DtSrAPI(library call) DtSrAPI(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
DtSrAPI - Describes overview, constants, and structures for DtSearch
online API
The DtSearch API provides programmatic access to the DtSearch search
and retrieval engine. The API functions are located in the library
libDtSr, and are directly linked into user written search programs.
Search and retrieval of DtSearch databases is available through three
essential API functions:
DtSearchInit [Toc] [Back]
Opens databases and other files, and generally initializes
the search engine for subsequent requests.
DtSearchQuery [Toc] [Back]
Is passed a user query and some search options, performs the
requested search, and returns a linked list of structures,
called a results list, representing the objects satisfying
the search. The results list contains abstracted information
about the documents suitable for display to an end user, as
well as private information used for subsequent retrievals.
DtSearchRetrieve [Toc] [Back]
Retrieves an object given data from a results list node.
When a results list contains all the information an
application needs, retrieval by DtSearch may not be
required. For example when the documents themselves are not
stored in DtSearch databases and the document references are
available from the results list, the calling program may
access the objects directly.
DtSearch MessageList [Toc] [Back]
All functions can potentially return multiple messages on a global
linked list of messages called the MessageList. Most unsuccessful
return codes append at least one message to the MessageList, but even
successful returns may append messages, and multiple messages are
always possible.
Messages are standard C text strings terminated by a zero byte, and
were designed to be displayed directly to users.
Several API utility functions are available for manipulating the
Fatal API Errors [Toc] [Back]
Certain fatal errors will require an immediate abort from the engine.
By default fatal error messages will be written to the stderr, but can
be written to a text file specified in DtSearchInit.
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DtSrAPI(library call) DtSrAPI(library call)
All API aborts are implemented through a call to DtSearchExit.
DtSearchExit() ensures cleanup of a number of system resources before
the final call to exit. Developers can add an additional user exit to
DtSearchExit to specify additional emergency clean up before process
CONSTANTS [Toc] [Back]
Function Return Code Constants
Most API functions return one of a set of standard integer return
codes. The return code DtSrOK means complete success, other return
codes indicate various levels of negative results or failure.
DtSrOK Normal, affirmative, successful
DtSrNOTAVAIL Generic negative response. For example,
no hits on search, no such record, etc.
DtSrFAIL Miscellaneous unsuccessful engine
DtSrREINIT Engine reinitialized, request canceled.
Often returned when invalid database
name detected. Caller should clean up
and call DtSearchReinit().
DtSrERROR Fatal caller programming error.
DtSrABORT Fatal engine failure, caller must
Language Numbers [Toc] [Back]
Each DtSearch database is associated with an integer representing
among other things the natural language of its documents. These
constants are used throughout the API to identify the supported
DtSrLaENG 0 English, ASCII char set (default)
DtSrLaENG2 1 English, ISO Latin-1 char set
DtSrLaESP 2 Spanish, ISO Latin-1 char set
DtSrLaFRA 3 French, ISO Latin-1 char set
DtSrLaITA 4 Italian, ISO Latin-1 char set
DtSrLaDEU 5 German, ISO Latin-1 char set
DtSrLaJPN 6 Japanese, EUC, auto kanji compounds
DtSrLaJPN2 7 Japanese, EUC, listed kanji compounds
DtSrLaLAST 7 Last supported DtSrLa constant
Other General Constants [Toc] [Back]
DtSrVERSION DtSearch version number string.
DtSrMAX_KTNAME Maximum string length of a keytype
DtSrMAX_DB_KEYSIZE Maximum size of the unique document
DtSrMAXWIDTH_HWORD Largest possible word or stem size.
DtSrMAX_STEMCOUNT Maximum number of boolean search
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DtSrAPI(library call) DtSrAPI(library call)
DtSrObjdate Type [Toc] [Back]
DtSrObjdate is a typdef for an unsigned integer used as a date/time
stamp for documents.
DtSearch queries may be qualified by document date ranges. The data
type packs certain standard struct tm fields into bitmap fields to
minimize space.
DtSrObjdate are based on the western Gregorian calendar and are not
guaranteed to map to other time locales.
DtSearch objdates have a range from 1900 to 5995 inclusive and a
resolution of 1 minute. From hi order bits to low:
12 bits = tm_year (0 - 4095, years since 1900 (1900 -
4 bits = tm_mon (0 - 11, month name index)
5 bits = tm_mday (1 - 31, day of month)
5 bits = tm_hour (0 - 23, hours since midnight)
6 bits = tm_min (0 - 59, minutes since top of hour)
DtSrKeytype Type
typedef struct {
char is_selected;
char ktchar;
char name [ DtSrMAX_KTNAME+1];
} DtSrKeytype;
A DtSearch keytype references a logical subset of the database.
The primary identifier for a keytype is the keytype character ktchar.
The ktchar identifies the subset of the database that has that
character as the first character of its document keys.
The DtSrKeytype structure associates the ktchar with a short name
string for use in user GUI labels identifying the keytype, and
provides a boolean selection toggle for the keytype.
An array of DtSrKeytype structures is maintained by the API for each
database after API initialization. The API function
DgSearchGetKeytypes() is used to access the array.
The is_selected boolean in each array node indicates whether the user
has selected that keytype to be returned in the current search. The
application must ensure that the boolean reflects the current state of
the user's desires prior to any search. Typically this is done by
having the keytypes array track user interface toggle buttons for the
DtSrResult Structure [Toc] [Back]
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DtSrAPI(library call) DtSrAPI(library call)
typedef struct _DtSrResult {
struct _DtSrResult *link;
long flags;
long objflags;
long objuflags;
long objsize;
DtSrObjdates objdate;
short objtype;
short objcost;
int dbn;
DB_ADDR dba;
short language;
char reckey [DtSrMAX_DB_KEYSIZE];
int proximity;
char *abstractp;
} DtSrResult;
The API function DtSearchQuery returns a results list upon successful
completion of a search. A results list is a linked list of DtSrResult
structures, where each node represents a database document that
satisfied the query.
link Pointer to the next results list node.
flags (reserved)
objflags The constant DtSrFlNOTAVAIL means that the object is not
retrievable from the search engine.
objuflags User flags from database record. These are not used by
DtSearch and are available for application definition.
objsize In uncompressed bytes.
objdate Zero is the null date; document is 'undated'.
objtype Document type from database header record. Objtype is
typically used by application code to identify and launch
Values above x1000 (4096) are set aside for application
definition. The following constants identify defined values:
DtSrObjUNKNOWN Document type unknown or not
DtSrObjTEXT Generic, unformatted flat text
DtSrObjBINARY Generic binary object
DtSrObjSGML Generic SGML formatted document
DtSrObjHTML HTML formatted document
DtSrObjPOSTSCR Postscript document
DtSrObjINTERLF Interleaf document
DtSrObjDTINFO DtInfo document
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DtSrAPI(library call) DtSrAPI(library call)
objcost (reserved)
dbn Database number; index into dbnames array from DtSearchInit
and DtSearchReinit.
dba Atomic document identifier within a database.
language Language number of the database DtSrLa... constant).
reckey Document's unique database key. The first character of
reckey is the keytype character.
proximity Sort field for ranking results lists. Derived from frequency
of occurrence statistics for the query words in the
document. Often displayed to users as the subjective
'distance' between the document and the query, in other
words a measure of the likelihood that the document will
satisfy the user's needs.
abstractp Document's abstract string from the database.
DtSrHitword Structure [Toc] [Back]
typedef struct {
long offset; /* word location in cleartext */
long length; /* length of word */
} DtSrHitword;
Given a text string and the array of search terms returned from
DtSearchQuery, DtSearchHighlight will generate a table of offsets and
lengths where the search terms are located in the text. The table is
typically used to highlight the search terms in the text is a manner
appropriate to the application's user interface.
The DtSrHitword structure is one element in the table. For each search
term to be highlighted, offset specifies the beginning byte for the
term, and length specifies the extent of the term in bytes.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
DtSrAPI(3), DtSearchInit(3), DtSearchReinit(3), DtSearchExit(3),
DtSearchGetKeytypes(3), DtSearchSetMaxResults(3),
DtSearchGetMaxResults(3), DtSearchQuery(3), DtSearchRetrieve(3),
DtSearchHighlight(3), DtSearchValidDateString(3),
DtSearchMergeResults(3), DtSearchSortResults(3),
DtSearchFreeResults(3), DtSearchHasMessages(3),
DtSearchAddMessages(3), DtSearchGetMessages(3),
DtSearchFreeMessages(3), DtSearch(5)
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