ircombine(1G) ircombine(1G)
ircombine - Create, modify, query, load and save video format
/usr/gfx/ircombine [destination] [source] [options]
ircombine creates and operates on video format combinations, descriptions
of raster sizes and timings to be used on video outputs, as well as the
configuration of the underlying frame buffer. The resulting combination
can be used as the current video configuration, stored as the default
configuration to be used at system power-up or graphics initialization,
or saved in a video format combination file. The combination can be
created from scratch or by modifying the current or a saved combination.
Ircombine requires write access to the /usr/gfx/ucode/KONA/dg4/cmb
directory to download combinations. Users can change between pre-built
combinations using the setmon(1g) command. ircombine subsumes the
functionality of setmon(1G).
Options [Toc] [Back]
-destination [active | eeprom | file <filename>] - This option specifies
the destination of the video format combination. If this option is
omitted, and no queries are specified, ircombine will bring up a
graphical interface by default.
active specifies that the combination will be loaded as the current,
active video configuration, but not saved in the eeprom. This will
temporarily change the video configuration, but the combination will
not be used when graphics is initialized or the the system is
powered up. A destination of active is only legal if the target
machine is local.
eeprom specifies that the combination will be saved in the eeprom
and used as the default. The combination does not take effect
immediately; it is only used the next time graphics is initialized
or the system is powered up. To initialize graphics, use
(/usr/gfx/stopgfx; /usr/gfx/startgfx) &
file specifies that the combination will be saved in a video format
combination file <filename>. <filename> is specified relative to
the current working directory.
-source [active | file <filename>] - This option controls the source of
the combination to me modified, loaded, or queried. active and file are
similar to the options to -destination. If the source is active, the
destination must be active as well, and only the following parameters may
be modified: cursorpriority, filtersize, gain, gamma, hphase, pedestal,
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schphase, sourceloc, sourcesize, vphase; in addition, if the source is
active channels may be disabled, but not enabled. If -source is not
specified, all parameters which are not specified take on their default
-gui - Brings up a graphical interface with which to create video format
combinations. If this option is specified in conjunction with other
options which modify the combination, the other operations are performed
first, and the gui may be used to make additional modifications. This
option may not be specified with -destination. If no destination is
specified, and no queries are made to the combination, the graphical
interface is used by default.
The following options modify the specified video format combination, or
query parameters of the combination and return them on stdout.
-global [parameter|parameter=value,...] - Modifies or queries the global
attributes of the video format combination. This option is followed by a
list of parameters or parameter assignments. If no assignment is made,
the current setting of the parameter in the modified combination is
queried and returned on stdout. Parameters may be specified multiple
times in order to both set and query a parameter. Since commas delimit
parameters in this list, they not used in value. The following
parameters may be specified:
gamma=<value> - Specifies the global output video gamma value for
this combination. If the globalgamma parameter is ON, this gamma
value is used for all channels in the combination. Valid values for
gamma are floating point numbers in the range [0,20], and the
default is 1.7. Setting this parameter modifies the gamma values on
all components of the output. To modify the gamma value of a single
component, use one of the options gammar, gammag, or gammab.
globalgamma= [ON|OFF] - Specifies whether the global gamma value is
used as the output video gamma for all channels in the combination.
The DG4-2 display generator supports a single output gamma map, so
globalgamma must be used with this target hardware. The DG4-8
supports sixteen gamma maps, so each channel may use its own unique
gamma value.
pixeldepth= [ DEEPEST | XS | S | M | L | XL ] - Specifies the size
of the pixels to be used in the combination. If XS, S, M, L, or XL
is specified, the combination will only be used with this size
pixel, and will be invalid if the specified pixel size is not
available. If DEEPEST is specified, the largest pixel size which
can be supported by the hardware configuration will be chosen at the
time the combination is loaded. When the combination is validated,
ircombine will report the pixel size which would be chosen for the
given hardware configuration.
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size=XxY - Specifies the size of the frame buffer in pixels. The
y-size must be a multiple of 2. The default is either 1280x1024 or
the minimum legal bounding rectangle of the specified combination,
whichever is larger.
syncformat=<name> - For external sync, specifies the name of the
video format file which describes the format to which the video
subsystem will lock. If you do not specify an input genlock format,
the video format of the combination's lowest numbered channel with a
valid sync signal will be used.
syncsource= [ INTERNAL | EXTERNAL | LOOPBACK_CH1 ] - Specifies
whether the default genlock source will be internal, external, or
loopbacked via an external cable from the channel 1 output.
textport=<channel number> - Specifies the channel to be used as the
textport output. This is the channel on which the PROM monitor is
displayed. See prom(1M). This channel must be a valid channel in
the combination. By default, the combination's lowest numbered
channel is used.
-channel <channel> [parameter|parameter=value,...] - Modifies or queries
the attributes associated with the specified channel of the video format
combination. <channel> may be a number in the range 0-7 to specify the
corresponding video channel, encoder to specify the encoder channel,
sirius to specify the Sirius option board (if it exists), dplex to
specify the dplex board (if it exists), tvo to specify the tvo board (if
it exists), hdgvo to specify the tvo board combined with vbob acting as
hdgvo (if it exists) dvp to specify the digital video port board (if it
exists), or gvo to specify the 601 serial digital video out board (if it
exists). The -channel option may be used multiple times on a single
command line to specify different channels of the video format
combination. The assignment of parameters is similar in operation to -b.
The following parameters may be specified:
alpha= [ON|OFF] - Specifies that this channel should produce the
alpha component of the pixels rather than RGB values. This must be
used in conjunction with the RGBA10 pixel format, and produces the
alpha component on the blue component of the output. When you use
this option, gamma correction is disabled for the channel.
colorspace=[ REC709_10 | REC709_8 | CCIR601_10 | CCIR601_8 |
REC240_10 | REC240_8 ] - Specifies the colorspace to be output by
the HDGVO channel. In HDGVO, the RGB pixels from the framebuffer are
converted into one of 3 colorspaces, at either 8 or 10 bits per
component. The three colorspaces are REC 709, CCIR601, and REC240.
The default colorspace is REC 709 at 10 bits per component. This
setting does not work for channels other than HDGVO.
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cursorpriority=value - Specifies the priority of this channel for
cursor drawing. This priority is used to determine which channel
displays the cursor in a region in which the input rectangles of two
or more channels overlap. Numbers range from 0 to 255, with lower
numbers indicating higher priority. If the cursor enters a region
shared by two channels of equal cursor priority, the channel which
last displayed the cursor retains it. If the cursor did not
previously appear in either of the contending channels, the channel
with the lower channel number displays the cursor.
delete - Specifies that the channel should be deleted from the
combination. This parameter does not need to be given an
dither= [ON|OFF] - Specifies whether or not the output of this
channel is to be dithered. If dither is not selected, and the frame
buffer color representation has more precision than the the video
format, i.e., 12-bit RGB pixels in the frame buffer with RGB10 pixel
format for video, the colors will be truncated. If dither is
selected, a fixed pattern of noise will be added to the colors
before they are truncated to reduce the perceptible artifacts
introduced by truncation. By default, dithering is OFF.
enable= [ON|OFF] - Specifies whether this channel should be enabled
in the combination. If a channel is disabled, but not deleted, the
definition of the channel is stored in the combination, but no
output is generated, and no bandwidth is consumed for the channel.
If any parameters are specified for a channel, it is enabled by
default; all other channels are disabled by default.
filtersize=XxY - Specifies the size of the filters used when the
channel resizes the source pixels to the channel. Values for the
x-filter are in the range [1,13], for the y-filter [1,7].
format=<format name> - Specifies the name of the video format to be
used on this channel. For the encoder channel, the only valid
values are NTSC and PAL, corresponding to the 640x486_30i and
768x576_25i formats. For Sirius, the valid values are 525, 625,
CCIR601_525, and CCIR601_625, corresponding to the 646x486_30i,
768x576_25i, CCIR601_525 (720x485_25i), and CCIR601_625
(720x576_25i) formats, respectively. For GVO, the valid values are
CCIR601_525_DGO, and CCIR601_625_DGO. The default format for the
encoder is NTSC. The default for Sirius is 525. The default for
GVO is CCIR601_525_DGO. The default format for all other channels
is 1280x1024_60.
gain=<value> - Specifies the default output video gain for this
channel. The valid range is [0,10], and the default is 1. This
value will be coerced to the closest gain which is physically
realizable on the output channel. Thus, if the gain is set and
subsequently queried, the input and returned values may not be the
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gamma=<value> - Specifies the output video gamma value for this
channel. Valid values for gamma are floating point numbers in the
range [0,20], and the default is 1.7. Setting this parameter
modifies the gamma values on all components of the output channel.
To modify gamma value on a single component, use one of the options
gammar, gammag, or gammab.
hphase=<value> - Specifies the default horizontal phase value for
this channel. This setting applies only if the channel is genlocked
to external sync. Positive values delay the genlocked video channel
with respect to external sync, and negative values advance it.
<value> is a floating point number. The default is 0.
maxsize=WxH - Specifies the maximum size of the input region of the
frame buffer. This places a limit on the bandwidth requirements of
the channel, and is used in validating the video format combination.
See also the sourcesize and minsize parameters.
minsize=WxH - Specifies the minimum size of the input region of the
frame buffer. If minsize is set equal to maxsize, the source
rectangle cannot be rescaled. See also the sourcesize and maxsize
panstep=[ LOCKED | PIXEL | TILE ]x[ LOCKED | PIXEL ] - Specifies the
resolution with which the input window of the channel may be panned
in x and y while the combination is active. This parameter does not
affect the initial placement of the channel's source region. LOCKED
indicates that the source rectangle cannot be be moved in the
corresponding direction. PIXEL indicates that the window can be
panned to any pixel location. TILE for the x resolution indicates
that the x-coordinate of the window can only be moved in 160 pixel
increments, corresponding to one frame buffer tile. This is used to
decrease the bandwidth requirement of a video format combination.
Because pixels are fetched from the frame buffer in 160 pixel tiles,
if the input window is not aligned to these blocks, more pixels may
need to be fetched that are actually used in the output. The
default is TILExPIXEL.
pedestal= [OFF|ON] - Enables pedestal (also known as setup), an
artificial black level voltage, for this output. By default, setup
is disabled.
pixelformat=[ RGB10 | RGBA10 | RGB12 | Z | FS ] - Specifies the
output pixel format for this channel. You may specify RGB10 to
indicate 10-bit RGB (no alpha), RGBA10 to indicate 10-bit RGB (with
alpha), RGB12 to indicate 12-bit RGB (no alpha), Z to indicate 24-
bit Z component, or FS to indicate stereo field sequential. The
output pixel format is unrelated to the underlying frame buffer
organization. The default is RGB10.
scan=[ PROGRESSIVE | INTERLEAVED | STACKED ] - Specifies the field
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layout of this channel in the frame buffer. PROGRESSIVE specifies
sequential data fetching, in which each field draws from the entire
source region of the channel. This is the default. INTERLEAVED
specifies an interlaced output format, in which the lines of the
fields are vertically interleaved in the frame buffer. STACKED
specifies an interlaced output format, in which the lines of each
field are contiguous; the lines of the first of n fields occupy the
top nth of the frame buffer, the lines of the second field occupy
the next nth, and so on. The default is either PROGRESSIVE or
INTERLEAVED, according to the channel's video format. STACKED field
layout allows you to reduce fill, rendering only the visible lines
of each field of an interlaced format.
schphase=<phase> - Specifies the subcarrier-to-H phase of the output
of the channel. Note this value is useful only on the encoder
sourcechannel=<channel number> - Specifies the channel on which the
current channel is dependent. If the source channel is the same as
the current channel, the channel will run in independent mode. In
dependent mode, a portion of the visible surface from the source
channel is sent to this channel for video out. Only the encoder,
Sirius, and GVO channels can operate in dependent mode. By
default, this is the same as the channel number.
sourceloc=w+h - Specifies the default origin of the source rectangle
of this channel in the frame buffer. The location is specified in
pixels, and is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. The
default origin is 0+0.
sourcesize=XxY - Specifies the default size in pixels of the source
rectangle of this channel in the frame buffer. This rectangle may
be larger or smaller than the video format, but must be within the
bounds specified by minsize and maxsize. This parameter is used for
resizing pixels from the frame buffer for display. Setting it
smaller or larger than the output size of the video format will
cause the pixels to be magnified or minified. The default size is
that of the video format for this channel.
sync= [R | G | B | N] - Specifies which of the output components
have sync enabled. Use a single letter or a combination of R (red
component), G (green component), and B (blue component). N
specifies sync on none of the components. Default is sync on green
syncport= [COMPOSITE|HORIZONTAL] - Specifies the default setting for
the output of the alternate sync port. Specifying COMPOSITE places
composite sync on the sync port. Specifying HORIZONTAL places
horizontal sync on the sync port. The default is COMPOSITE.
synctrilevel= [ON|OFF] - Enables tri-level sync on the RGB outputs.
The default is OFF.
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usegamma= [ON|OFF] - Specifies whether the gamma values specified
for this channel should be used in generating the output video. If
usegamma is OFF, the default gamma value will be used instead. The
globalgamma global parameter overrides this option.
vphase=<value> - Specifies the default vertical phase value for this
channel. This setting applies only if the channel is genlocked to
external sync. vphase ranges from 0 to the number of lines in the
video format minus one. The default value is 0.
Other options available with ircombine:
-description<description> Specifies a string of up to 256 characters
which describes the combination. If <description> contains any spaces,
it should be enclosed in quotes. If the combination is written to a
file, this string is included in the file; otherwise it has no effect.
-inputfile<filename> - After command line options are exhausted, read
additional input from filename. This file utilizes the same syntax as
the command line, except that it may contain carriage returns between
options or parameters.
-printcommand - Generates a command line which would create the source
combination. This command line is printed to stdout. If the destination
option is specified, it will be reproduced on the generated command line.
-target<displayname> - Specifies that the graphics system whose video
format combination will be changed is a display other that specified by
the DISPLAY environment variable. This option uses the same format as
the -display toolkit option. Note that the -display option does not
change the target display. The -target option may also be used to
specify the pipe for which the combination is to be changed on systems
with multiple graphics pipes. If the pipe number is not specified with
this command line option, the pipe number is extracted from the DISPLAY
environment variable.
-validate[parameter=value,...] - Specifies the hardware configuration
for which to validate that the video format combination can be supported.
Any parameter which is not specified by this option defaults to the
configuration of the target display, if it has InfiniteReality graphics.
Otherwise, the defaults given below are used. The following parameters
may be specified with this option:
numrms=<count> - Specifies the number of raster managers available.
The default is 1.
gfxrev=<revision> - Specifies the version of graphics hardware.
Valid types are ONYX_IR , ONYX2_IR , and ONYX2_R. The default is
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numchannels=<count> - Specifies the number of video channels
available. The default is 2.
channelrev=<revision> - Specifies the revision number of the video
channels. The default is 0.
optchanneltype=<type> - Specifies the type of the option channel.
Valid types are NONE , SIRIUS, GVO, DPLEX, and DVP. The default is
-verbose - Enables verbose mode. This causes a listing of the entire
video format combination to be printed to stdout.
On completion, ircombine returns a 0 if the combination was successfully
created. If ircombine was unsuccessful, it returns a non-zero value.
ircombine -destination file 1280x1024_60.cmb \
-channel 0 format=1280x1024_60.vfo
Creates a combination file 1280x1024_60.cmb with a single channel
whose format is 1280x1024_60.
ircombine -destination active \
-source file 1280x1024_60.cmb \
-channel 0 gain = 2
Loads the combination stored in 1280x1024_60.cmb as the current
combination, and changes channel 0's gain to 2.
ircombine -destination file 640x486_30i.cmb \
-global size=640x486 \
-channel 0 format=640x486_30i.cmb, scan=INTERLEAVED
Creates a combination file 640x486_30i.cmb with a managed area of
640x486 pixels, a single channel with a 30Hz interleaved format,
640x486_30i, and whose field layout is INTERLEAVED.
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ircombine -destination eeprom \
-global size=640x480 \
-channel 0 format=640x480_120s.vfo
Stores a combination in the eeprom with a managed area of 640x480
pixels, and a single channel with a 120Hz stereo format,
ircombine -destination file 2@1280x1024_72.cmb \
-channel 0 format=1280x1024_72.vfo, sourceloc=0+0,
-channel 1 format=1280x1024_72.vfo, sourceloc=1280+0,
Creates a combination file 2@1280x1024_72.cmb with two channels
whose formats are both 80x1024_72, and whose source regions are
located side by side in the frame buffer, with their locations
setmon(1G), Xvc(3).
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 9999 [ Back ]