reinstallpr - reinstall System V network printers
reinstallpr deletes and reinstalls all network printers currently
installed on the system. Printers physically attached to the system are
not deleted or reinstalled.
1. A network printer that refers to a printer no longer available on
the remote host will not be deleted or reinstalled.
2. A network printer that refers to a printer that is itself a network
printer on the remote host (a multihop) will not be deleted or
3. If communication with the remote printer host cannot be established,
the printer will not be deleted or reinstalled.
4. Printers physically connected to the system must be manually
5. Network printer icons on the desktop will be removed from the
desktop during the printer reinstallation process. The icons will
need to be manually placed on the desktop after the reinstall
process is complete.
1. When a printer is reinstalled, any printer-specific options saved
for that printer will be lost. Use the glp(1) program to create and
save new printer settings.
2. Printer classes containing network printers will need to be
recreated after running reinstallpr.
rmprinter(1M), mknetpr(1M), lpadmin(1M), lpsched(1M), lpstat(1),
mkserialpr(1M), mkcentpr(1M), glp(1)
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