XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu(library cXamlVla)CreateSimpleOptionMenu(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu - A RowColumn widget convenience creation
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
Widget XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu(
Widget parent,
String name,
XmString option_label,
KeySym option_mnemonic,
int button_set,
XtCallbackProc callback);
XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu creates an instance of a RowColumn widget
of type XmMENU_OPTION and returns the associated widget ID. This
routine uses the ANSI C variable-length argument list (varargs)
calling convention.
This routine creates an OptionMenu and its Pulldown submenu containing
PushButtonGadget or CascadeButtonGadget children. The name of each
button is button_n, where n is an integer from 0 (zero) to the number
of buttons in the menu minus 1. The name of each separator is
separator_n, where n is an integer from 0 (zero) to the number of
separators in the menu minus 1. Buttons and separators are named and
created in the order in which they are specified in the variable
portion of the argument list.
parent Specifies the parent widget ID
name Specifies the name of the created widget
Specifies the label string to be used on the left side of
the OptionMenu.
Specifies a keysym for a key that, when pressed by the user,
posts the associated Pulldown menu pane.
Specifies which PushButtonGadget is initially set. The
value is the integer n that corresponds to the nth
PushButtonGadget specified in the variable portion of the
argument list. Only a PushButtonGadget can be set, and only
PushButtonGadgets are counted in determining the integer n.
The first PushButtonGadget is number 0 (zero).
callback Specifies a callback procedure to be called when a button is
activated. This callback function is added to each button
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XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu(library cXamlVla)CreateSimpleOptionMenu(library call)
after creation as the button's XmNactivateCallback. The
callback function is called when a button is activated, and
the button number is returned in the client_data field.
The variable portion of the argument list consists of groups of
arguments. The first argument in each group is a constant or a string
and determines which arguments follow in that group. The last
argument in the list must be NULL. Following are the possible first
arguments in each group of varargs:
This is followed by four additional arguments. The set
specifies one button in the OptionMenu's Pulldown submenu
and some of its resource values. The button created is a
PushButtonGadget. Following are the additional four
arguments, in order:
label The label string, of type XmString
mnemonic The mnemonic, of type KeySym
The accelerator, of type String
The accelerator text, of type XmString
XmVaSEPARATOR [Toc] [Back]
This is followed by no additional arguments. It specifies
one separator in the OptionMenu's Pulldown submenu.
This is followed by no additional arguments. It specifies
one separator in the OptionMenu's Pulldown submenu. The
separator type is XmDOUBLE_LINE.
This is followed by one additional argument, the value of
the resource, of type XtArgVal. The pair specifies a
resource and its value for the Pulldown submenu.
XtVaTypedArg [Toc] [Back]
This is followed by four additional arguments. The set
specifies a resource and its value for the Pulldown submenu.
A resource type conversion is performed if necessary.
Following are the additional four arguments, in order:
name The resource name, of type String
type The type of the resource value supplied, of type
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XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu(library cXamlVla)CreateSimpleOptionMenu(library call)
value The resource value (or a pointer to the resource
value, depending on the type and size of the
value), of type XtArgVal
size The size of the resource value in bytes, of type
XtVaNestedList [Toc] [Back]
This is followed by one additional argument of type
XtVarArgsList. This argument is a nested list of varargs
returned by XtVaCreateArgsList.
The user can specify resources in a resource file for the
automatically created widgets and gadgets of an OptionMenu. The
following list identifies the names of these widgets (or gadgets) and
the associated OptionMenu areas:
Option Menu Label Gadget
Option Menu Cascade Button
For more information on variable-length argument lists, see the X
Toolkit Intrinsics documentation.
A number of resources exist specifically for use with this and other
simple menu creation routines. For a complete definition of RowColumn
and its associated resources, see XmRowColumn(3).
RETURN [Toc] [Back]
Returns the RowColumn widget ID.
RELATED [Toc] [Back]
XmCreateOptionMenu(3), XmCreateRowColumn(3),
XmCreateSimpleOptionMenu(3), and XmRowColumn(3).
- 3 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |