XmImGetXIC(library call) XmImGetXIC(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
XmImGetXIC - An input manager function that obtains an XIC for a
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Xm/XmIm.h>
Widget widget,
XmInputPolicy input_policy,
ArgList args,
Cardinal num_args);
XmImGetXIC creates and registers an X Input Context (XIC) with the
specified arguments for widget. If XmINHERIT_POLICY is specified for
input_policy, a new XIC will be created only if required to by the
arguments or by the VendorShell input policy. Any existing XIC
registered with widget is unregistered.
Refer to the VendorShell reference page for further details.
widget Specifies the ID of a widget for which an Input Context is
to be created.
Specifies the type of input policy. It accepts the following
Inherits the policy from VendorShell.
XmPER_WIDGET [Toc] [Back]
Creates a new XIC for this widget.
XmPER_SHELL [Toc] [Back]
Creates a new XIC for the shell, if needed.
args Specifies an XtArgList parameter to use for creating the
num_args Specifies the number of arguments in the args parameter.
RETURN [Toc] [Back]
Returns the created XIC. The application is responsible for freeing
the returned XIC by calling XmImFreeXIC.
RELATED [Toc] [Back]
XmImSetXIC [ Back ] |