ACCEPT(1M) Printing Tools ACCEPT(1M)
accept, reject - allow or prevent LP requests
/usr/lib/accept destinations
/usr/lib/reject [-r[reason]] destinations
accept allows lp(1) to accept requests for the named destinations. A
destination can be either a line printer (LP) or a class of printers.
Use lpstat(1) to find the status of destinations.
Reject prevents lp(1) from accepting requests for the named destinations.
A destination can be either a printer or a class of printers. Use
lpstat(1) to find the status of destinations. The following option is
useful with reject.
-r[reason] Associates a reason with preventing lp from accepting
requests. This reason applies to all printers mentioned up
to the next -r option. Reason is reported by lp when users
direct requests to the named destinations and by lpstat(1).
If the -r option is not present or the -r option is given
without a reason, then a default reason will be used.
enable(1), lp(1), lpstat(1), lpadmin(1M), lpsched(1M)
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