fccli(1m) fccli(1m)
fccli - FibreVault Status/Configuration Command Line Interface
The command line syntax of fccli takes multiple flavors depending on the
fccli getversion [-h hostname]
fccli getstatus [-h hostname] [-c channel-ID [-e enclosure-ID]]
fccli command [-h hostname] -c channel-ID -t tid_1 [tid_2 .. [tid_n]]
where command is one of the following:
insert, remove, ledon, ledoff, flash, bypass, unbypass.
fcagent and fccli have been deprecated in favor of a new fibre channel
drive manager sesdaemon and sesmgr. Accordingly, fcagent is now
chkconfig off by default.
The fccli command is a user front end to fcagent which collects status of
all FibreVault enclosures and allows for configuration changes.
getversion this command will report the version level of fcagent.
getstatus this command reports status of FibreVault enclosures. The
interface is in the form of a hierarchy where the user can
get brief summary channel status at one extreme and
detailed enclosure status at the other extreme.
remove this command will prepare a drive for physical removal,
i.e. will spin-down the specified disk drive, and bypass
it to logically remove it from the FC loop.
insert this command will prepare a drive for operation, after
being physically introduced into the enclosure, i.e. will
unbypass it to logically introduce it onto the FC loop and
spin it up.
ledon this command will turn "ON" the amber "LED" associated
with the specified disk device.
ledoff this command will turn "OFF" the amber "LED" associated
with the specified disk device.
flash this command will "FLASH" the amber "LED" associated with
the specified disk device. This "flashing" mode will
persist until either an ledon or ledoff command is issued.
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fccli(1m) fccli(1m)
bypass this command will logically remove the specified disk
device from the FC loop.
unbypass this command will logical introduce the specified disk
device onto the FC loop.
OTHER COMMAND LINE OPTIONS [Toc] [Back] -h hostname use this option to communicate with an instance of fcagent
running on a remote machine.
-c channel-ID use this option to direct a command at a particular FC
-e enclosure-ID
use this option (getstatus command only) in conjunction
with the -c option to obtain more detailed status about a
particular enclosure.
-t tid_1 [tid_2 .. [tid_n]]
use this option(s) (insert, remove, ledon, ledoff, flash,
bypass, unbypass commands only) in conjunction with the -c
option to direct an action at a particular drive or set of
Obtaining the revision level of the instance of fcagent running on remote
machine betelguese:
fccli getversion -h betelguese
sample output:
FC JBOD Agent version 1.0, Mon May 19 17:16:48 PDT 1997
Obtaining a brief channel status summary:
fccli getstatus
sample output:
25 |
The example shows that channel 24 has one or more enclosures reporting a
power supply fault. Channel 25 shows no status which indicates one of
three possibilities.
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fccli(1m) fccli(1m)
o There are no FC device(s) connect to the channel.
o There are no FibreVaults(s) connect to the channel (e.g. fibre RAID
may be connected).
o There is a communication problem with the FibreVault.
Obtaining a more detailed enclosure summary of channel 24:
fccli getstatus -c 24
sample output:
The example shows two connected FibreVault enclosures connected to
channel 24, IDs 4 and 5, with a power supply fault in each. It should be
noted that fccli cannot differentiate between a failed power supply and
one that is present but powered down.
Obtaining a detailed status of enclosure 4 on channel 24:
fccli getstatus -c 24 -e 4
sample output:
Enclosure 4, status FAIL
Vendor ID: CLARiiON
Product ID: DISK ENC
LCC Mfg. Date:
LCC code rev: 003
FRUs: 10 disk slot(s)
1 fan slot(s)
2 power supply slot(s)
1 peer LCC slot(s)
| [ 4] FAIL | |
+---------------------------------------+ |
| | | | | | | | | | | P |
| O | O | O | O | O | O | O | O | B | B | E L |
| K | K | K | K | K | K | K | K | P | P | E L |
| 40| 41| 42| 43| 44| 45| 46| 47| 48| 49| R C |
+---------------------------------------+ |
| FANS OK | OK |
| PS0 FAIL PS1 OK | |
The example shows a power supply fault on power supply FRU 0.
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fccli(1m) fccli(1m)
Additionally, disk FRUs 48 and 49, although physically present, have been
Illuminating the amber LEDs associated with disk FRUs 45-49 on channel
fccli ledon -c 24 -t 45 46 47 48 49
fcagent(1M), sesdaemon(1M), sesmgr(1M)
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 4444 [ Back ]