Backup(1) Backup(1)
Backup - backup the specified file or directory
Backup [ -h hostname ] [ -i ] [ -t tapedevice ]
[ directory_name | file_name ]
The Backup command archives the named file or directory (the current
directory if none is specified) to the local or remote tape device. It
can be used to make a full system backup by specifying the directory name
as /.
In case of a full backup, this command makes a list of the files in the
disk volume header and saves this information in a file which is then
stored on tape. This file is used during crash recovery to restore a
damaged volume header. Information about mounted filesystems and logical
volumes is also copied to the backup. The current date is saved in the
file /etc/lastbackup.
Full system backups can be used with the system recovery mechanism from
the PROM maintenance mode (the miniroot is booted with mode 3 in the
normal way, but recovery is started, instead of installation). See your
Owner's Manual for more information on this procedure.
The options and arguments to Backup are:
-h hostname If a tape drive attached to a remote host is used for
backup, specify the name of the remote host with the -h
hostname option. For remote backup to successfully work,
you should have a TCP/IP network connection to the remote
host and guest login privileges on that host.
-i If a backup of all files modified since the date
specified in the /etc/lastbackup file is desired, specify
the -i option. This option is valid only when doing a
complete backup.
-t tapedevice If the local or remote tape device is pointed to by a
device file other than /dev/tape, specify the device with
the -t tapedevice option.
directory_name Create a backup of the directory directory_name. For
this case, when files are restored, they will be restored
in the root directory, with the leading directory_name
stripped off.
file_name Create a backup of the file file_name.
The Backup command uses cpio(1) to perform the backup function. Older
versions used bru(1), or tar(1). The Restore(1) command will handle any
of the 3 types of backups.
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Backup(1) Backup(1)
/tmp/volhdrlist contains the list of the root volume header files
/etc/lastbackup contains the date of last full backup for incremental
backups; the modification time of this file is used
Backup constructs a list of file names with find to pipe to cpio.
Filenames with embedded white space will work this way, with the
exception of filenames with embedded newlines, since each filename in the
list is terminated by a newline. This may sometimes produce confusing
error messages.
The exit status is 0 on success (including the case where no files are
backed up, but no errors with the tape drive or command occur).
List_tape(1), Restore(1), cpio(1).
backup - backup files and directories now, later, or recurring
/usr/sysadm/privbin/backup -f device -n [ options ]
/usr/sysadm/privbin/backup -f device -l time [ options ]
/usr/sysadm/privbin/backup -f device -d time [ options ]
/usr/sysadm/privbin/backup -f device -w day:time [ options ]
backup is a privileged command that performs a backup of the entire
system or of a selected list of files. The backup can be performed now,
once at a later date, or recurring either daily or weekly.
backup uses cpio(1) to write its output. device would typically be a
tape device, but can also be a file for backing up to disk.
-n is used to specify that a backup occur now, -l is for backups which
are occur once at a later date, -d is for daily backups, and -w is for
weekly backups. Backups that occur once at a later date are scheduled
using at(1), and recurring backups are scheduled using cron(1).
After scheduling a later or recurring backup, backup prints to its output
a string which uniquely identifies this backup to the system. This
string can be used to unschedule the backup using unschedBackup(1M).
backup can be run by ordinary users without going through runpriv(1M).
Ordinary users cannot do full system backups, and backups made by
ordinary users will not be able to back up files that the user does not
have permission to read.
When doing a full system backup, backup does not back up nfs mounted
files. When backing up a selected list of files, backup does back up nfs
mounted files.
-f device Specifies where the backup is to be written. Typically this
would be a tape device such as /dev/tape or
user@remotehost:/dev/tape, but can also be a file for backup to
-n Specifies that the backup is to occur now.
-l time Specifies that the backup is to occur at time. time is in
seconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970.
-d time Specifies that the backup is to occur daily. time is the
number of seconds after midnight to start the backup.
-w day:time
Specifies that the backup is to occur weekly. day is the
number of days after after Sunday to start the backup, and time
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is the number of seconds after midnight to start the backup.
-i indentifier
identifier is to be associated with this backup. identifier is
displayed in the BackupAndRestoreManager(1M) along with the
icon for this backup.
-v Output of the backup is to be verbose. Specifying -v to backup
causes v to be included as an option to cpio(1).
-m email-address
For later and recurring backups, send a backup report to
email-address. If -v was specified, this will include a list
of the files which were backed up. If this option is not
specified, the user that scheduled the backup will receive mail
from cron.
-s source source is a file containing a list of files to be backed up,
one per line. These can either be full paths, or can be
relative to the root specified with the -r option. If the -s
option is not specified, this will be a full system backup.
-r root Specify that the backup should be relative to root. This has
no effect unless the paths in source are relative, and never
has an effect on full backups.
/var/sysadm/backups/* File lists for later and recurring backups
scheduled by root.
$HOME/.saBackupLists/* File lists for later and recurring backups
scheduled by non-root users.
$HOME/.saBackupSched/* Information about later backups for the
BackupAndRestoreManager(1M). This duplicates
information stored by at(1) which is not
readable by non-root users and difficult to
parse. Information about recurring backups is
retrieved using crontab(1).
cpio(1), cpio(1), cron(1), at(1), crontab(1), sysmgr(1M),
BackupAndRestoreManager(1M), restore(1M), unschedBackup(1M).
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