espreport(1) espreport(1)
espreport is a utility provided for viewing various reports from ESP on
the command line. This utility bypasses the webserver and directly
interacts with the ESP database.
espreport -help [<prototype>]
espreport -spec
espreport -version
The espreport -help prints the list of command specifications. The
optional <prototype> specifies to list only commands where <prototype>
matches some substring in the specification text. For example, 'espreport
-help event' will list all commands containing character sequence 'event'
in the specification.
The espreport -spec command prints all commands specification in the same
way as the command line is parsed to match the specification.
The espreport -version command gives the version of espreport application
with the date of the build.
espreport events
[-sysid <system id>|-host <host name>]
[-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]
[-tid <type id> |-td <type desc>]
[-cid <class id> |-cd <class desc>]
espreport action_taken
[-sysid <system id>|-host <host name>]
[-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]
espreport availability
[-sysid <system id>|-host <host name>]
[-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]
espreport hwchanges
[-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]
espreport swchanges
[-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]
espreport logbook
[-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]
espreport summary
[-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]
espreport sysinfo
The optional key -from defines the start date for the report. If the
-from key is missing, all data available in the ESP database is used to
generate the report.
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espreport(1) espreport(1)
The optional key -to defines the end date for the report. if the -to key
is missing, all data available in the ESP database to the current date
from the date specified by the -from key is used to generate the report.
The optional key -sysid is used to select the system by specifying the
system id against which the report is to be generated. The optional key
-host specifies the system by the hostname. Only one of the keys need to
be provided on the command line. If both of keys are missing, the report
is generated for the current system.
espreport events
The espreport events command is used to generate the registered events
report for specified system.
Optional keys -tid or -td if present, specify the particular event type
to be reported on. Only one of the keys need to be provided on the
command line. If both of keys are missing, all event types are reported.
Optional keys -cid or -cd if present, specify the particular event class
to be reported on. The report is generated for the events for the class.
Only one of the keys need to be provided on the command line. If both of
keys are missing, the report is generated for all classes.
If both class and type are not specified, all events are reported.
espreport action_taken
The espreport action_taken command is used to generate report about ESP
actions taken for the time period for the specified system.
espreport availability
The espreport availability command is used to generate the availability
report for given time period about specified system.
espreport hwchanges
The espreport hwchanges command is used to generate report about hardware
changes on the local system during the given time period.
espreport swchanges
The espreport swchanges command is used to generate a report of software
changes during the given time period.
espreport logbook
The espreport logbook command is used to generate a report containing log
book entries for the given time period.
espreport summary
The espreport summary command is used to generate summary report that
includes system information, events, software and hardware changes,
logbook entries, availability overview, and local system disk usage.
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espreport(1) espreport(1)
espreport sysinfo
The espreport sysinfo command is used to generate local system
information. This includes the system name, system serial number, system
type, system IP address, and system ID. If the option 'all' is missing
only system serial number is generated for usage in other scripts.
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