will be one or two seconds after a time where ss is
59. If ss is not given a value, it is assumed to be zero.
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touch(1) touch(1)
The return code from touch is the number of files for which the times
could not be successfully modified (including files that did not exist
and were not created).
language-specific message file [See LANG on environ (5).]
date(1), utime(2)
Users familiar with the BSD environment will find that the -f option is
accepted, but ignored. The -f option is unnecessary since touch will
succeed for all files owned by the user regardless of the permissions on
the files.
If no -r option is specified, no -t option is specified, at least two
operands are specified, and the first operand is an eight- or ten-digit
decimal integer, the first operand will be assumed to be a date-time
specification of the form mmddhhmm[yy]. Otherwise, the first operand
will be assumed to be a file name.
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