sdpd - Session Directory Server Daemon
/usr/OnRamp/bin/sdpd [-a mcast_addr] [-p mcast_port] [-r root_dir] [-d]
sdpd listens for multicast announcements on the network (as observed by
the server), maintains an updated list of these announcements, and makes
them available to clients through the use of the .sdr mime type suffix.
sdpd also maintains a list of locally created announcements, broadcasting
the information periodically. The sdpd server supports Mbone
announcements of type SPD V1, SPD V2, and SGI Radio.
sdpd listens on multicast address and port 9876 for SDP
V1.0, multicast address and port 9875 for SDP V2.0, and
multicast address and port 58002 for SGI Radio announcements.
The V2.0 address can be altered with the -a and -p options (see below.)
Locally created announcements are broadcast every 15 minutes on multicast
address, port 9875.
sdpd is launched at system startup time. The operation of the server is
controlled by the setting of the chkconfig sdpd option. The
/etc/init.d/run-sdpd {start,stop} script is provided to allow one to stop
or start the server manually after the chkconfig sdpd option is
appropriately set.
-a mcast_addr specifies multicast IP address to listen on for version 2
announcements. (The default value is
-p mcast_port specifies UDP port to listen on for version 2
announcements. (The default value is 9875.)
-r root_dir specifies the root directory for the two subdirectories,
sdpd-send and sdpd-out, containing the locally created announcements
and the received announcements respectively. (The default value is
-d Process runs in debug mode. Process does not daemonize. Network
information is sent to stderr.
locally created announcements
received announcements
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