syserrpanel - System Alert Settings
syserrpanel [-sound {true,false,query}] [-notify {true,false,query}]
syserrpanel is the Desktop control panel for System Alert notification.
It is part of the Desktop System Monitor (sysmon) and can be launched
from the Icon Catalog's "Control Panel" Page. It can also be launched
from the Toolchest by selecting "Desktop" then "Customize" then "System
The notification toggle button will enable or disable all notification.
If audio notification is enabled, an error or warning sound will
accompany the notification. Users can also turn off notification for
individual messages with the "Disable Alerts" button.
The -sound option allows scripts to query the state of the audio
notification or set or unset it. If the "query" option is used then the
state of the audio notification is returned in an exit status of 1 if the
audio is enabled, else 0. Notification of all Alerts can likewise be
queried, set or unset with the -notify flag.
Quitting the control panel saves the current selections to a .syserr file
in the user's home directory. The file /usr/lib/sysmon/syserr.config can
be edited to change the system-wide default setting.
sysmonpp(1M), notifier.config(4)
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