fsdump - file system dumper for rfindd for EFS and XFS
cd /var/rfindd; ./fsdump [-L logfile] [-M minutes] [-Q] [-R] [-U maxrss]
-F dumpfile directory
fsdump is applicable to EFS and XFS filesystems.
fsdump creates the dumpfile used by rfindd(1M) to respond to rfind(1)
requests. The dumpfile contains:
inode contents For each allocated inode in the file system mounted
at directory, fsdump stores all the fields from the
inode header, excluding the extent and reference
count fields.
directory contents For each directory in the file system that is
readable by the user "rfindd", fsdump stores the
inode numbers and filenames in that directory.
Quick checksums If the -Q option is specified, then fsdump stores a
quick checksum of the data contents of each regular
file in the file system. This checksum only covers
the first few bytes of each basic block (512 byte
RCS information If the -R option is specified, then fsdump stores the
top-of-trunk version number and date for each file in
the file system that has a name of the form "RCS/*,v"
and contains a parsable RCS header. See rcsfile(4)
for a description of such files.
The following options are accepted by fsdump.
-F dumpfile Tells fsdump where to write the data extracted during the
-L logfile If specified, fsdump appends a few lines to the named
logfile, containing the date of the run and some statistics
about the amount of space and time consumed.
-M minutes If specified, limits the number of minutes since fsdump
started that fsdump will spend extracting RCS information or
checksums. If either of the -Q or -R options is being used,
and if fsdump is being run frequently, such as every hour,
then use the -M option to tell fsdump how long it should run,
before it writes out its partial results, and allows the next
scheduled run to occur.
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-Q Requests fsdump to repeatedly compute a quick checksum on the
contents of each file. fsdump prints a warning message into
the logfile of the form:
>>>>>> File contents corrupted !! :: <file>
if the checksum changes for a file that was not modified via
the file system.
-R Requests fsdump to maintain the RCS top-of-trunk revision and
date for each apparent "RCS/*,v" file.
-U maxrss If specified, limits to maxrss kilobytes the amount of
physical memory that this fsdump process can use.
directory must be the directory on which is mounted the EFS or the XFS
file system to be dumped.
Configuration [Toc] [Back]
To configure the rfind services (rfindd and fsdump) on your system,
perform the following:
1) If you want fsdump to update all dumpfile's on some schedule other
than starting at 3 minutes past each hour, then while su'd to
rfindd's uid, use the crontab(1) command to change the frequency of
execution of runfsdump. The following steps can be used to edit
rfindd's crontab file.
a] su root
b] su - rfindd
c] crontab -l > crontab
d] edit this crontab file
e] crontab crontab
2) To change the list of file systems to be dumped, edit the file
/var/rfindd/fslist. By default, the basename of the mount point of
the file system is used as the dump file name. If the file system
is "/", then the dump file name is taken as "root" instead. To
specify a different dump file name, provide that name as the second
field on its line in fslist. The logfile name is always the dump
file name with the suffix ".log" added.
3) To change the options with which fsdump is invoked, edit the file
4) Edit the file /etc/rfind.aliases on each client system that should
have access to the new rfind server. If only the localhost needs
access, then this step is not needed.
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Strategy [Toc] [Back]
fsdump typically performs the following steps each run:
1) parse arguments
2) map directory to file system device
3) open read-only file system device (requires setuid "root"
4) open existing dumpfile (if any)
5) relinquish "root" privileges
6) redirect stdout/stderr to logfile (if specified)
7) determine file system parameters from super block for EFS
filesystems and XFS syssgi calls for XFS filesystems.
8) Lock the entire dumpfile, to prevent simultaneous update attempts.
9) mmap(2) existing dumpfile into address space
10) read inodes from raw disk, one cylinder group at a time for EFS
filesystems and in numeric order for XFS filesystems.
11) test mtime, ctime, size and gen of each inode for changes
12) maintain current uid, gid, atime, nlink and mode for all inodes
13) discard directory, RCS and quick checksums information for any
changed inodes
14) close the file descriptor to the raw file system device
15) read any changed/new directories using opendir/readdir
16) rebuild secondary index on filenames
17) if -R specified and time permits, update RCS information for changed
"RCS/*,v" files
18) if -Q specified and time permits, update quick checksums for all
regular files
19) write new dumpfile to temporary name
20) touch the start time of the new dumpfile to the beginning time of
this run
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21) update the fsdump.{pag,dir} files
22) rename(2) temporary name to specified dumpfile name
/etc/config/rfindd chkconfig(1M) file controlling fsdump and
/var/rfindd/fsdump.pag contain database (in ndbm(3B) format) of each
directory and dumpfile in /var/rfindd.
fsdump updates this database each run, and
rfindd uses the database to map the requested
directory to the dumpfile containing
information about it.
/var/rfindd/dumpfile The file system information extracted by
fsdump is stored here for use by rfindd(1M).
The first 12 lines of this file contain an
ASCII header describing the remaining,
binary, sections of the file. The dumpfile
typically requires between 1% and 2% of the
inuse space of the file system being dumped.
/var/rfindd/dumpfile.log Conventional name for the logfile, as
specified in the crontab invocation of
/etc/init.d/rfindd The runtime startup script, invoked by
init(1M), that starts the rfindd(1M) daemon
The crontab file that invokes fsdump.
/var/rfindd/rotatelogs Utility invoked from the crontab for
"rfindd". Each logfile named on the command
line of rotatelogs is moved to the file
/var/rfindd/fslist The list of file systems to be examined by
fsdump(1M). The runfsdump script uses this
/var/rfindd/fsoptions The list of options to be passed when
invoking the fsdump(1M) command. The
runfsdump script uses this list.
/var/rfindd/runfsdump The script, executed from cron once each
hour, or as otherwise specified, which
invokes fsdump on each file system listed in
fslist, using the options specified in
/var/rfindd/passwd.add Utility used by inst exitop to add the user
"rfindd" to the file /etc/passwd.
chkconfig(1M), crontab(1), rfind(1), rfindd(1M).
mmap(2), rename(2), ndbm(3B), fs(4), rcsfile(4).
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 4444 [ Back ]