DtEditorGetContents(library call) DtEditorGetContents(library call)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
DtEditorGetContents - retrieve the contents of a DtEditor widget
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
#include <Dt/Editor.h>
DtEditorErrorCode DtEditorGetContents(
Widget widget,
DtEditorContentRec *data,
Boolean hardCarriageReturns,
Boolean markContentsAsSaved);
The DtEditorGetContents function retrieves the entire contents of a
DtEditor widget as a string, wide character string or sized buffer of
data. The data is transferred from the DtEditor widget using a
DtEditorContentRec, which indicates the type of data being transferred
along with the actual data. If desired, any soft line feeds (word
wraps) can be replaced with <newline>s.
The DtEditor widget tracks whether its contents have changed since
they were last saved or retrieved. Setting the markContentsAsSaved
argument to True retrieves a copy of the data without affecting
whether DtEditorCheckForUnsavedChanges(3) reports that there are
unsaved changes. This is useful if the application needs a temporary
copy of the contents.
The widget argument specifies the DtEditor widget ID.
The data argument is a pointer to a data structure to receive the
contents of widget.
The hardCarriageReturns argument, if set to True, indicates that the
DtEditor widget should replace any soft line feeds (word wraps) with
<newline>s when saving the data. When hardCarriageReturns is set to
False, any line wrapped because it reaches the right edge of the
window is saved as one complete line.
The markContentsAsSaved argument, if set to True, causes the DtEditor
widget to mark that all changes made to date have been saved. When
markContentsAsSaved is set to False, the DtEditor widget does not
change its status regarding unsaved changes.
For a complete definition of the DtEditor widget and its associated
resources, see DtEditor(3).
For a complete definition of DtEditorContentRec, see Dt/Editor.h -
Upon successful completion, the DtEditorGetContents function returns
DtEDITOR_NO_ERRORS; otherwise, it returns DtEDITOR_INVALID_TYPE if the
- 1 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
DtEditorGetContents(library call) DtEditorGetContents(library call)
Type field is not recognized.
EXAMPLES [Toc] [Back]
The following code segment retrieves the contents of a DtEditor
widget, marking that all changes to date have been saved.
Widget editor;
DtEditorContentRec cr;
DtEditorErrorCode status;
Boolean markContentsAsSaved = True;
cr.type = DtEDITOR_TEXT;
status = DtEditorGetContents(editor, &cr, False, markContentsAsSaved);
if (status == DtEDITOR_NO_ERRORS)
printf("The contents are:\n%s\n", cr.value.string);
printf("Unable to retrieve contents of the widget\n");
To write the data directly to a file, the application should use
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
Dt/Editor.h - DtEditor(5), DtEditor(3), DtEditorAppend(3),
DtEditorAppendFromFile(3), DtEditorCheckForUnsavedChanges(3),
DtEditorInsert(3), DtEditorInsertFromFile(3), DtEditorReplace(3),
DtEditorReplaceFromFile(3), DtEditorSaveContentsToFile(3),
DtEditorSetContents(3), DtEditorSetContentsFromFile(3).
- 2 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |