getjavafrompref - get the state of Java or JavaScript
/usr/sysadm/privbin/getjavafrompref -l loginName -j|-s
Getjavafrompref gets the state of Java or JavaScript from the preferences
file of the user account home directory. If the preferences file does
not exist, it reads $HOME/.EZsetupData/<login>-wwwSecureData for status.
For javaScript, it checks the WebViewer configuration file in
$HOME/.web/.webdefaults also.
When the command is completed, it writes a '0' to stdout if no status
file is found. It writes a '1' if Java or Netscape JavaScript is
disabled; it writes a '2' if Java or Netscape JavaScript is enabled; it
writes a '4' if WebViewer JavaScript is disabled; it writes an '8' if
WebViewer JavaScript is enabled.
-l loginName
Specifies the name of the account that should be looked up.
-j It means get the status of Java.
-s It means get the status of JavaScript.
sysmgr(1M), runpriv(1M).
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