mpsched(1) mpsched(1)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
mpsched - control the processor or locality domain on which a specific
process executes
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
mpsched -h
mpsched -s
mpsched -g command
mpsched [-P policy] [-f] [-T policy] [-l locality-domain-id] [-c spu]
mpsched [-q] [-u] [-P policy] [-f] [-l locality-domain-id] [-c spu] {-p
mpsched controls the processor (spu), or locality domain (locality-
domain-id) on which a process executes. It can do this by binding a
process to a particular processor or locality domain (ldom), or by
setting the launch policy for the process.
The command can be invoked in five manners.
+ With -h, it prints a help message.
+ With -s, it returns the hardware configuration of the system.
This includes information about the number of locality domains
and processors active in the system.
+ With -g, it enables gang scheduling for a command and its
arguments. See gang_sched(7).
+ With -P, -T, or -l plus a command and its arguments, it applies
the binding or launch policy to the command.
+ With -p, it applies the binding or launch policy to the specified
Options [Toc] [Back]
The command-line options are:
-c spu Bind the specified processes to the spu listed. This will
ensure that the processes always run on the indicated
processor. In the ProcessorSet (pset) configured system,
binding will be successful, if spu belongs to same pset,
where process is bound.
This option can be used with the -P, -T, and -p options.
Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003
mpsched(1) mpsched(1)
-f Allows processes to bind to spu or ldom, when PRM is
installed in the system.
-g Enable gang scheduling on the process. No other options
should be used with -g.
-h Print a help message.
-l locality-domain-id
Bind the specified processes to the locality-domain
listed. This will ensure that the processes always run on
the indicated domain. In the ProcessorSet (pset)
configured system, binding will be successful, if ldom to
the process is in same pset where process was bound.
This option can be used with the -P, -T, and -p options.
-p pid Specify process ID, pid. To use the -p option, the caller
must be a member of a group having PRIV_MPCTL access, be
superuser, or have the same effective user ID as the pid.
Specifying a command instead of the -p option does not
require special privileges. Multiple -p options can be
specified per command line, although each -p option can
take only a single process ID.
-q Query the system regarding process bindings. This will
return information about whether processes are bound to a
processor or locality domain. It will also report on the
thread and process launch policies for the processes. If
this option is used in conjunction with -p then only those
processes specified are queried. If this option is
specified alone, then the status of all processes on the
system that differ from the default settings are
-s Print the system hardware configuration. No other options
should be specified.
-u Unbind the processes from any processor or locality domain
bindings that can be present. This option can be used
only with -p and no other options should be specified.
-P policy Apply the specified policy to the processes. Launch
policies affect the locality domain on which a process is
spawned. Refer to mpctl(2) manpage for details on launch
policies. This option can be used with the -T, -p, -c,
and -l options. policy is one of the following values.
RR Round robin launch policy. Under this policy,
successive direct child processes of the
specified command or process are launched in a
Hewlett-Packard Company - 2 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003
mpsched(1) mpsched(1)
round robin fashion across the other locality
domains in the system relative to creating
RR_TREE Tree based round robin launch policy. Under
this policy, successive child processes and
their descendents are launched in a round
robin fashion across the other locality
domains in the system relative to creating
LL Least loaded launch policy. Under this
policy, child processes are launched on the
least loaded locality domain in the system at
the time of creation.
FILL Fill first launch policy. Under this policy,
successive direct child processes of the
specified command or process are launched on
the same locality domain as their parent until
one has been launched on each processor in the
locality domain. At that point, new processes
are created on the next locality domain.
FILL_TREE Tree based Fill first launch policy. Under
this policy, successive child processes and
their descendents are launched on the same
locality domain as their parent until one has
been launched on each processor in the
locality domain. At that point, new processes
are created on the next locality domain.
PACKED Packed launch. Under this policy, successive
processes are launched on the same locality
domain as their parent. A different domain is
never selected.
NONE No special policy. The default HP-UX launch
policy is used.
-T policy Apply the specified policy to the threads of the process.
The scheduling policies are the same as for the -P option
except that they apply to newly created threads instead of
processes. Also, thread policies can only be specified on
commands launched from the command line of mpsched. The
option can be used with the -P, -l, and -c options.
Operands [Toc] [Back]
The command-line operands are:
Hewlett-Packard Company - 3 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003
mpsched(1) mpsched(1)
command A command including its arguments.
mpsched returns exit status 0 if command is successfully scheduled or
-1 if it fails.
EXAMPLES [Toc] [Back]
Execute the a.out file on processor 2:
mpsched -c 2 a.out
Set the process launch policy for the existing process with pid 24217
to round robin:
mpsched -P RR -p 24217
Bind the processes with pids 1247 and 1842 to processor 4:
mpsched -c 4 -p 1247 -p 1842
AUTHOR [Toc] [Back]
mpsched was developed by HP.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
getprivgrp(1), setprivgrp(1M), fork(2), getprivgrp(2), mpctl(2),
privgrp(4), gang_sched(7).
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