tt_file_move(library call) tt_file_move(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
tt_file_move - move objects from one file to another
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Tt/tt_c.h>
Tt_status tt_file_move(
const char *oldfilepath,
const char *newfilepath);
The tt_file_move function destroys all objects that exist on the files
and directories rooted at newfilepath, then moves all objects that
exist on oldfilepath to newfilepath.
If oldfilepath and newfilepath reside in the same file system,
tt_file_move replaces oldfilepath with newfilepath in the path
associated with every object in that file system; that is, all the
objects in the directory tree rooted at oldfilepath are overlaid onto
newfilepath. In this mode, the behavior of tt_file_move is similar to
If oldfilepath and newfilepath reside in different file systems,
neither can be a directory.
The oldfilepath argument is the name of the file or directory whose
objects are to be moved. The newfilepath argument is the name of the
file or directory to which the objects are to be moved.
Upon successful completion, the tt_file_move function returns the
status of the operation as one of the following Tt_status values:
TT_OK The operation completed successfully.
The user does not have the necessary access to the object
and/or the process.
The ToolTalk service could not access the ToolTalk database
needed for this operation.
The ToolTalk service could not access the specified ToolTalk
database in the expected place.
The specified file does not exist or it is inaccessible.
The ttsession(1) process is not running and the ToolTalk
- 1 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
tt_file_move(library call) tt_file_move(library call)
service cannot restart it.
The specified pathname included an unsearchable directory,
or oldfilepath and newfilepath reside in different file
systems, and either is a directory.
The pointer passed does not point to an object of the
correct type for this operation.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
Tt/tt_c.h - Tttt_c(5), tt_file_copy(3), tt_file_destroy(3); rename(2).
- 2 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |