XmOptionLabelGadget(library call) XmOptionLabelGadget(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
XmOptionLabelGadget - A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID
for the LabelGadget in an OptionMenu
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
Widget XmOptionLabelGadget(
Widget option_menu);
XmOptionLabelGadget provides the application with the means for
obtaining the widget ID for the internally created LabelGadget. Once
the application has obtained the widget ID, it can adjust the visuals
for the LabelGadget, if desired.
Specifies the OptionMenu widget ID
When an application creates an instance of the OptionMenu widget, the
widget creates two internal gadgets. One is a LabelGadget that is used
to display RowColumn's XmNlabelString resource. The other is a
CascadeButtonGadget that displays the current selection and provides
the means for posting the OptionMenu's submenu.
The user can specify resources in a resource file for the
automatically created widgets and gadgets of an OptionMenu. The
following list identifies the names of these widgets (or gadgets) and
the associated OptionMenu areas.
Option Menu Label Gadget
Option Menu Cascade Button
For a complete definition of RowColumn and its associated resources,
see XmRowColumn(3).
RETURN [Toc] [Back]
Returns the widget ID for the internal label.
RELATED [Toc] [Back]
XmCreateOptionMenu(3), XmLabelGadget(3), XmOptionButtonGadget(3), and
- 1 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |