MrmFetchColorLiteral(library call) MrmFetchColorLiteral(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
MrmFetchColorLiteral - Fetches a named color literal from a UID file
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Mrm/MrmPublic.h>
Cardinal MrmFetchColorLiteral(
MrmHierarchy hierarchy_id,
String index,
Display *display,
Colormap colormap_id,
Pixel *pixel);
The MrmFetchColorLiteral function fetches a named color literal from a
UID file, and converts the color literal to a pixel color value.
Specifies the ID of the UID hierarchy that contains the
specified literal. The value of hierarchy_id was returned
in a previous call to MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay.
index Specifies the UIL name of the color literal to fetch. You
must define this name in UIL as an exported value.
display Specifies the display used for the pixmap. The display
argument specifies the connection to the X server. For more
information on the Display structure, see the Xlib function
Specifies the ID of the color map. If colormap_id is NULL,
the default color map is used.
pixel Returns the ID of the color literal.
RETURN [Toc] [Back]
This function returns one of the following status return constants:
MrmSUCCESS [Toc] [Back]
The function executed successfully.
The hierarchy ID was invalid.
MrmNOT_FOUND [Toc] [Back]
The color literal was not found in the UIL file.
MrmWRONG_TYPE [Toc] [Back]
The caller tried to fetch a literal of a type not supported
by this function.
- 1 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
MrmFetchColorLiteral(library call) MrmFetchColorLiteral(library call)
MrmFAILURE [Toc] [Back]
The function failed.
RELATED [Toc] [Back]
MrmFetchBitmapLiteral(3), MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay(3),
MrmFetchIconLiteral(3), MrmFetchLiteral(3), and XOpenDisplay(3).
- 2 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |