diagsetup(1M) diagsetup(1M)
diagsetup - control the contents of the diag user's running of cached and
diagsetup -x "cached <options>" [-h | -d hour | -w wkday |
-m monthday | -n] [-t hour]
diagsetup -x "onlinediag <options>" [-h | -d hour | -w wkday
| -m monthday | -n] [-t hour]
diagsetup controls the running of cached and onlinediag by the diag user.
This command can be used to either turn off the running of these
diagnostic tests or to make them run more frequently or less frequently
then they do by default.
The -x cached <options> | onlinediag <options> parameter indicates which
diagnostic testing program we are modifying the behavior of. We can
modify the frequency of running one of these programs. The -x parameter
must be present for this program to run.
The -h parameter indicates that the given program will be run once an
hour on the hour. This parameter is the default for the cached
diagnostic program.
The -d hour parameter indicates that the given program will be run once a
day on the given hour. This parameter with the "0" hour is the default
for the onlinediag diagnostic program.
The -w weekday parameter indicates that the given program will be run
once a week on the given day of the week.
The -m monthday parameter indicates that the given program will be run
once a month on the given day of the month.
The -n parameter indicates that the given program should never be run.
It turns off the periodic testing until someone turns it back on.
The -t hour parameter indicates the hour on a given day of the month or
day of a week (used with the -w or -m parameters) that the program should
be run. If this is not specified, the default is the "0" hour
diagsetup modifies the crontab file of the diag user. The diag user is
in charge of running of the cached and onlinediag programs that run
sanity checks during run time. Because the diag user has the same user
id as the root user, the diagnostic tests run with root permissions.
However, this means the crontab file of the diag user cannot be modified
using the crontab command (it will try to modify the root crontab
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diagsetup(1M) diagsetup(1M)
instead). diagsetup can be used to easily modify the diag user's crontab
file. If the diag crontab file is modified directly, diagsetup may no
longer run correctly.
diagsetup overwrites the crontab file of the diag user every time that it
runs and also sends a SIGHUP to cron so that it will process the new
crontab file.
/usr/diags the diag user's home directory
/usr/diags/bin/diagsetup location of diagsetup script
crontab of the diag user
cached(1M), onlinediag(1M)
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