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FTNLIST(1)					      Last changed: 7-25-97

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     ftnlist, cflist - Provides	a detailed Fortran program listing

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     ftnlist [-a] [-b] [-c] [-C] [-d option_ID]	[-e option_ID]
     [-f option_ID] [-g	option_ID] [-h]	[-H] [-i number] [-n number]
     [-o filename] [-p]	[-r number] [-s	number]	[-v number] [-V] file.f[90]
     [file.T]  ...

     cflist [-a] [-b] [-c] [-C]	[-d option_ID] [-e option_ID]
     [-f option_ID] [-g	option_ID] [-h]	[-H] [-i number] [-n number]
     [-o filename] [-p]	[-r number] [-s	number]	[-v number] [-V] file.f[90]
     [file.T]  ...

IMPLEMENTATION    [Toc]    [Back]

     ftnlist is	supported on UNICOS, UNICOS/mk,	and IRIX systems

     cflist is supported on UNICOS and UNICOS/mk systems

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The ftnlist and cflist commands list a Fortran program with
     cross-references, loop and	parallel indicators, and reports from a
     static call-tree analysis.	 ftnlist and cflist produce a set of
     listings, tables, and reports about the target Fortran programs, as

     * A source	listing	with associated	reports, optional INCLUDE file
       expansions, and cross-reference tables using command-line options.

     * A set of	reports	and cross-reference information	for each subprogram

     * A set of	reports	and cross reference information	for each Fortran
       source file encountered.

     * A set of	cross-reference	tables and reports that	are global to the
       application.  You can control these through command-line	options.

     * Summary information and a table of contents.

     The ftnlist and cflist commands embed error messages, if any, in the
     source code.  They	indicate jump and target directions and	produce	the
     following tables for each compilation unit.  Note that the	exact
     content of	the report depends on the compiler you are using:

     * Argument	usage

     * Alternate ENTRY point table

     * Named constant usage

     * Common block usage

     * NAMELIST	report

     * Parallelism report

     * Externals usage

     * Label table

     * Local variables usage

     * Module usage report

     * Internal	subprogram report

     * Interface block report

     * Derived type report

     * Identifier cross-reference

     * ftnlist/cflist message report

     * Compiler	messages

     The ftnlist and cflist message report contains information	about the
     compilation unit that might bear further investigation (for example,
     arguments that are	never used or local variables that are used before
     they are defined).

     When multiple compilation units or	multiple files are presented to
     ftnlist or	cflist,	it also	produces a series of global reports,
     including the following:

     * Global call-chain messages (for example,	argument type and number
       checking	and hidden alias analysis)

     * Table of	files encountered, including some statistics about each

     * File/compilation	unit cross-reference

     * Table of	compilation units encountered, including statistics about

     * Table of	external subprograms encountered

     * Table of	common blocks encountered

     * Common block/subprogram cross-reference

     * Subprogram - subprogram/common block cross-reference

     * INCLUDE file/subprogram cross-reference

     * NAMELIST/subprogram cross-reference

     * Module cross reference

     * A short identifier cross-reference (including I/O references and
       STOP and	INCLUDE	statements)

     * A local and global message summary

     * A table of contents for the listing

     * Some statistics per file	and for	the entire program

     To	suppress any or	all of the messages, use the -s	command-line

     For each Fortran source file (.f or .f90 suffix) that is listed, you
     must supply a corresponding compiler information file (.T suffix).	 On
     UNICOS and	UNICOS/mk systems, you can create the CIF by executing the
     f90(1) command with the -Ca option.  On IRIX systems, you can create
     the CIF by	executing the f90(1) command with the -cif option.

     The ftnlist and cflist commands support the following options:

     -a	       Prints all common block members in the subprogram
	       cross-reference in addition to the used ones.  (All members
	       are printed for BLOCK DATA routines.)

     -b	       Does not	print blank lines.  (Always suppresses blank lines
	       between subprograms.)

     -c	       Does not	print blank comment lines.

     -C	       Does not	print the summary.  Implies that -g 0 and -s501-527
	       have also been specified.

     -d	option_ID
	       Disables	subprogram list	options; -d 0 disables all options.
	       An option_ID is base-sensitive, additive, and processed left
	       to right.

     -e	option_ID
	       Enables subprogram list options;	-e 0 enables all options.
	       An option_ID is base-sensitive, additive, and processed left
	       to right.  The following	table shows the	ID of each
	       subprogram list option in decimal, octal, and hexadecimal.

	       Decimal	  Octal	   Hexadecimal	Default	  Description

		     1	0000000001  0x0000001	  OFF	Column indicators
		     2	0000000002  0x0000002	  ON	Go_to, Come_from
		     4	0000000004  0x0000004	  ON	Subprogram trailer
							line (enabled when
							source list
							disabled, except
							with -d0)
		     8	0000000010  0x0000008	  ON	Alternate entry
		    16	0000000020  0x0000010	  ON	Compiler messages
		    32	0000000040  0x0000020	  ON	Local variable
		    64	0000000100  0x0000040	  ON	Named constant report
		   128	0000000200  0x0000080	  ON	Label table
		   256	0000000400  0x0000100	  ON	Common block report
							(enabled when
		   512	0000001000  0x0000200	  OFF	Common block variable
		  1024	0000002000  0x0000400	  ON	Externals
		  2048	0000004000  0x0000800	  ON	NAMELIST report
		  4096	0000010000  0x0001000	  OFF	Long line indicators
		  8192	0000020000  0x0002000	  ON	Derived	type report
							(on when
							is on)
		 16384	0000040000  0x0004000	  ON	Interface block
		 32768	0000100000  0x0008000	  ON	Internal subprogram
		262144	0001000000  0x0040000	  ON	Argument report
		524288	0002000000  0x0080000	  ON	Cross-reference	map
	       8388608	  0040000000	0x0800000	ON	ftnlist/cflist
	      16777216	0100000000  0x1000000	  ON	Source

	       On UNICOS and UNICOS/mk systems,	the following additional
	       list options are	available:

		Decimal	   Octal    Hexadecimal	 Default   Description

		1048576	 0004000000  0x0100000	   ON	 Parallelism marks
		2097152	 0010000000  0x0200000	   ON	 Parallelism report
		4194304	 0020000000  0x0400000	   ON	 Loop marks

	       To select more than one list option, add	the IDs	of those
	       options and specify the total.  For example, to enable
	       column indicators (ID = 1) and to disable compiler messages
	       (ID = 16) and the NAMELIST report (ID = 2048), specify one
	       of the following:

		    ftnlist -e1	-d2064
		    ftnlist -e1	-d0000004020
		    ftnlist -e1	-d0x0000810

     -f	option_ID
	       Enables global list options; -f 0 enables all options.  An
	       option_ID is base-sensitive, additive, and processed left to

     -g	option_ID
	       Disables	global list options; -g	0 disables all options.	 An
	       option_ID is base-sensitive, additive, and processed left to
	       right.  To select more than one list option, add	the IDs	of
	       those options and specify the total.  The following table
	       shows the ID of each global list	option in decimal, octal,
	       and hexadecimal.

	    Decimal    Octal  Hexadecimal  Default  Description

		  1   0000001	0x00001	     ON	    File header
		  2   0000002	0x00002	     ON	    File common	block
						    and	NAMELIST reports
		  4   0000004	0x00004	     ON	    File subprogram
		  8   0000010	0x00008	     ON	    File statistics
		 16   0000020	0x00010	     ON	    Files encountered
		 32   0000040	0x00020	     ON	    File/subprogram
		 64   0000100	0x00040	     ON	    Subprograms
		128   0000200	0x00080	     ON	    Externals
		256   0000400	0x00100	     ON	    Common block report
		512   0001000	0x00200	     OFF    (Unused)
	       1024   0002000	0x00400	     ON	    Common/subprogram
	       2048   0004000	0x00800	     ON	    Subprogram
	       4096   0010000	0x01000	     ON	    Identifier
	       8192   0020000	0x02000	     OFF    (Unused)
	      16384   0040000	0x04000	     ON	    ftnlist/cflist messages
	      32768   0100000	0x08000	     ON	    INCLUDE file
	      65536   0200000	0x10000	     ON	    NAMELIST
	     131072   0400000	0x20000	     ON	    Module report

     -h	       (Help)  Displays	only command-line options, suppressible
	       message IDs, and	the list option	IDs (no	program	execution).

     -H	       (Help)  Displays	the following abbreviated command line
	       options (no program execution):

	       a   AllXRefPrint			  i:  IncludeFileExpansion

	       b   BlankPrintSuppress		  n:  NewPagePerSubPgm

	       c   CommentNullSuppress		  o:  OutputFile

	       C   CompendiumDisable		  p:  PackSourceList

	       d:  DisableSubrListOptions	  r:  RestoreMessages

	       e:  EnableSubrListOptions	  s:  SuppressMessages

	       f:  FnableGlobalListOptions	  v:  VarLinesPerPage

	       g:  GlobalListOptionsDisable	  V   Print VersNo (stderr)

	       hH  Help	(no execution)

     -i	number INCLUDE file expansion option.  Errors follow the INCLUDE
	       data.  For number, enter	the number that	corresponds to the
	       type of INCLUDE file expansion you want.

	       number	 INCLUDE file expansion

	       0	 No INCLUDE file expansion.  (default)

	       1	 Expands first appearance of first level only.

	       2	 Expands first appearance of all first-level and
			 inner-level INCLUDE files.

	       3	 Expands first appearance of INCLUDE files with

	       4	 Expands all appearances of first-level	INCLUDE

	       5	 Expands all appearances of all	levels.

     -n	number Sets pagination for the printing	of external subprograms, as

	       number	 Pagination

	       1	 If less than one-half page remains, go	to a new

	       2-20	 Each subprogram is printed on a new page

	       20-n	 If less than number+5 lines remain, go	to a new

     -o	filename
	       Writes the output to filename instead of	stdout.

     -p	       Allows page breaks to occur within multiline statements.

     -r	number Restores/enables	subprogram or global message number, which
	       can be a	range (for example, -r22-51 or -r503-507).  The
	       valid values for	number range from 1 through 77 and 501
	       through 531.  -r	0 restores all messages.  See individual
	       message IDs for local and global	messages in the	table that
	       follows (with -s	option).

     -s	number Suppresses subprogram or	global message number, which can be
	       a range (for example, -s22-51 or	-s503-507).  The valid
	       ranges for number are 1 through 77 and 501 through 531.	-s
	       0 suppresses all	messages.

	       The following lists show	the message IDs	for local and
	       global messages.	 You can suppress any or all of	them.

	       Message IDs per subprogram encountered:

	  1    Local Variable ____ may be used before it is defined
	  2    Local Variable ____ is declared but never used
	  3    Local Variable ____ is used but never defined
	  4    Local Variable ____ is defined but never	used
	  5    Local Variable ____ is DATA-initialized but may be redefined
		    before used
	  6    Local Variable ____ is DATA-initialized but never used
	  7    Local Variable ____ is EQUIVALENCEd but never used
	  8    Multiword Variable ____ is EQUIVALENCEd but may overrun its
		    COMMON block-partner
	  9    Module Local Variable never used
	  10   Local Variable ____, IntSubPgm ____ overrides host version
	  11   No references to	COMMON /____/
	  12   No references to	the INCLUDEd COMMON /____/
	  13   COMMON /____/ is	both INCLUDEd and explicitly declared
	  14   COMMON /____/ is	both explicitly	declared and available via
		    a MODULE
	  15   COMMON /____/ is	never referenced in parent Module
	  21   Argument	____ is	never used
	  22   CALL ____ has a different ArgCnt	than previous CALL
	  23   Argument	____ is	used as	a dimension and	is modified
	  24   Argument	____ has INTENT(OUT) but is neither written nor
	  31   Warning:	DO-Loop	Index __ (line ___) is in COMMON
	  32   Warning:	DO-Loop	Index __ (line ___) is an Argument
	  33   Warning:	DO-Loop	Index __ (line ___) is a Module	variable
	  41   No references to	PARAMETER ____
	  42   No references to	the INCLUDEd PARAMETER ____
	  43   No references to	the Module PARAMETER ____
	  51   Subprogram ____ has neither a RETURN nor	a STOP statement
	  52   Subprogram ____ appears to not do anything
	  53   __ Unused label(s)
	  54   FUNCTION	____ side-effect:  Argument(s) are written
	  55   FUNCTION	____ side-effect:  COMMON Block(s) are written
	  56   Subprogram ____ has excessive trailing blanks (off by
	  57   Internal	subprogram ____	is never called
	  58   Duplicate subprogram name ____
	  61   No references to	Statement Function ____
	  62   Line ____ is not	reachable
	  63   NAMELIST	/____/ is never	used
	  64   __ Longline(s) (off by default)
	  65   Cray Pointer/ee ____ may	be used	before it is defined
	  66   Cray Pointer/ee ____ is declared	but never used
	  67   Cray Pointer/ee ____ is used but	never defined
	  68   Cray Pointee ____ is defined but	never used
	  69   Cray Pointee ____ is used but associated	Pointer	____ not
	  71   EQUIVALENCEd LocalVar ____ has same name	as MODULE variable
	  72   EQUIVALENCEd LocalVar ____ has same name	as MODULE ComBlk
	  73   No references to	imported Module	____
	  74   No references to	USEd Module ____
	  75   Module ____ USEd	more than once
	  76   USEd Module ____	also imported into parent Module
	  77   Duplicate Module	name ____

	       Message ID for global call-chain	concerns:

	       501  No callers
	       502  Argument count mismatch
	       503  Argument type mismatch
	       504  Expression passed as argument, Callee writes/passes
	       505  Expression passed as argument, Callee expects array
	       506  DO-Loop index sent as Argument, Callee writes/passes it
	       507  Argument dimensionality mismatch
	       508  Duplicate argument sent, Callee writes/passes one
	       509  Argument sent from COMMON, Callee writes that COMMON
	       510  Possible hidden alias
	       511  COMMON block length	mismatch
	       512  COMMON block is never used
	       513  COMMON block is read-only
	       514  COMMON block is write-only
	       515  NAMELIST length mismatch
	       516  FUNCTION return value mismatch
	       517  F90	argument attribute mismatch
	       518  F90	caller:	 required explicit interface block missing
	       519  F90	dummy argument INTENT error
	       520  Subprogram needs RECURSIVE keyword
	       521  SUBROUTINE/FUNCTION	CALL mismatch
	       522  Duplicate Subprogram name
	       523  Duplicate Module name
	       524  Argument (Subprogram) mismatch (e.g. scalar	passed,
			 SUBROUTINE expected, etc.)
	       525  Argument (Derived Type) mismatch
	       526  Possible argument (SUBROUTINE/FUNCTION) mismatch
	       527  Alternate ENTRY has	no callers
	       528  Subprogram/Interface Block mismatch
	       529  Common block has multiple SubPgm DATA initialization
	       530  Argtype (Alternate-RETURN-label) mismatch
	       531  FUNCTION return value dimension mismatch

     -v	number Sets the	maximum	lines per page to number.  The default is
	       the value of the	LPP environment	variable if it is set;
	       otherwise, the value is 63.  The	valid range for	number is
	       50 through 200.

     -V	       Prints version information to stderr.

     file.f[90]	[file.T]
	       Specifies the set of target Fortran source files	and their
	       derived Compiler	Information Files.  Source file	names can
	       end with	either .f or .f90.  When the .T	file name can be
	       generated by replacing the .f (or .f90) with a .T, you do
	       not have	to list	the .T file name explicitly.

FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

     These commands look for files named .ftnlistrc or .cflistrc in your
     home directory and	the current working directory; they concatenate
     them (in that order); and they prepend the	resulting string to the
     command line options.  The	.ftnlistrc or .cflistrc	file can contain
     any combination of	command	line options, but a maximum of one
     -o	filename option	is allowed.  The .ftnlistrc or .cflistrc file
     cannot contain file names.	 Newline characters are	silently converted
     to	blanks.	 The command line options are processed	left to	right, so
     options included in the .ftnlistrc	or .cflistrc file can be

EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]

     The following is an example of the	cross-reference	map, which is part
     of	the listing generated by ftnlist:

     Type    Usage  EqDSv Offset  Home	    Name	   References
    ------   -----  ----- ------ ------	   ------	 --------------
    Real    1-D	Arr	       2  Arg	   A		  1	2     5=
    Real    1-D	Arr	       1  Arg	   B		  1	2     5
    Real    1-D	Arr	       3  Arg	   C		  1	2     5
    Int64   Scalar    -	       0  Stack	   I		  4=	5+
    Int64   Scalar	       4  Arg	   N		  1	4
					   {Return}	  7

    Prioritized	Reference Legend:  "Nc"	 where "N" is the local	line number
    and	"c" is one of "=-+.".
    = means set,  - means passed,  + means multiple references,	 . means
    INCLUDEd reference.

     The following list	explains each column:

     Type	    The	type of	the entity being reported

     Usage	    How	the entity is being used.  Scalar means	a simple
		    (not dimensioned) variable,	and 3-D	Arr means a threedimensional

     EqDSv	    Gives the EQUIVALENCE, DATA, or SAVE status	(if any) of
		    the	entity.

     Offset	    The	offset of the entity from the base of its home.
		    For	example, for an	Arg, a 3 means it is the third
		    argument, and for a	common block reference,	a 7 means
		    it is 7 words from the base	address	of the common block
		    (which can be found	from a load map).

     Home	    Indicates where the	entity is located.  For	example,
		    Arg	means it is an argument	to this	procedure; stack
		    means it is	on the stack for this procedure; /2/ means
		    it is in common block 2 (see common	block table), and
		    so on.  Not	all entities have a home.

     Name	    The	variable name, or another reported cross reference
		    entity, such as {Return}.

     References	    The	line numbers at	which the entity can be	found.	The
		    symbols following line numbers, such as = and  +, are
		    explained in the footnote following	the cross-reference

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

     ftnlist and cflist	output is not designed to be used as input to other

     For more information about	writing	and using tools	based on output
     from an f90 compilation, see the Compiler Information File	(CIF)
     Reference Manual, publication SR-2401.  SR-2401, a	Cray Research
     publication, contains information for UNICOS and UNICOS/mk	systems

     These commands display 132	characters per output line.

     These commands perform limited EQUIVALENCE	analysis, which	assumes
     that if a local variable appears in an EQUIVALENCE	statement, it is
     not subject to analysis (for example, use before definition).

     These commands produce source listings, but they do not produce
     reports for any subprograms that contain errors.


     The ftnlist and cflist commands check your	environment for	several
     strings to	help control its output.  If the CCTL environment variable
     is	set to FORTRAN,	Fortran-style carriage control (a 1 in column one)
     initiates a new page; otherwise, the ASCII	form-feed character is
     used.  The	default	is ASCII.  If the LPP environment variable is set
     to	an integer in the range	50 to 200, these commands put out a maximum
     of	integer	lines per page.	 The default is	63 lines per page.  To
     override the LPP or default value,	use the	-v option.  If the
     FTNLISTRC environment variable is set to OFF or the CFLISTRC
     environment variable is set to OFF, all .ftnlistrc	and .cflistrc files
     are silently ignored.

RETURN VALUES    [Toc]    [Back]

     The ftnlist and cflist commands return 0 on normal	completion and
     nonzero for abnormal termination.

BUGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     ftnlist and cflist	accept Fortran program source files that end in	.F
     or	.F90, but some of the functionality described on this man page is
     not present for files with	.F and .F90 suffixes.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     cflint(1),	ftnlint(1), f90(1)

     Compiler Information File (CIF) Reference Manual, publication SR-2401

     SR-2401, a	Cray Research publication, describes the CIF only for
     UNICOS and	UNICOS/mk systems.

     This man page is available	only online.
[ Back ]
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