peer_snmpd(1M) peer_snmpd(1M)
peer_snmpd - Simple Network Management Protocol daemon
/usr/etc/peer_snmpd config-file parameter-file
peer_snmpd is a daemon which implements versions one and two (V1 and V2p)
of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) as specified in Internet
RFC series 1441-1452. The daemon, called the SNMP agent, can be
configured to run from the network startup script at boot time by the
command chkconfig snmpd on or started from the command line. You must be
superuser (root) to run peer_snmpd. peer_snmpd listens on a udp(7P)
socket for the snmp service for SNMP queries. If no such service can be
found, a default port of 161 is used.
The configuration file (typically /etc/peer_snmpd_config) is read at
startup to determine behavior, and the parameters file (typically
/etc/peer_nov) is used to store the values of setable variables in the
Management Information Base (MIB). The snmp startup script reads the
file /etc/config/peer_snmpd.options to determine these parameters at
peer_snmpd is a bilingual SNMP Agent that implements Community String
based security (SNMPv1 packets) as well Party based security (SNMPv2p
packets). Please see peer_snmpd_config(4) for v1 configuring community
strings and v2 parties.
RFC 1157, RFC 1213, RFC 1441 - RFC 1452.
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