XmStringCreateLtoR(library call) XmStringCreateLtoR(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
XmStringCreateLtoR - A compound string function that creates a
compound string
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
XmString XmStringCreateLtoR(
char *text,
char *tag);
This function is obsolete and exists for compatibility with previous
releases. It is replaced by XmStringGenerate. XmStringCreateLtoR
creates a compound string with two components: text and a tag
component. This function scans for \n characters in the text. When
one is found, the text up to that point is put into a segment followed
by a separator component. No final separator component is appended to
the end of the compound string. The direction component defaults to
left-to-right. This function assumes that the encoding is single byte
rather than multibyte.
The function will allocate space to hold the returned compound string.
The application is responsible for managing the allocated space. The
application can recover the allocated space by calling XmStringFree.
text Specifies a NULL-terminated string to be used as the text
component of the compound string.
tag Specifies the tag component to be associated with the given
text. The value XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG is retained for
compatibility with previous releases.
RETURN [Toc] [Back]
Returns a new compound string.
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