DtEditorPasteFromClipboard(library cDatlEld)itorPasteFromClipboard(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
DtEditorPasteFromClipboard - insert the clipboard selection into a
DtEditor widget
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Dt/Editor.h>
Boolean DtEditorPasteFromClipboard(
Widget widget);
The DtEditorPasteFromClipboard function inserts the clipboard
selection before the insertion cursor of the DtEditor widget. If the
insertion cursor is inside the current selection, the clipboard
selection replaces the selected text. Text can be cut or copied to
the clipboard with DtEditorCutToClipboard(3) and
DtEditorCopyToClipboard(3). Text can be selected and deselected
programmatically with DtEditorSelectAll(3) and DtEditorDeselect(3).
The widget argument specifies the DtEditor widget ID.
For a complete definition of the DtEditor widget and its associated
resources, see DtEditor(3).
Upon successful completion, the DtEditorPasteFromClipboard function
returns True; otherwise, if the widget does not own the primary
selection, the function returns False.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
Dt/Editor.h - DtEditor(5), DtEditor(3), DtEditorClearSelection(3),
DtEditorCutToClipboard(3), DtEditorCopyToClipboard(3),
DtEditorDeleteSelection(3), DtEditorDeselect(3), DtEditorSelectAll(3),
- 1 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |