imgworks - visual tool for enhancing image files
imgworks [ imgfile[:index] ] [-nofork]
imgworks is a visual tool for altering and enhancing color and monochrome
images. imgworks provides a graphical user interface that shows the
effect of each operation as it is performed. Additionally, you can undo
or redo a series of operations.
You can use imgworks to manipulate images in the following ways:
flipping, resizing, cropping, and rotating them; converting color to
monochrome; creating photographic negatives; adjusting brightness,
contrast, and color balance; thresholding and posterizing (quantizing);
performing histogram equalization; and blurring or sharpening them.
imgworks can also display a histogram providing statistical information
about an image. The histogram display updates itself dynamically as each
operation is performed.
The optional index after the file name is useful on multi-resolution
images like Photo CD, to select the desired sub-image. You can use
imginfo to get a complete list of all sub-images for a given file.
Specifies that the imgworks should run in the foreground, when
invoked from the shell. The default is to fork and run in the
background during startup. This option is provided for consistency
with the media tools, such as movieplayer and soundeditor.
For more information, please refer to the IRIS Utilities Guide and the
online help.
imgworks understands the following X resources:
Specifies the preferred size and location of the imgworks window.
Specifies the number of actions remembered by the Undo and Redo
commands. The default is 8.
/usr/sbin/imgworks The tool
/usr/lib/iltools/ImgWorks*.hlp Online help files
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The supported image file formats depend on which file formats are
currently installed. The installed formats can be listed with the
imgformats(1) command.
IRIS Utilities Guide , imgworks online help, imgview(1), imgcopy(1),
imginfo(1), imgformats(1)
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