network(1M) network(1M)
network - network initialization and shutdown script
/etc/init.d/network [ start | stop ]
The network shell script is called during system startup from /etc/rc2 to
initialize the standard and optional network devices and daemons. The
script is called during system shutdown from /etc/rc0 to gracefully kill
the daemons and inactivate the devices.
When called with the start argument, the network script does the
following, using the various configuration flags described below:
o Defines the hostname and hostid based on the name in /etc/sys_id and
its corresponding Internet address in /etc/hosts.
o Checks that the host's Internet address is not the default
Internet test address. If the address is the default address, the
software is configured for standalone mode. An Internet address other
than the default must be chosen in order to configure the network
properly. See the guide IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail for
information on selecting an address.
o Initializes the network interfaces. The HyperNet interface is
initialized if the hypernet configuration flag is on. If multiple
ethernet or FDDI interfaces are present, the script computes typical
primary and gateway interface names and addresses for most systems.
/etc/config/netif.options provides a place for site-dependent network
interface definitions. You need to modify this file only if:
- the computed primary and/or gateway interface names are incorrect
- you don't like convention used to define addresses for interfaces
- the host has more than 2 ethernet or FDDI interfaces
Each interface must have a unique Internet address and hostname in
/etc/hosts. The script derives the names from /etc/sys_id. The
prefix gate- is prepended to the hostname to generate the second
interface's name. The suffix -hy is appended to generate the HyperNet
interface's name. For example: yosemite gate-yosemite yosemite-hy
See the comments in /etc/config/netif.options for details.
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o Deletes existing routes.
o Starts the standard networking daemons such as the routing, portmap
and DNS nameserver daemons. Initializes the default multicast route.
o (If the NFS option is installed). Defines the NIS domain name using
/var/yp/ypdomain if it exists. If the NIS domain is the same as the
Internet domain name in /etc/sys_id, then ypdomain is not needed.
Starts name service daemons, mounts and exports NFS filesystems,
starts NFS automount, lock and status daemons.
o Starts the inetd, timed, timeslave, rarpd, and rwhod daemons.
o Starts the 4DDN software (if installed).
When called with the stop argument, the network script gracefully
terminates daemons in the correct order, unmounts NFS filesystems and
inactivates the network interfaces.
A daemon or subsystem is enabled if its configuration flag in the
/etc/config directory in the on state. If a flag file is missing, the
flag is considered off. Use the chkconfig(1M) command to turn a flag on
or off. For example,
chkconfig timed on
enables the timed flag. When invoked without arguments, chkconfig prints
the state of all known flags.
There are two special flags: verbose and network. The verbose flag
controls the printing of the names of daemons as they are started and the
printing of NFS-mounted filesystem names as they are mounted and
unmounted. The network flag allows incoming and outgoing traffic. This
flag can be set off if you need to isolate the machine from network
without removing cables.
The following table lists the configuration flags used to initialize
standard and optional software.
Flag Action if on
routed Start IP routing deamon
gated Start Cornell/Merit IP super-routing daemon instead of
mrouted Start Stanford IP multicast routing daemon
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network(1M) network(1M)
named Start 4.3BSD Internet domain name server
rtnetd Initialize preemptable networking for real-time use
rwhod Start 4.3BSD rwho daemon
timed Start 4.3BSD time synchronization daemon
timeslave Start SGI time synchronization daemon
hypernet Initialize HyperNet controller and routes
nfs Start NFS daemons, mount NFS filesystems
automount Start NFS automounter daemon
lockd Start NFS lock and status daemons
nsd Enable name services, start nsd daemon
rarpd Start the Reverse ARP daemon
ypmaster Start password server; nsd should also be on.
4DDN Initialize 4DDN (DECnet connectivity) software
Site-dependent options for daemons belong in ``options'' files in
/etc/config. Certain daemons require options so their options file must
contain valid information. See the guide IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail
and the daemon's manual page in section 1M for details on valid options.
File Status
automount.options optional
biod.options optional
gated.options optional
ifconfig-1.options optional (for primary network interface)
ifconfig-2.options optional (for gateway network interface)
ifconfig-3.options optional (for 2nd gateway network interface)
ifconfig-4.options optional (for 3rd gateway network interface)
ifconfig-hy.options optional (for HyperNet interface)
inetd.options optional
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network(1M) network(1M)
mrouted.options optional
named.options optional
netif.options optional (to select different primary & gateway
interfaces, etc.)
nfsd.options optional
nsd.options optional
portmap.options optional
rarpd.options optional
routed.options optional
rpc.passwd.options optional
rwhod.options optional
static-route.options optional (to specify static routes)
timed.options optional
timeslave.options required
Site-dependent configuration commands to start and stop local daemons and
publish arp entries should be put in a separate shell script called
/etc/init.d/network.local. Make symbolic links in /etc/rc0.d and
/etc/rc2.d to this file to have it called during system startup and
ln -s /etc/init.d/network.local /etc/rc0.d/K39network
ln -s /etc/init.d/network.local /etc/rc2.d/S31network
See /etc/init.d/network for the general format of the script.
/etc/rc0.d/K40network linked to network
/etc/rc2.d/S30network linked to network
/etc/config configuration flags and options files
/etc/sys_id hostname
/etc/hosts Internet address-name database
/var/yp/ypdomain NIS domain name
chkconfig(1M), rc0(1M), rc2(1M).
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network(1M) network(1M)
IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail
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