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PERLBOT(1)							    PERLBOT(1)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     perlbot - Bag'o Object Tricks (the	BOT)

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The following collection of tricks	and hints is intended to whet curious
     appetites about such things as the	use of instance	variables and the
     mechanics of object and class relationships.  The reader is encouraged to
     consult relevant textbooks	for discussion of Object Oriented definitions
     and methodology.  This is not intended as a tutorial for object-oriented
     programming or as a comprehensive guide to	Perl's object oriented
     features, nor should it be	construed as a style guide.

     The Perl motto still holds:  There's more than one	way to do it.

OO SCALING TIPS    [Toc]    [Back]

     1	  Do not attempt to verify the type of $self.  That'll break if	the
	  class	is inherited, when the type of $self is	valid but its package
	  isn't	what you expect.  See rule 5.

     2	  If an	object-oriented	(OO) or	indirect-object	(IO) syntax was	used,
	  then the object is probably the correct type and there's no need to
	  become paranoid about	it.  Perl isn't	a paranoid language anyway.
	  If people subvert the	OO or IO syntax	then they probably know	what
	  they're doing	and you	should let them	do it.	See rule 1.

     3	  Use the two-argument form of bless().	 Let a subclass	use your
	  constructor.	See the	section	on INHERITING A	CONSTRUCTOR.

     4	  The subclass is allowed to know things about its immediate
	  superclass, the superclass is	allowed	to know	nothing	about a

     5	  Don't	be trigger happy with inheritance.  A "using", "containing",
	  or "delegation" relationship (some sort of aggregation, at least) is
	  often	more appropriate.  See the section on OBJECT RELATIONSHIPS,
	  the section on USING RELATIONSHIP WITH SDBM, and the section on

     6	  The object is	the namespace.	Make package globals accessible	via
	  the object.  This will remove	the guess work about the symbol's home
	  package.  See	the section on CLASS CONTEXT AND THE OBJECT.

     7	  IO syntax is certainly less noisy, but it is also prone to
	  ambiguities that can cause difficult-to-find bugs.  Allow people to
	  use the sure-thing OO	syntax,	even if	you don't like it.

     8	  Do not use function-call syntax on a method.	You're going to	be
	  bitten someday.  Someone might move that method into a superclass
	  and your code	will be	broken.	 On top	of that	you're feeding the
	  paranoia in rule 2.

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     9	  Don't	assume you know	the home package of a method.  You're making
	  it difficult for someone to override that method.  See the section


     An	anonymous array	or anonymous hash can be used to hold instance
     variables.	 Named parameters are also demonstrated.

	     package Foo;

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	%params	= @_;
		     my	$self =	{};
		     $self->{'High'} = $params{'High'};
		     $self->{'Low'}  = $params{'Low'};
		     bless $self, $type;

	     package Bar;

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	%params	= @_;
		     my	$self =	[];
		     $self->[0]	= $params{'Left'};
		     $self->[1]	= $params{'Right'};
		     bless $self, $type;

	     package main;

	     $a	= Foo->new( 'High' => 42, 'Low'	=> 11 );
	     print "High=$a->{'High'}\n";
	     print "Low=$a->{'Low'}\n";

	     $b	= Bar->new( 'Left' => 78, 'Right' => 40	);
	     print "Left=$b->[0]\n";
	     print "Right=$b->[1]\n";

     An	anonymous scalar can be	used when only one instance variable is

	     package Foo;

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	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	$self;
		     $self = shift;
		     bless \$self, $type;

	     package main;

	     $a	= Foo->new( 42 );
	     print "a=$$a\n";


     This example demonstrates how one might inherit instance variables	from a
     superclass	for inclusion in the new class.	 This requires calling the
     superclass's constructor and adding one's own instance variables to the
     new object.

	     package Bar;

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	$self =	{};
		     $self->{'buz'} = 42;
		     bless $self, $type;

	     package Foo;
	     @ISA = qw(	Bar );

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	$self =	Bar->new;
		     $self->{'biz'} = 11;
		     bless $self, $type;

	     package main;

	     $a	= Foo->new;
	     print "buz	= ", $a->{'buz'}, "\n";
	     print "biz	= ", $a->{'biz'}, "\n";


     The following demonstrates	how one	might implement	"containing" and
     "using" relationships between objects.

	     package Bar;

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	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	$self =	{};
		     $self->{'buz'} = 42;
		     bless $self, $type;

	     package Foo;

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	$self =	{};
		     $self->{'Bar'} = Bar->new;
		     $self->{'biz'} = 11;
		     bless $self, $type;

	     package main;

	     $a	= Foo->new;
	     print "buz	= ", $a->{'Bar'}->{'buz'}, "\n";
	     print "biz	= ", $a->{'biz'}, "\n";


     The following example demonstrates	how to override	a superclass method
     and then call the overridden method.  The SUPER pseudo-class allows the
     programmer	to call	an overridden superclass method	without	actually
     knowing where that	method is defined.

	     package Buz;
	     sub goo { print "here's the goo\n"	}

	     package Bar; @ISA = qw( Buz );
	     sub google	{ print	"google	here\n"	}

	     package Baz;
	     sub mumble	{ print	"mumbling\n" }

	     package Foo;
	     @ISA = qw(	Bar Baz	);

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	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     bless [], $type;
	     sub grr { print "grumble\n" }
	     sub goo {
		     my	$self =	shift;
	     sub mumble	{
		     my	$self =	shift;
	     sub google	{
		     my	$self =	shift;

	     package main;

	     $foo = Foo->new;

     This example demonstrates an interface for	the SDBM class.	 This creates
     a "using" relationship between the	SDBM class and the new class Mydbm.

	     package Mydbm;

	     require SDBM_File;
	     require Tie::Hash;
	     @ISA = qw(	Tie::Hash );

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	     sub TIEHASH {
		 my $type = shift;
		 my $ref  = SDBM_File->new(@_);
		 bless {'dbm' => $ref},	$type;
	     sub FETCH {
		 my $self = shift;
		 my $ref  = $self->{'dbm'};
	     sub STORE {
		 my $self = shift;
		 if (defined $_[0]){
		     my	$ref = $self->{'dbm'};
		 } else	{
		     die "Cannot STORE an undefined key	in Mydbm\n";

	     package main;
	     use Fcntl qw( O_RDWR O_CREAT );

	     tie %foo, "Mydbm",	"Sdbm",	O_RDWR|O_CREAT,	0640;
	     $foo{'bar'} = 123;
	     print "foo-bar = $foo{'bar'}\n";

	     tie %bar, "Mydbm",	"Sdbm2", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640;
	     $bar{'Cathy'} = 456;
	     print "bar-Cathy =	$bar{'Cathy'}\n";


     One strength of Object-Oriented languages is the ease with	which old code
     can use new code.	The following examples will demonstrate	first how one
     can hinder	code reuse and then how	one can	promote	code reuse.

     This first	example	illustrates a class which uses a fully-qualified
     method call to access the "private" method	BAZ().	The second example
     will show that it is impossible to	override the BAZ() method.

	     package FOO;

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     bless {}, $type;
	     sub bar {
		     my	$self =	shift;

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	     package FOO::private;

	     sub BAZ {
		     print "in BAZ\n";

	     package main;

	     $a	= FOO->new;

     Now we try	to override the	BAZ() method.  We would	like FOO::bar()	to
     call GOOP::BAZ(), but this	cannot happen because FOO::bar() explicitly
     calls FOO::private::BAZ().

	     package FOO;

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     bless {}, $type;
	     sub bar {
		     my	$self =	shift;

	     package FOO::private;

	     sub BAZ {
		     print "in BAZ\n";

	     package GOOP;
	     @ISA = qw(	FOO );
	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     bless {}, $type;

	     sub BAZ {
		     print "in GOOP::BAZ\n";

	     package main;

	     $a	= GOOP->new;

     To	create reusable	code we	must modify class FOO, flattening class
     FOO::private.  The	next example shows a reusable class FOO	which allows
     the method	GOOP::BAZ() to be used in place	of FOO::BAZ().

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	     package FOO;

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     bless {}, $type;
	     sub bar {
		     my	$self =	shift;

	     sub BAZ {
		     print "in BAZ\n";

	     package GOOP;
	     @ISA = qw(	FOO );

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     bless {}, $type;
	     sub BAZ {
		     print "in GOOP::BAZ\n";

	     package main;

	     $a	= GOOP->new;


     Use the object to solve package and class context problems.  Everything a
     method needs should be available via the object or	should be passed as a
     parameter to the method.

     A class will sometimes have static	or global data to be used by the
     methods.  A subclass may want to override that data and replace it	with
     new data.	When this happens the superclass may not know how to find the
     new copy of the data.

     This problem can be solved	by using the object to define the context of
     the method.  Let the method look in the object for	a reference to the
     data.  The	alternative is to force	the method to go hunting for the data
     ("Is it in	my class, or in	a subclass?  Which subclass?"),	and this can
     be	inconvenient and will lead to hackery.	It is better just to let the
     object tell the method where that data is located.

	     package Bar;

	     %fizzle = ( 'Password' => 'XYZZY' );

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	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	$self =	{};
		     $self->{'fizzle'} = \%fizzle;
		     bless $self, $type;

	     sub enter {
		     my	$self =	shift;

		     # Don't try to guess if we	should use %Bar::fizzle
		     # or %Foo::fizzle.	 The object already knows which
		     # we should use, so just ask it.
		     my	$fizzle	= $self->{'fizzle'};

		     print "The	word is	", $fizzle->{'Password'}, "\n";

	     package Foo;
	     @ISA = qw(	Bar );

	     %fizzle = ( 'Password' => 'Rumple'	);

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	$self =	Bar->new;
		     $self->{'fizzle'} = \%fizzle;
		     bless $self, $type;

	     package main;

	     $a	= Bar->new;
	     $b	= Foo->new;


     An	inheritable constructor	should use the second form of bless() which
     allows blessing directly into a specified class.  Notice in this example
     that the object will be a BAR not a FOO, even though the constructor is
     in	class FOO.

	     package FOO;

	     sub new {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	$self =	{};
		     bless $self, $type;

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	     sub baz {
		     print "in FOO::baz()\n";

	     package BAR;
	     @ISA = qw(FOO);

	     sub baz {
		     print "in BAR::baz()\n";

	     package main;

	     $a	= BAR->new;

DELEGATION    [Toc]    [Back]

     Some classes, such	as SDBM_File, cannot be	effectively subclassed because
     they create foreign objects.  Such	a class	can be extended	with some sort
     of	aggregation technique such as the "using" relationship mentioned
     earlier or	by delegation.

     The following example demonstrates	delegation using an AUTOLOAD()
     function to perform message-forwarding.  This will	allow the Mydbm	object
     to	behave exactly like an SDBM_File object.  The Mydbm class could	now
     extend the	behavior by adding custom FETCH() and STORE() methods, if this
     is	desired.

	     package Mydbm;

	     require SDBM_File;
	     require Tie::Hash;
	     @ISA = qw(Tie::Hash);

	     sub TIEHASH {
		     my	$type =	shift;
		     my	$ref = SDBM_File->new(@_);
		     bless {'delegate' => $ref};

	     sub AUTOLOAD {
		     my	$self =	shift;

		     # The Perl	interpreter places the name of the
		     # message in a variable called $AUTOLOAD.

		     # DESTROY messages	should never be	propagated.
		     return if $AUTOLOAD =~ /::DESTROY$/;

		     # Remove the package name.
		     $AUTOLOAD =~ s/^Mydbm:://;

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		     # Pass the	message	to the delegate.

	     package main;
	     use Fcntl qw( O_RDWR O_CREAT );

	     tie %foo, "Mydbm",	"adbm",	O_RDWR|O_CREAT,	0640;
	     $foo{'bar'} = 123;
	     print "foo-bar = $foo{'bar'}\n";

								       PPPPaaaaggggeeee 11111111
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