proto(4) proto(4)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
proto - prototype job file for at(1)
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
/var/adm/cron/.proto. queue
When a job is submitted to at or batch, the job is constructed as a
POSIX shell script (see at(1)). The job file is created in
/var/spool/cron/atjobs as follows:
+ at creates a header describing the job as an at job or a batch
job. at jobs submitted to all queues other than queue a are
listed as batch jobs. The header is:
: at job for an at job, or
: batch job for a batch job.
+ A set of POSIX shell commands is added to make the environment
(see environ(5)) for the at job the same as the current
+ at then copies text from the prototype file to the job file,
except for special variables that are replaced by other text:
$d Replaced by the current working directory.
$l Replaced by the current file size limit (see
$m Replaced by the current umask (see umask(2)).
$t Replaced by the time at which the job should be
run, expressed as seconds since January 1, 1970,
00:00 Coordinated Universal Time, preceded by a
$< Replaced by text read by at from the standard input
(that is, the commands provided to at to be run in
the job).
+ When a job is submitted to queue queue, at uses the file
/var/adm/cron/.proto.queue as the prototype file if it exists.
Otherwise it uses the file /var/adm/cron/.proto.
EXAMPLES [Toc] [Back]
The following .proto file creates commands to change the current
directory, file size limit, and umask in the job to their respective
Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003
proto(4) proto(4)
values as they existed when at was originally run. These commands are
inserted before the commands in the job:
cd $d
ulimit $l
umask $m
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
at(1), queuedefs(4).
proto: SVID2, SVID3
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