showprods(1M) showprods(1M)
showprods - show products installed on system
showprods [ -r target ] [ -f distribution ] [ -D depth ]
[ -adlEFMnsuv123 ] [ -V preference:value ]
[ prods ]
showprods is a tool used to list products installed, previously
installed, or present on a distribution.
The prods arguments specifies which products are to be listed. If no
products are specified, all products are listed.
showprods lists only products listed in the database used by the inst or
swmgr commands.
The command line options are:
-a List all products, not just products currently installed (default is
to list only installed products).
-D depth
List products down to the specified depth (1 - 3). Default is 3,
list products at all levels (product, image, subsystem). -D 1 means
to list only top-level products. This option overrides any
previously specified -D, -1, -2 or -3 options.
-1 -2 -3
Show products only at the specified level (1 - 3). This option
overrides any previously specified -D, -1, -2 or -3 options.
-d Show create date, instead of date installed.
-E Invoke "inst_terse_mode". Provides reduced output for scripting.
Equivalent to setting inst_terse_mode=on in the shell environment
before invoking showprods. See the description of the preference
"inst_terse_mode" with inst or swmgr for more information.
-f distribution
Show products on the distribution.
-F Show the installation source (distribution) of installed products.
-l Long -- use long format (the default).
-M Don't use the built-in pager.
-n Show version number instead of date.
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showprods(1M) showprods(1M)
-o Show only overlay products. This option will only show subsystems.
-O Downgrade named products to 5.3 product descriptor format. This
allows 5.3 versions of inst/swmgr to read the affected product
descriptors. Product descriptor information added after version 5.3
is lost. The old product descriptor is saved in the file
product.newer_format where product is the name of the original
product descriptor.
-r target
Set the effective root directory from which the installation
database will be read. By default, this is /.
-s Short -- use short format.
-u Dump the product specification files for the given products, and
fully unpack the "exp" tag for each subsystem.
-v Dump the product specification files for the given products.
-V preference:value
Set an inst/swmgr preference to a given value.
inst(1M), showfiles(1M), swmgr(1M).
IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing
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