vxddladm(1M) VxVM 3.5 vxddladm(1M)
1 Jun 2002
NAME [Toc] [Back]
vxddladm - Device Discovery Layer subsystem administration
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
/etc/vx/bin/vxddladm keyword [attribute[=value] ...]
vxddladm addjbod vid=vendor-id [pid=product-id]
[opcode=scsi_opcode] [pagecode=page_code]
[offset=page_offset] [length=sno_length]
vxddladm excludearray libname=libname
vxddladm excludearray arrayname=arrayname
vxddladm excludearray vid=vendor-id pid=product-id
vxddladm excludearray vid=vendor-id
vxddladm excludearray pid=product-id
vxddladm excludearray all
vxddladm includearray libname=libname
vxddladm includearray arrayname=arrayname
vxddladm includearray vid=vendor-id pid=product-id
vxddladm includearray vid=vendor-id
vxddladm includearray pid=product-id
vxddladm includearray all
vxddladm listexclude [all]
vxddladm listjbod [vid=vendor-id [pid=product-id]]
vxddladm listsupport [all]
vxddladm rmjbod vid=vendor-id [pid=product-id]
The vxddladm utility is an administrative interface to the dynamic
array support facility of the Device Discovery Layer(DDL). This
utility lists the types of arrays supported, adds or removes array
support from DDL, and allows dynamic addition of JBOD support for
disks from different vendors. It additionally lists supported JBODs,
and allows addition or removal of JBOD support. The vxddladm utility
is also used to customize the set of array libraries that can
participate in device discovery.
- 1 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
vxddladm(1M) VxVM 3.5 vxddladm(1M)
1 Jun 2002
KEYWORDS [Toc] [Back]
addjbod Adds disks having the specified VID and PID in the JBOD
category (DISKS).
Excludes the specified array libraries from participating in
device discovery. This does not remove the specified
libraries from the system. As a result, vxddladm listsupport
displays the corresponding disk arrays.
Includes the array libraries previously excluded by
excludearray. These can be used for device discovery
Lists information about the disk array libraries excluded
from device discovery functionality.
listjbod Lists information about the types of disks supported in JBOD
category (DISKS).
Lists information about supported disk arrays.
rmjbod Removes disk with the specified VID and PID from the JBOD
category (DISKS). These disks are categorized as
OTHER_DISKS and are not multipathed.
The attribute all selects all objects for an operation.
Other attributes are specified using the format attribute=value.
arrayname Name of the array on which the operation is performed.
length Size of the field containing unique disk serial number.
libname Name of the array library on which the operation has to be
offset Offset on the page code.
opcode SCSI opcode.
pagecode Page code for SCSI command.
pid Product ID of the disk array.
vid Vendor ID of the disk array.
- 2 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
vxddladm(1M) VxVM 3.5 vxddladm(1M)
1 Jun 2002
Note: The value for vid and pid should be taken from the output of the
vxddladm listsupport command. These values may be different from the
actual vid and pid values of the disks within an array.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
vxconfigd(1M), vxdctl(1M), vxdisk(1M), vxdiskadm(1M), vxdmpadm(1M)
- 3 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |