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scsiadminswap(1M)					     scsiadminswap(1M)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     scsiadminswap - perform a live plug or unplug of a	scsi device

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     scsiadminswap [ options ]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     scsiadminswap allows a user to live plug or unplug	a scsi device assuming
     it	is not a primary resource (such	as the system disk).  There are	three
     required options.	These indicate whether to perform a plug or an unplug
     and provide a bus and device number.  An additional argument can be used
     to	change the default timeout value.  To execute scsiadminswap, a user
     must have root status.

     There are many different ways that	a disk may be accessed.	 While this
     man page outlines and gives examples of the more common ones, if there is
     any question the user should check	the man	pages for umount, mount, or
     the Insight book "SGI Admin: IRIX Admin: Disks and	Filesystems."  If the
     disk is being used	as part	of an xlv volume more information can be found
     via man on	xlv_mgr, xlv_make, xlv_assemble, xlv_shutdown, or chapter 4 of
     the above Insight book.

     Unplugging	a disk:

     Before executing the scsiadminswap	unplug,	all the	file systems of	the
     disk in question must be unmounted	(see umount(1M)), detached (if a
     mirrored xlv volume) see xlv_mgr(1M).  To do so it	may be necessary to
     use fuser(1M) to kill any processes using the file	systems.  If a file
     system on the disk	is an unmirrored xlv volume it is also necessary to
     execute an	xlv_shutdown(1M) after the umount.  For	each file system on
     the disk one of the following steps should	be taken.  After one of	the
     below cases (or other as needed) has been performed for all file systems
     on	the disk then run scsiadminswap	-u -b #	-d #.

     Case 1: the file system is	not an xlv volume
     1)	Unmount	the file system
       a) Hint:	fuser finds and	kills processes	using a	file system.

     Case 2: the file system is	an unmirrored xlv volume:
     1)	Unmount	the file system
       a) Hint:	fuser finds and	kills processes	using a	file system.
     2)	Perform	an xlv_shutdown.

     Case 3: the file system is	a mirrored xlv volume:
     1)	Run xlv_mgr and	perform	a detach of the	plex using the disk.

     Plugging in a disk:

     First run scsiadminswap -p	-b # -d	#.  Now	the file system	may need to be
     mounted (see mount(1M)) or	made part of an	xlv volume.  If	the disk is
     going to be part of a mirrored volume and already has vlx header

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scsiadminswap(1M)					     scsiadminswap(1M)

     information, an xlv_assemble(1M) should be	performed.  If the disk	is
     going to be part of a mirrored volume but does not	have xlv header
     information an xlv_make(1M) should	be performed before the
     xlv_assemble(1M).	If the disk had	old (from a different volume) xlv
     information then perform a	delete using xlv_mgr(1M) before	either of the
     above steps).  Depending on what needs to be done one of the following
     cases may apply.

     Case 1: the file system is	not an xlv volume
     1)	Mount the file system

     Case 2: the file system contains no prior xlv information
	     and will be an unmirrored xlv volume:
     1)	Perform	an xlv_make
     2)	Run xlv_mgr and	perform	an attach.
     3)	Mount the file system

     Case 3: the file system is	on a disk without prior	xlv
     information and will be a mirrored	xlv volume:
     1)	Mount the file system
     2)	Perform	an xlv_assemble.

     Case 4 & 5: As 2 &	3, except the disk has old xlv_info:
     1)	Run xlv_mgr and	perform	a delete of the	xlv label information
     2)	Go to Case 2 or	3

     The above cases for plug and unplug only cover the	common xlv situations.
     More information regarding	xlv volumes can	be found in the	"SGI Admin:
     IRIX Admin: Disks and Filesystems"	Insight	Book.  Also see	the .B
     Examples section at the end of the	man page for a sample session.

     The required options are:

     -u	or -p	  Indicates whether operation is an (u)nplug or	a (p)lug.  If
		  both are specified, it will be report	as an error.

     -b	bus	  Specifies the	scsi bus for the device.

     -d	device number
		  Specifies the	slot number for	the drive to be	removed	or

     Additional	options:

     -t	secs	  Specifies the	number of seconds the command will wait	while
		  the drive is inserted	or removed.  This default value	is 300
		  (5 minutes).	This is	the amount of time the command will
		  wait before automatically continuing with the	sequence.  In
		  general the command continues	when the user hits enter after
		  having inserted or removed the drive.

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scsiadminswap(1M)					     scsiadminswap(1M)

     -f		  Force	the command to occur even if it	discovers there	are
		  still	mounted	file systems, or file systems in use.  This is
		  very dangerous.

Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

     The following sequence of commands	could be used to swap a	disk in	slot 2
     with partition 7 mounted as /x

     umount /x
     scsiadminswap -u -b 0 -d 2
     scsiadminswap -p -b 0 -d 2
     mount -t xfs /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 /x

     The following sequence of commands	could be used to swap a	disk
     containing	old xlv	information into slot 2	with partition 7 mounted as a
     unmirrored	xlv volume named /lv1.

     umount /lv1
     xlv_shutdown -n sample_vol
     scsiadminswap -p -u -b 0 -d 2
     xlv_mgr -xc "delete label /dev/rdsk/dks0d2vh" (delete old label information)
     xlv_make (see xlv_make man	page for examples)
     xlv_mgr (perform attach)
     mount -t xfs /dev/dsk/dks0d2s7 /lv1

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     fuser(1M),	mount(1M), umount(1M), xlv_assemble(1M), xlv_make(1M),
     xlv_mgr(1M), xlv_shutdown(1M), fstab(4), mtab(4), scsiha(7M).

WARNINGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Care should be take when using the	scsiadminswap command.	There are
     periods when the scsi bus is in a sensitive state.	 The command should
     always be allowed to continue to completion.  Keep	the amount of time it
     takes to remove or	insert the drive to a minimum.	The most sensitive
     time occurs during	the unplug operation while the command is waiting for
     the drive to be removed.  During this period no other data	can be written
     to	any device on the bus from which the drive is being removed.  If the
     drive can not be removed or inserted in the requested time	do NOT kill
     the command half way through, let it finish and re-try again later.
     Killing the command during	execution will leave the scsi bus in a bad
     state.  Also to help ensure command success and prevent the system	from
     failing, any file systems on the disk to be removed should	not currently
     be	in use.

NOTE    [Toc]    [Back]

     The Performance Co-Pilot (see PCP(1)) may be used to monitor SCSI
     devices, however configuration changes by scsiadminswap may not be
     asynchronously detected.  If SCSI devices are being monitored,

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scsiadminswap(1M)					     scsiadminswap(1M)

     libirixpmda(5) may	be notified and	forced to reset	using the command:

	       > pmstore irix.xbow.switch 1

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 4444
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