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  man pages->HP-UX 11i man pages -> elmalias (1)              


 elmalias(1)                                                     elmalias(1)

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      elmalias - display and verify elm user and system aliases

 SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
      elmalias [-dersu] [-a|-f format|-n|-v|-V] [alias-name-list]

    Remarks    [Toc]    [Back]
      The former functionality of the elmalias command has been taken over by
      the newalias command (see newalias(1)).

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
      The elmalias command displays and verifies user and system elm

      The system database must have been created by the newalias command
      (see newalias(1)).  The user database must have been created by either
      the newalias command or the elm mail system (see elm(1)).  If the same
      alias is in both databases, the user version is used.  Missing
      database files are silently ignored.

      Each database entry can have the following fields, which are described
      in detail in newalias(1):

           alias-list     A list of one or more aliases for the entry.

           address-list   A list of one or more addresses for the entry.  An
                          address can be an alias from another entry's

           comment        An optional field containing information about the
                          entry.  This field is not included in outbound

           firstname      An optional field interpreted as the first name of
                          the person or group.  It is used in fullname.

           lastname       An optional field interpreted as the last name of
                          the person or group.  It is used in fullname.

           fullname       A combination value made up from the firstname and
                          lastname fields, in the form: firstname lastname.

      elmalias recognizes three types of alias names:

           person         A database entry that has one address in address-
                          list.  elmalias assumes this address is a valid
                          mailing address.

           group          A database entry that has two or more addresses in
                          address-list.  elmalias assumes initially that
                          these addresses are aliases to person or group

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 1 -   HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003

 elmalias(1)                                                     elmalias(1)


           unknown        An address in a group entry or an alias in alias-
                          name-list that is not an alias in the database.
                          In both cases, the item is reported as both the
                          alias name and its address.

      With no options or operands, elmalias displays the address-list field
      for each alias in the two databases.  If an entry has more than one
      alias, the address-list field is displayed multiple times.

      With an alias-name-list and no options, elmalias displays the
      address-list field of each alias name in the list.  If an alias name
      is not found in the databases, it is treated as unknown, without

    Options    [Toc]    [Back]
      elmalias recognizes the following options:

           -a             Change the display to alias name followed by
                          address-list field.

           -d             Turn debugging on.

           -e             Fully expand group aliases.  This option can be
                          used only when an alias-name-list is given.

                          If an address in a group address list is an alias
                          name, it is replaced by that alias entry.  The
                          process is recursive until the results are either
                          person or unknown types.  If a group address is
                          not an alias name, it is reported as both the
                          alias name and the address, with type unknown.
                          Duplicate alias names are reported only once.
                          person entries are not expanded, even if their
                          addresses are actually aliases.

           -f format      Display the format string for each alias name in
                          the file or in the alias-name-list.  The following
                          character pairs are replaced in the format by the
                          corresponding value for each alias.

                          %a   The alias name.

                          %c   The comment field.

                          %l   The lastname field.

                          %n   The fullname value.

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 2 -   HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003

 elmalias(1)                                                     elmalias(1)

                          %t   The alias type: person, group, or unknown.

                          %v   The address-list field.

           -n             Change the display to address-list followed by
                          fullname, if any, in parentheses.

           -r             Report an error if a name in alias-name-list does
                          not correspond to an alias in the database.
                          Display a message for each unknown name and exit
                          with a nonzero status.

           -s             Use the system alias database only, unless -u is
                          also specified.

           -u             Use the user alias database only, unless -s is
                          also specified.

           -v             Use a verbose output format.  Change the display
                          to alias name, followed by address-list, followed
                          by fullname, if any, in parentheses.

           -V             Use a very verbose, multiline output format with
                          the following titles, corresponding to the format
                          codes of the -f option.  If a field is empty, the
                          title is omitted.

                          Last Name:

 EXIT STATUS    [Toc]    [Back]
      elmalias sets the following exit status values:

             0  Normal completion.

           <>0  An error occurred.  You may have specified:

                +  An invalid option.
                +  The -e option without an alias-name-list.
                +  The -f option without a format.
                +  The -r option with an unknown alias name in alias-name-

 EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]
      Consider a user database that contains the following entries:

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 3 -   HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003

 elmalias(1)                                                     elmalias(1)

           # sample alias file
           mom = My Mommy, Work: x2468 = [email protected]puter
           dad,father,pop = Father; Dear, Work: x1357 = host!otherhost!dad
           parents = The Folks = mom dad parent@host
           siblings = The Kids = brother1
           brother1 = Son; First = [email protected]puter

           Since brother2 and sister do not refer to alias entries, they are
           typed as unknown.

      elmalias with no options or operands produces the following output.

           [email protected]puter
           [email protected]puter

      elmalias -v produces the alias names, address, and full name, as

           mom                  [email protected]puter (My Mommy)
           dad                  host!otherhost!dad (Dear Father)
           father               host!otherhost!dad (Dear Father)
           pop                  host!otherhost!dad (Dear Father)
           parents              mom,dad,parent@host (The Folks)
           siblings             brother1,brother2,sister (The Kids)
           brother1             [email protected]puter (First Son)

      To expand a set of aliases and format them with field titles, use the
      -e and -f options, as in the following command:

           elmalias -ef "Alias: %a  Address: %v  Type: %t" parents siblings


           Alias: mom  Address: [email protected]puter  Type: Person
           Alias: dad  Address: host!otherhost!dad  Type: Person
           Alias: parent@host  Address: parent@host  Type: Unknown
           Alias: brother1  Address: [email protected]puter  Type: Person
           Alias: brother2  Address: brother2  Type: Unknown
           Alias: sister  Address: sister  Type: Unknown

 AUTHOR    [Toc]    [Back]
      elmalias was developed by HP.

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 4 -   HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003

 elmalias(1)                                                     elmalias(1)

 FILES    [Toc]    [Back]
      $HOME/.elm/aliases            User alias database data table
      $HOME/.elm/aliases.dir        User alias database directory table
      $HOME/.elm/aliases.pag        User alias database hash table
      $HOME/.elm/aliases.text       User alias source text
      /var/mail/.elm/aliases        System alias database data table
      /var/mail/.elm/aliases.dir    System alias database directory table
      /var/mail/.elm/aliases.pag    System alias database hash table
      /var/mail/.elm/aliases.text   System alias source text

 SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]
      elm(1), newalias(1).

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 5 -   HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003
[ Back ]
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