lanadmin(1M) lanadmin(1M)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
lanadmin - local area network administration program
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
/usr/sbin/lanadmin [-e] [-t]
/usr/sbin/lanadmin [-a] [-A station_addr] [-b] [-B on|off] [-c]
[-g [get_options]] [-m] [-M mtu_size] [-p [card|driver]]
[-r] [-R] [-s] [-S speed] [-V vlan_command [parms]]
[-x options] [-X options] PPA
The lanadmin program administers and tests the Local Area Network
(LAN). For each interface card, it allows you to:
+ Display and change the station address.
+ Display and change the 802.5 Source Routing options (RIF).
+ Display and change the maximum transmission unit (MTU).
+ Display and change the speed setting.
+ Clear the network statistics registers to zero.
+ Display the interface statistics.
+ Display the interface usage information.
+ Reset the interface card, thus executing its self-test.
+ Configure VLANs on the cards that support VLAN.
For operations other than display, you must have superuser privileges.
lanadmin reads commands from standard input, writes prompts and error
messages to standard error, and writes status information to standard
output. When the program is run from a terminal, the interrupt key
(usually ^C) interrupts a currently executing command; the eof key
(usually ^D) terminates the program.
lanadmin operates in two modes: Menu Mode (see the first SYNOPSIS
line) and Immediate Mode (see the second SYNOPSIS line). If at least
one of aAbBcgmMprRsSVxX options is supplied, lanadmin executes in
Immediate Mode. Otherwise, it executes in Menu Mode.
NOTE: lanadmin replaces the now obsolete landiag command beginning at
Options [Toc] [Back]
lanadmin recognizes the following Immediate Mode options. At least
one aAbBcgmMprRsSVxX option and the PPA argument must be supplied.
-a Display the current station address of the
interface corresponding to PPA.
-A station_addr Set the new station address of the interface
corresponding to PPA. The station_addr must be
entered in hex format with a '0x' prefix. You
Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: Sep 2004
lanadmin(1M) lanadmin(1M)
must have superuser privileges. When station_addr
is DEFAULT, the factory default physical address
will be restored.
WARNING: To ensure the interface and the system
work correctly, the interface MUST be brought down
before setting the new station address. After the
new station address is set, the interface should
be brought up in order to be functional. See
ifconfig(1M) for bringing down and bringing up the
-b Display the current 802.5 source routing option
for the interface corresponding to PPA.
-B on|off Turn the 802.5 source routing option on or off for
the interface corresponding to PPA. The default
value for HP devices is on. You must have
superuser privileges.
-c Clear the LAN interface network statistics
registers to zero for the interface corresponding
to PPA. You must have superuser privileges.
-g [get_options] Get and display settings corresponding to options
specified by get_options of the interface
corresponding to PPA. get_options is optional and
is case insensitive. The allowed values are
mibstats and mibstats_ext.
mibstats Display the MIB-II statistics (RFC
1213) and interface-specific
mibstats_ext Display extended 64-bit MIB
statistics (RFC 2863) and
interface-specific statistics.
-m Display the current MTU size of the interface
corresponding to PPA.
-M mtu_size Set the new MTU size of the interface
corresponding to PPA. The mtu_size value must be
within the link specific range. You must have
superuser privileges.
-p [card|driver] Display the usage information for the interface
corresponding to PPA. Displays the upper level
protocols and applications attached to the
interface corresponding to PPA. If none is
attached, it prints nothing. If card or driver
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lanadmin(1M) lanadmin(1M)
keywords are used, the information about the
aggregated ports, APA, and VLAN that are
associated with the card or the driver
corresponding to PPA is also displayed.
-r Reset the local LAN interface card corresponding
to PPA, causing it to execute its self-test.
Local access to the network is interrupted during
execution of reset. You must have superuser
-R Reset the MTU size of the interface corresponding
to PPA to the default for that link type. You
must have superuser privileges.
-s Display the current link speed setting of the
interface corresponding to PPA.
-S speed Set the new link speed setting of the interface
corresponding to PPA. You must have superuser
-V vlan_command Executes VLAN-specific commands. See vlan(7) for
complete syntax and usage of -V option. The
supported VLAN commands are:
create Create a VLAN.
modify Modify the properties of a VLAN.
delete Delete a VLAN.
scan Get information about all VLANs on a
info Get information about a particular VLAN
on a system.
basevppa Get the minimum acceptable virtual PPA
(VPPA) value.
-x options Get and display driver specific options of the
interface corresponding to PPA.
-X options Set driver specific options of the interface
corresponding to PPA. You must have superuser
lanadmin recognizes the following Menu Mode options. They are ignored
if they are given with an Immediate Mode option.
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lanadmin(1M) lanadmin(1M)
-e Echo the input commands on the output device.
-t Suppress the display of the command menu before each command
prompt. This is equivalent to the Test Selection Mode terse
command. The default is verbose.
Immediate Mode [Toc] [Back]
In Immediate Mode, you can display the station address, source routing
option, MTU size, link speed of LAN interface, PPA/VPPA and
information about VLANs on the system (see vlan(7)). For certain
interfaces, if you have superuser privileges you can also modify the
station address, source routing option, MTU size, and link speed. See
Options and Arguments above.
Menu Mode [Toc] [Back]
In Menu Mode, you can select an interface card, display statistics for
the selected card, reset the card, and clear the statistics registers.
Menu Mode accepts either complete command words or unique
abbreviations, and no distinction is made between uppercase and
lowercase letters in commands. Multiple commands can be entered on
one line if they are separated by spaces, tabs, or commas.
Test Selection Mode Menu [Toc] [Back]
This menu is entered when Menu Mode is first selected. The available
Test Selection Mode commands are:
lan Select the LAN Interface Test Mode menu.
menu Display the Test Selection Mode command menu.
quit Terminate the lanadmin program.
terse Suppress the display of command menus.
verbose Restore the display of command menus.
LAN Interface Test Mode Menu [Toc] [Back]
The following commands are available:
clear Clear the LAN interface network statistics
registers to zero. You must have superuser
display Display the RFC 1213 MIB II statistics.
Depending on the link, the type-specific MIB
statistics may also be displayed. For instance,
for Ethernet links, the RFC 1398 Ethernet-like
statistics are displayed.
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lanadmin(1M) lanadmin(1M)
end Return lanadmin to Test Selection Mode.
menu Display the LAN Interface Test Mode command menu.
ppa Prompt for a PPA that corresponds to a LAN
interface card. It defaults to the first LAN
interface encountered in an internal list.
Appropriate values can be displayed with the
lanscan command (see lanscan(1M)).
quit Terminate the lanadmin program.
reset Reset the local LAN interface card, causing it to
execute its self-test. Local access to the
network is interrupted during execution of reset.
You must have superuser privileges.
specific Display and execute commands from a driver
specific menu.
Arguments [Toc] [Back]
lanadmin recognizes the following Immediate Mode argument.
PPA The Physical Point of Attachment (PPA) number of
the LAN interface. This argument is ignored if
none of the aAbBcgmMprRsSVxX options are used
(Menu Mode). Any options specified after PPA are
ignored. Appropriate values can be displayed with
the lanscan command (see lanscan(1M)).
WARNINGS [Toc] [Back]
Changes made to an interface's station address or mtu with the
lanadmin command will not be preserved between system reboots. A user
must modify the initialization configuration files for this feature,
either manually editing configuration files or through the SAM
AUTHOR [Toc] [Back]
lanadmin was developed by HP.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
netstat(1), lanscan(1M), linkloop(1M), ping(1M), lan(7), vlan(7).
IETF Requests for Comments: RFC 1213, RFC 1398, RFC 2863.
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