ttdt_subcontract_manage(library call) ttdt_subcontract_manage(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
ttdt_subcontract_manage - manage an outstanding request
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Tt/tttk.h>
Tt_pattern *ttdt_subcontract_manage(
Tt_message subcontract,
Ttdt_contract_cb cb,
Widget shell,
void *clientdata);
The ttdt_subcontract_manage function allows a requester to manage the
standard Desktop interactions with the tool that is handling the
request. The ttdt_subcontract_manage function registers in the
default session for TT_HANDLER-addressed requests Get_Geometry and
Get_XInfo, and Status notices.
If shell is not NULL, the ToolTalk service handles the Get_Geometry
and Get_XInfo notices transparently; otherwise, it passes them to cb.
The Status notice is always passed to the callback.
See ttdt_session_join(3) for a description of a Ttdt_contract_cb
If subcontract is destroyed by tttk_message_destroy, then the patterns
will also be destroyed; otherwise, the caller is responsible for
iterating over the array and destroying each pattern.
Upon successful completion, the ttdt_subcontract_manage function
returns a null-terminated array of Tt_pattern, and associates this
array with subcontract; otherwise, it returns an error pointer. The
application can use tt_ptr_error(3) to extract one of the following
Tt_status values from the returned handle:
Both the shell and cb arguments were NULL.
There is insufficient memory available to perform the
The ttsession(1) process is not running and the ToolTalk
service cannot restart it.
The subcontract argument was not a valid Tt_message.
- 1 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
ttdt_subcontract_manage(library call) ttdt_subcontract_manage(library call)
The specified process identifier is out of date or invalid.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
Tt/tttk.h - Tttttk(5), ttdt_session_join(3), tttk_message_destroy(3).
- 2 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |