acctsh(1M) acctsh(1M)
acctsh: chargefee, ckpacct, dodisk, lastlogin, monacct, nulladm, prctmp,
prdaily, prtacct, shutacct, startup, turnacct - shell procedures for
/usr/lib/acct/chargefee login-name number
/usr/lib/acct/ckpacct [blocks]
/usr/lib/acct/dodisk [-o] [files ...]
/usr/lib/acct/monacct number
/usr/lib/acct/nulladm file
/usr/lib/acct/prdaily [-l] [-c] [mmdd]
/usr/lib/acct/prtacct file ["heading"]
/usr/lib/acct/shutacct ["reason"]
/usr/lib/acct/turnacct on | off | switch
chargefee can be invoked to charge a number of units to login-name. A
record is written to /var/adm/fee, to be merged with other accounting
records by runacct.
ckpacct should be initiated via cron(1M) to periodically check the size
of /var/adm/pacct. If the size exceeds blocks, 1000 by default, turnacct
is invoked with argument switch. If the number of free disk blocks in
the /var filesystem falls below 500, ckpacct automatically turns off the
collection of process accounting records via the off argument to
turnacct. When at least 500 blocks are restored, the accounting is
activated again on the next invocation of ckpacct. This feature is
sensitive to the frequency at which ckpacct is executed, usually by cron.
dodisk should be invoked by cron to perform the disk accounting
functions. By default, it uses diskusg to do accounting on efs and xfs
filesystems in /etc/fstab. Note that dodisk reports accounting
information in /var/adm/dtmp. Further note that when dodisk uses
/etc/fstab, it skips remote resources. If the -o flag is used, it uses
acctdusg (see acct(1M)) to do a slower version of disk accounting by
login directory for all filesystems. files specifies the one or more
filesystem names where disk accounting is to be done. If files are used,
disk accounting is done on these filesystems only. If the -o flag is
used, files should be mount points of mounted filesystems. If the -o
option is omitted, files should be the special filenames of mountable
lastlogin is invoked by runacct to update /var/adm/acct/sum/loginlog,
which shows the last date on which each person logged in.
monacct should be invoked once each month or each accounting period.
number indicates which month or period it is. If number is not given, it
defaults to the current month (01-12). This default is useful if monacct
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acctsh(1M) acctsh(1M)
is to execute via cron(1M) on the first day of each month. monacct
creates summary files in /var/adm/acct/fiscal and restarts the summary
files in /var/adm/acct/sum.
nulladm creates file with mode 664 and ensures that owner and group are
adm. It is called by various accounting shell procedures.
prctmp can be used to print the session record file (normally
/var/adm/acct/nite/ctmp is created by acctcon1 (see acctcon(1M)).
prdaily is invoked by runacct to format a report of the previous day's
accounting data. The report resides in /var/adm/acct/sum/rprt/mmdd where
mmdd is the month and day of the report. The current daily accounting
reports can be printed by typing prdaily. Previous days' accounting
reports can be printed by using the mmdd option and specifying the exact
report date desired. The -l flag prints a report of exceptional usage by
login ID for the specified date. Previous daily reports are cleaned up
and therefore inaccessible after each invocation of monacct. The -c flag
prints a report of exceptional resource usage by command and can be used
on the current day's accounting data only.
prtacct can be used to format and print any total accounting (tacct)
shutacct is invoked during a system shutdown to turn process accounting
off and append a reason record to /var/adm/wtmp.
startup can be invoked when the system is brought to a multiuser state to
turn process accounting on.
turnacct is an interface to accton (see acct(1M)) to turn process
accounting on or off. The switch argument moves the current
/var/adm/pacct to the next free name in /var/adm/pacctincr (where incr is
a number starting with 1 and incrementing by one for each additional
pacct file), then turns accounting back on again. This procedure is
called by ckpacct and thus can be taken care of by the cron and used to
keep pacct to a reasonable size. shutacct uses turnacct to stop process
accounting. startup uses turnacct to start process accounting.
/var/adm/fee accumulator for fees
/var/adm/pacct current file for per-process accounting
/var/adm/pacctincr used if pacct gets large and during execution
of daily accounting procedure
/var/adm/wtmp login/logoff summary
/usr/lib/acct/ptelus.awk contains the limits for exceptional usage by
login ID
/usr/lib/acct/ptecms.awk contains the limits for exceptional usage by
command name
/var/adm/acct/nite working directory
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acctsh(1M) acctsh(1M)
/usr/lib/acct holds all accounting commands in section 1M
/var/adm/acct/sum summary directory contains information for
/var/adm/acct/fiscal fiscal reports directory
acct(1M), acctcms(1M), acctcom(1), acctcon(1M), acctmerg(1M),
acctprc(1M), cron(1M), diskusg(1M), fwtmp(1M), runacct(1M), acct(2),
acct(4), utmp(4).
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