telldesktop - shell front end to invoke file manager functions
/usr/lib/desktop/telldesktop command
The telldesktop utility invokes file manager (fm) functions as long as
the file manager was started with the -b parameter. (If the file manager
is not running on the desktop background, then these commands will have
no effect because there will be no file manager process to intercept
them.) Most file manager functions require an icon to be selected before
the operation can be performed.
The command denoting which file manager function to perform must be
enclosed in quotation marks if the command contains spaces. This command
can be one of the following:
open Open the selected icon.
copy Copy the selected icon.
Create a reference to the selected icon.
link A synonym for reference.
remove Remove the selected icon. (If the user has turned on the Remove
To Dumpster toggle in the Desktop customization panel desktop,
then this operation will move the selected icon into the dumpster
rather than delete it permanently.)
print Print the selected icon.
'new directory'
Create a new directory in the user's home directory.
'get Info'
Bring up an information window about the selected icon.
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fetch Bring up the File Quickfind tool.
Bring up the Host Quickfind tool.
Bring up the Start Sharing task to enable sharing the selected
icon with other users on the network.
Bring up the Stop Sharing task to disable sharing the selected
icon with other users on the network.
publish Bring up the Outbox utility to enable sharing the selected icon
via the Outbox.
'select all'
Select all icons on the background.
'empty dumpster'
Remove all icons that are contained in the dumpster.
'opendir directoryName {icons,list,columns,gallery}'
Open a directory view of the directory directoryName in the view
mode indicated (View as Icons, View as List, View as Columns, or
full-sized icons in View as Gallery).
A directory name containing embedded whitespace must be enclosed
in double quotes. Note that any directory name may be quoted,
but it is required if the name contains embedded whitespace.
If you list more than one view mode, only the first mode will be
implemented and the rest will be ignored.
For example, the commands
/usr/lib/desktop/telldesktop 'opendir /usr/people/guest columns'
/usr/lib/desktop/telldesktop 'opendir "/usr/people/guest"
will both open a directory view of guest's home directory in View
as Columns mode.
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The command
/usr/lib/desktop/telldesktop 'opendir "/tmp/name with spaces"'
will open a directory view of "/tmp/name with spaces".
restart Stop running the IRIX Interactive Desktop, then restart it. The
effect is similar to what happens when the user logs out and logs
back in, but it takes less time and iconview windows open before
the restart command was issued will not be reopened.
quit Stop running the IRIX Interactive Desktop. Before IRIX 6.5, this
was often the mechanism used to kill the Desktop before
restarting it; in 6.5, the restart command may be used instead.
To restart the Desktop after a quit command, invoke file manager
from the command line as fm -b &. Selecting the Desktop > Access
Files > In My Home Directory will produce only a dirview of your
home directory; it will not restart your desktop background. See
the file manager man page, fm(1), for more information.
close A synonym for quit.
'setenv ENVVAR=value'
Set the desktop environment variable ENVVAR to value. Example:
/usr/lib/desktop/telldesktop 'setenv WINEDITOR=/usr/sbin/nedit'
'shape on'
Causes the desktop to use shaping for its icons. This is the
default, and is needed for GL backgrounds to appear correctly.
'shape off'
Causes the desktop to not use shaping for its icons. GL
backgrounds will not appear correctly if shaping is off.
'shape pretty'
Causes the desktop to use shaped icon masks for each icon. This
improves the appearance of the desktop if GL backgrounds are
'shape fast'
Causes the desktop to use rectangular icon masks for each icon.
This is faster than shaped icon masks, but degraded the
appearance of GL backgrounds.
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For more information about the entire IRIX Interactive
Desktop environment, see the IID(1) man page.
When an operation is performed, text held in the mouse buffer may be
supplanted by the name of the selected icon.
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