talk(1) talk(1)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
talk - talk to another user
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
talk talk_party [ttyname]
The talk utility is a two-way, screen-oriented communication program.
The command argument talk_party can take one the following forms:
where user is a login name and host is a host name.
The optional command argument, ttyname, can be used to specify the
terminal to be used when contacting a user who is logged in more than
once. In absence of this argument, talk will try to contact the user
on the user's most recently used terminal.
When first invoked, talk sends the following message to the party it
tries to connect to (callee):
Message from Talk_Daemon@callee_host
talk: connection requested by caller@caller_host
talk: respond with: talk caller@caller_host
At this point, the recipient of the message can reply by typing:
talk caller@caller_host
Once communication is established, the two parties can type
simultaneously, with their output displayed in separate regions of the
screen. Characters are processed as follows:
+ Typing characters from LC_CTYPE classifications print or space will
cause those characters to be sent to the recipient's terminal.
+ Typing <control>-L will cause the sender's screen to be refreshed.
+ Typing the erase, kill or kill word character will delete the last
character, line or word on the sender's terminal, with the action
propagated to the recipient's terminal.
+ Typing the interrupt character will terminate the local talk
utility. Once the talk session has been terminated on one side, the
Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003
talk(1) talk(1)
other side of the talk session will be notified that the session
has been terminated and will be able to do nothing except exit.
+ Other non-printable characters typed on the sender's terminal are
converted to printable characters before they are sent to the
recipient's terminal.
Permission to be a recipient of a talk message can be denied or
granted by using the mesg utility. However, a user may need other
privileges to be able to access other users' terminals. The talk
utility will fail when the user lacks the appropriate privileges.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
mesg(1), who(1), write(1).
talk: XPG4
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