STCONV(1M) X Version 11 STCONV(1M)
Release 5
NAME [Toc] [Back]
stconv - Utility to convert scalable type symbol set map formats
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
stconv infile [-hmq] [-d mapdir] [-to ACG|HPMSL|other]
Intellifont font technology has been obsoleted on HP's X Window
System. Support for it will be removed in a future release. This
utility will be removed at that time.
The stconv utility is used to convert scalable typeface symbol set
maps (.sym files) for Intellifont fonts from one symbol list numbering
format to another. The installation default symbol sets map their
respective symbols into appropriate HP Master Symbol List character
codes (the default format provided in .ifo typeface libraries). Since
it is possible, however, to use stload(1M) to generate .ifo libraries
that use some other symbol list numbering (such as native Agfa
Compugraphic ACG numbering), stconv provides a way to modify existing
.sym files to map characters to non-MSL numbers.
A symbol list assigns a unique numeric value to each individual
character in the global collection of characters available from a
specific typeface manufacturer. The specific numbering scheme used is
usually unique to that vendor, and typically identifies hundreds or
even thousands of characters. A symbol set (or character set) is
generally a particular subset of characters taken from this master
collection, with each character being assigned another unique code in
accordance with the some specific registry/encoding scheme (such as
ISO8859 Latin-1 or HP Roman-8). In this respect, the .sym files used
by the HP Scalable Type subsystem are actually symbol set maps,
equating all the character codes comprising a specific character set
registry/encoding to the corresponding character numbers of a
particular typeface vendor's symbol list.
Intellifont format scalable typeface libraries are commercially
available with HP Master Symbol List character numbering (HPMSL) in
products obtained from the HP MasterType Library, and with Agfa
Compugraphic symbol list numbering (ACG) for products from the Agfa
Typeface Library.
OPTIONS [Toc] [Back]
There are several command line parameters which are described below.
infile Required name of the .sym file to be converted.
-d mapdir
Specifies the name of the directory containing the symbol list
conversion map (see below). This directory should contain the
file ACG-HPMSL, plus any optional additional symbol list maps.
If unspecified, stconv looks for an appropriate map in
Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 - HP-UX 10.0 July 1994
STCONV(1M) X Version 11 STCONV(1M)
Release 5
/usr/lib/X11/fonts/stadmin/ifo/charsets. The file ACG-HPMSL
defines the translation between Agfa Compugraphic symbol list
numbering and HP Master Symbol List numbering.
-h Requests help.
-m Requests that stconv list the conversion map.
-q Requests that stconv should run quietly.
-to format
Specifies the new symbol list format. The installationdefault
symbol sets use HPMSL format; to generate a symbol set
for native Agfa Compugraphic symbol list character codes, you
should specify -to ACG.
EXAMPLES [Toc] [Back]
stconv -to ACG roman8.sym >acgr8.sym
This reads the HPMSL symbol map roman8.sym, and writes the ACG
version to acgr8.sym via stdout redirection. The new symbol
map can subsequently be used to generate an HP Roman-8 font
from an Agfa Typeface Library product.
A symbol list conversion map defines the translation of character
numbers between two different symbol lists. The map is a simple text
file contain two columns of character codes: the first column is the
first format's character code, the second column is the second
format's character code. Lines that begin with anything other than
two distinct values are ignored. The name of the conversion must be
the names of the two formats concantenated together with a hyphen,
with care taken to insure the name before the hyphen reflects the
numbering scheme used in the first column, and the name after the
hyphen reflects the numbering scheme used in the second column. A
single conversion map file is sufficient for converting a symbol list
of either format into a symbol list of the opposite format. As an
example, the first few lines of the file ACG-HPMSL are:
# First column is ACG number
# Second column is corresponding HPMSL number
1 86
2 81
3 74
4 80
FILES [Toc] [Back]
Stconv takes input only from the specified file, and always sends
output to stdout.
Hewlett-Packard Company - 2 - HP-UX 10.0 July 1994
STCONV(1M) X Version 11 STCONV(1M)
Release 5
NOTE [Toc] [Back]
Stconv supports only the .sym files used for Intellifont scalable
fonts, and has no application to other types of scalable fonts (such
as Type 1).
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
stlicense(1M), stmkfont(1), stmkdirs(1), stload(1M)
COPYRIGHT [Toc] [Back]
(c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company
See X(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions.
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