ttdt_Revert(library call) ttdt_Revert(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
ttdt_Revert - request a ToolTalk client to revert a file
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Tt/tttk.h>
Tt_status ttdt_Revert(
Tt_message context,
const char *pathname,
Tt_scope the_scope,
XtAppContext app2run,
int ms_timeout);
The ttdt_Revert function sends a Revert request in the the_scope
argument and waits for the reply. A Revert request asks the handling
ToolTalk client to discard any changes pending on pathname.
The context argument describes the environment to use. If context is
not zero, messages created by ttdt_Revert inherit from context all
contexts whose slotname begins with the characters ENV_.
The the_scope argument identifies the scope of the request. If
the_scope is TT_SCOPE_NONE, ttdt_Revert tries TT_BOTH, and falls back
to TT_FILE_IN_SESSION if, for example, the ToolTalk database server is
not installed on the file server that owns pathname.
The ttdt_Revert function passes app2run and ms_timeout to
tttk_block_while(3), blocking on the reply to the Save request it
Upon successful completion, the ttdt_Revert function returns the
status of the operation as one of the following Tt_status values:
TT_OK The sent request received an affirmative reply within
ms_timeout milliseconds.
No reply was received within ms_timeout milliseconds.
The request was failed, but the handler set the
tt_message_status of the failure reply to TT_OK, instead of
a specific error status.
The ToolTalk service could not access the ToolTalk database
needed for this operation.
The ToolTalk service could not access the specified ToolTalk
- 1 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
ttdt_Revert(library call) ttdt_Revert(library call)
database in the expected place.
There is insufficient memory available to perform the
The ttsession(1) process is not running and the ToolTalk
service cannot restart it.
The ToolTalk service has more active messages than it can
handle. (The maximum number of active messages is
implementation specific, but is at least 2000.)
The pathname argument was NULL or was a ToolTalk error
The specified process identifier is out of date or invalid.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
Tt/tttk.h - Tttttk(5), ttdt_Save(3), ttdt_file_join(3),
ttdt_file_event(3), tttk_block_while(3).
- 2 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |