dcecp(1m) Open Software Foundation dcecp(1m)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
dcecp - Administrative interface for DCE management tasks
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
dcecp [-s] [-local] [script_name | -c command ]
OPTIONS [Toc] [Back]
-c command
A list containing one or more valid dcecp commands. For a
description of the dcecp command format, see Administration
-s Turns off inheritance of the login context. The default is
to inherit the current login context of the principal that
invokes dcecp.
-local The -local option specifies that the dcecp session should
operate on the local dced object while the dced process is
in a partial-service state.
ARGUMENTS [Toc] [Back]
Filename of a user-defined script containing dcecp commands.
The DCE control program, dcecp, is the primary DCE administration
interface, providing local and remote access to routine DCE
administrative functions from any DCE Version 1.1 and later platform.
The DCE control program is built on a portable command language called
the tool command language (Tcl). Tcl allows the use of variables, if
statements, list processing functions, loop functions and many other
features commonly found in command languages. dcecp extends these
features, providing a set of commands for manipulating specific DCE
objects. The control program also includes task scripts to help
administrators perform some routine DCE management functions. Refer to
the OSF DCE Administration Guide Core Volume for information about the
basic concepts and features of dcecp. All of Tcl (version 7.3) is
included in the dcecp language.
Invoking and Terminating dcecp [Toc] [Back]
The DCE control program allows you to invoke dcecp commands in the
following modes:
+ Interactive mode
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+ Command-line mode
Interactive Mode [Toc] [Back]
Activate interactive mode by entering the dcecp command
without any arguments and without the -c option. At the
dcecp prompt, enter a dcecp or Tcl command; dcecp executes
the command, displays the result, and is ready to accept
another command.
% dcecp
dcecp> directory list /.: -directories
/.:/hosts /.:/subsys
Command-Line Mode [Toc] [Back]
Activate command-line mode from the system prompt by using
one of the following methods:
+ Enter the dcecp command with a filename of a script
containing dcecp commands, other valid Tcl commands, or
both, as follows:
dcecp myown.tcl
+ Enter the dcecp command with the -c option followed by
a list containing one or more dcecp commands, as
dcecp -c directory create /.:/admin/printers
Enter multiple dcecp commands by separating them with a
; (semicolon) and enclosing the commands in ""
(quotation marks). Remember to escape shell
metacharacters (by enclosing them in quotation marks or
by using the backslash character). Multiple commands
must be on a single line, as follows:
dcecp -c "directory create /.:/adm/printers; directory show /.:/adm/printers"
When you use the -c option, operation results return to
the interpreter, not to the shell. If you enter
multiple operations, the output of only the last
operation is returned to the shell. This problem can be
overcome by using the following ugly, but serviceable,
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dcecp(1m) Open Software Foundation dcecp(1m)
% dcecp -c "puts [dir help]; puts [principal help]"
Terminate an interactive dcecp session by using either the exit or the
quit command. Use the following command syntax:
exit n
quit n
Use the n argument to specify the exit value returned to the shell.
The following example terminates a session and returns an exit value
of 56 to the shell:
exit 56
By default, dcecp returns 0 (zero) on success and 1 (one) if a command
Startup Scripts [Toc] [Back]
When you invoke dcecp, the following script files are executed in the
order shown:
[info library]/init.tcl
Contains the standard Tcl initialization scripts with
definitions for the unknown command and the auto_load
Contains the initialization scripts implementing the dcecp
commands and tasks. The implementation sets the Tcl
variable dcecp_library to dceshared/dcecp by default.
Contains user customizations.
Administration Objects [Toc] [Back]
A dcecp command has the following syntax:
object operation [argument] [-option [opt_arg]] ...
object Specifies the name of a dcecp administration object.
Examples of administration objects are Cell Directory
Service (CDS) directories, access control lists (ACLs),
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Distributed Time Service (DTS) servers, server control
objects, and so on. Each administration object is briefly
described below.
operation Specifies the name of an action, such as create, show, or
remove, that is to be performed on an administration object.
For complete descriptions of operations supported by each
dcecp object, refer to individual object reference pages.
Common operations are briefly described below.
argument Specifies the name of one or more specific objects to
operate on. Most, but not all, dcecp objects take an
argument. Refer to the individual reference pages for
descriptions of the arguments supported by various objects.
-option Specifies a qualifier that controls the precise behavior of
a dcecp command. Most, but not all, dcecp commands take
options. Specify options by preceding the option name with
a dash, as in -replica. Some options take an argument,
opt_arg, that can be a name or a value. The following
command shows a -clearinghouse option and its argument,
which is the name of a CDS clearinghouse:
directory create /.:/admin -clearinghouse /.:/boston_ch
The DCE control program supports the following dcecp administration
objects. For complete descriptions of the administration objects,
refer to the individual object reference pages.
account Manages an account in the DCE Security Service registry.
acl Manages DCE ACLs.
attrlist Manipulates attribute lists in scripts.
aud Manages the audit daemon on any DCE host.
audevents Displays the audit event classes on any DCE host.
audfilter Manages audit event filters on any DCE host.
audtrail Displays audit trail files on the local host.
cds Manages the CDS server daemon on any DCE host.
cdsalias Manages cell names known to CDS.
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cdscache Manages the CDS clerk cache on any DCE host.
cdsclient Manages the CDS client daemon on any DCE host.
cell Performs cellwide tasks.
cellalias Performs cell aliasing and connection tasks.
Manages CDS clearinghouses on the local host.
clock Manages the clock on any DCE host.
directory Manages directory entries in the CDS namespace.
dts Manages DTS on any host.
endpoint Displays remote endpoints, manages local endpoints.
group Manages DCE groups in the security service.
host Performs tasks involving a host in a DCE cell.
hostdata Manages host-specific information on any DCE host.
hostvar Manages host-specific variables on the local DCE host.
keytab Manages server key tables on any DCE host.
link Manages softlinks in CDS.
log Manages routing for DCE serviceability messages.
name Manages CDS name translation.
object Manages object entries in CDS.
Manages DCE organizations in the Security Service.
principal Manages DCE principals in the Security Service.
registry Manages DCE security replicas and registry wide information.
rpcentry Manages a server entry in CDS.
rpcgroup Manages a group entry in CDS.
Manages a profile entry in CDS.
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secval Manages the security validation service on any DCE host.
server Manages DCE servers on any DCE host.
user Performs tasks involving individual user information.
utc Manipulates Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) timestamps.
uuid Manipulates (generates or compares) Universal Unique
Identifiers (UUIDs).
Manages schemas for extended registry attributes (ERAs).
Common Operations [Toc] [Back]
This section describes operations common to more than one object.
Some operations presented here are implemented in all objects, some in
only a few, and some only for specific types of objects such as
containers (for instance, CDS directories).
add Adds an object to a container. It is implemented for all
objects that represent containers. The argument is a list of
names of containers. The required -member option is used to
specify the name of the member to be added to the
containers. Its value is a list of members to be added. If
lists are specified for both the -member option and as the
argument, then each member name is added to each container.
For example, it is used to add a member to a remote
procedure call (RPC) group and is used to add an element to
an RPC profile. This operation returns an empty string on
catalog Returns the names of all instances of an object. It usually
takes no argument. In some cases, though, an argument
specifying a scope, such as a cell name, is optional. For
example, the principal catalog command returns a list of all
principals in the registry. By default, full names are
returned. Some objects support a -simplename option, which
returns names in a shorter form (either relative or not
fully qualified). The order of the returned list depends on
the object.
create Creates a new instance of an object. It takes one argument,
a list of names of instances to be created. This operation
returns an empty string on success. Returns an error if the
object already exists. For some objects this command takes
a -attribute option or a set of attribute options to specify
attributes on the new object.
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delete Destroys an instance of the object. It takes one argument,
a list of names of instances to be deleted. This operation
returns an empty string on success. If the object does not
exist, an error is returned.
help Returns help information on the object as described in the
Help section. It takes an argument, which may be an
operation supported by the object or the -verbose option to
return more information.
list Returns a list of the names of all the members of a
container. This operation returns names only and not any
other information about the members. It is implemented on
all objects that represent containers. The argument is a
list of names of containers for which to return members.
The order of the returned list depends on the object. If
more than one container name is given, all member names are
returned in one list.
modify This operation is used to modify attributes, policies,
counters, or any other information in an object. Therefore,
all attributes, policies, counters, and so forth must have
unique names. This operation is not available to all
objects. The argument is a list of names of objects to
The specific modification to be made to an object is
described by one or more of the -add, -remove, or -change
options. If more than one is used, the entire modify
operation is treated atomically in that either it all will
work or none of it will. The order of the options does not
matter. Each option can be used only once per command
invocation. This operation returns an empty string on
-add Used to add an attribute to an object or merely to
add values to an existing attribute. The value of
this option is an attribute list.
-remove Used to remove an entire attribute or merely some
values from an attribute. The value of this
option is an attribute list.
-change Used to change one attribute value to another.
The value of this option is an attribute list.
Returns a list of the operations supported by the object.
It takes no arguments, and always returns a Tcl list
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suitable for use in a foreach statement. The operations in
the list are in alphabetical order with the exception of
help and operations, which are listed last. To return the
elements fully sorted, use the following command:
lsort [object operations]
remove Removes an object from a container. It is implemented for
all objects that represent containers. The argument is a
list of names of containers. The remove operation requires
one option, -member, which is used to specify the name of
the member to be removed from the container. The value is a
list of names of members of the containers. If the value of
this option and the argument to the command are both lists,
then each listed member is removed from each specified
container. If the members do not exist an error is
returned. This operation returns an empty string on
rename This operation changes the name of a specified object. The
argument is a single name of an object to be renamed, that
is, it cannot be a list. Takes a required -to option with a
value of the new name. The value may not be a list. This
operation returns an empty string on success.
show Returns information about an object instance. Objects can
have various types of information such as attributes,
counters, policies, and so on. The show operation is used
to return any of this information. Options are passed to
the command to specify what information is to be returned.
Most of the options used for this purpose are in the plural
form such as -all, -attributes, -counters, and -members.
Unlike the list operation, which returns information about
the members of a container, the show operation looks only at
the named object instance. If the object is a container,
the show operation does not return information about the
members, only the container itself.
This operation takes one argument which is a list of names
of instances to be shown.
Tells the instance to synchronize with any replicas of
itself. In CDS terminology, this operations performs a
skulk on a directory; in DTS, it causes a server to
synchronize. This operation is implemented for all objects
that support replication. The argument is a list of instance
names to synchronize. If more than one instance name is
given, each instance synchronizes with all of its replicas.
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Pairwise synchronization is not supported. This operation
returns an empty string on success.
Miscellaneous Commands [Toc] [Back]
The DCE control program includes a set of commands for miscellaneous
Initializes a base Tcl interpreter with all the dcecp
echo Displays the supplied string as output.
errtext Takes a DCE status code as an argument and returns the text
of the associated message as found in the message catalogs.
The argument can be in decimal, octal (leading 0), or
hexadecimal (leading 0x) notation.
login Creates a new login context, which persists until the end of
the dcecp session or until destroyed by logout. The login
comand also sets the _c convenience variable to the name of
the cell logged in to and the _u convenience variable to the
name of the principal that issued the login command.
Convenience variables are discussed in a separate section of
this reference page. Login contexts are stacked. Takes an
account name as an argument. The password is prompted for
and not echoed to the screen. Also takes the -password
option to enter a password.
logout Logs you out of the current login context as established
with a previous login command. You can only log out of
contexts that were created with the dcecp login. Trying to
log out of an inherited context results in an error.
Leaving dcecp logs out all contexts created in the session.
quit Exits from dcecp. A synonym of the Tcl built-in command
resolve Takes a partial string binding and returns a fully bound
string binding. Takes a required -interface option and an
optional -object option with an interface identifier as an
argument to provide enough information for the mapping to
shell Spawns a command shell for the user. The value of the SHELL
environment variable is used to obtain the name of the shell
to spawn. When the command shell terminates, control is
returned to dcecp. If the shell is called with arguments,
they are passed to the shell and executed. Control is
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returned upon completion. Always returns an empty string,
though an error exception is generated if the shell exits
Command Processing [Toc] [Back]
The DCE control program supports the Tcl built-in commands as well as
its own commands. If a command name is unknown to dcecp, it is passed
to the unknown function and dcecp evaluates it using the following
+ If the command is found in a dcecp script file, dcecp executes
the command.
+ If the command exists as an executable UNIX program, dcecp
executes the command. Therefore, you can invoke any UNIX command
from the dcecp prompt (for example, ls -l). Because you do not
leave dcecp, you don not lose any context you have established.
+ If you have invoked the command at the top level of the dcecp
shell and the command requests C-shell-like history substitution
(such as !!, !number or ^old^new), dcecp emulates the C shell's
history substitution.
+ If you have invoked the command at the top level of the dcecp
shell and the command is a unique abbreviation for another
command, dcecp invokes the command.
Abbreviations [Toc] [Back]
The dcecp command makes use of two mechanisms to allow all object
names, operation names, and options to be abbreviated to the shortest
unique string in interactive commands.
The first mechanism relies on the unknown command whose behavior is
described in the Command Processing section of this reference page.
The second mechanism is built in to the individual dcecp commands
themselves. This mechanism allows the operation name to be
abbreviated to the shortest unique operation string supported by the
object, and the option names to be abbreviated to the shortest unique
string representing an option supported by an object and operation.
For example, consider the following directory create command:
directory create /.:/admin/printers/ascii -replica -clearinghouse /.:/SFO_ch
In the abbreviated form, the same command can be entered as follows:
Hewlett-Packard Company - 10 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96
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dir cre /.:/admin/printers/ascii -r -c /.:/SFO_ch
Although abbreviating commands and options is a good way to save
keystrokes when typing interactive commands, abbreviations are not
recommended for use in scripts. New procedures in scripts can cause
abbreviations to become ambiguous. Furthermore, abbreviations are not
always portable. When scripts move to other machines, some
definitions may be left behind so scripts may not work correctly.
Always spell out complete names in scripts.
Syntax [Toc] [Back]
The dcecp commands have a default word order, which is object
operation. This order facilitates adding new objects because new
objects can simply be added along with their operations.
You can configure dcecp to accept commands ordered as operation object
by loading a script called verb-object.dcecp. Users who have access
to the operation object order continue to have access to the object
operation order. You can load the script for all users on a host by
including the following line in the system's init.dcecp file:
source verb-object.dcecp
You can configure operation object for individual users by including
the line in that user's .dcecprc file.
Attribute Lists [Toc] [Back]
Many commands need to specify attributes to operate upon. For
example, the modify operation allows attributes to be changed and the
create operation often allows attributes to be created along with the
object. In all cases, you can use an attribute list to specify the
attributes and their values. Doing so makes passing information from
one command to another very easy. For example, an ACL copy operation
could be written as follows:
# copy acl name1 to acl name2
# no error checking
proc acl_copy {name1 name2} {
acl replace $name2 -acl [acl show $name1]
Attribute Options [Toc] [Back]
While attribute lists are useful for writing scripts, they are often
not user friendly. For those objects that have a fixed list of
attributes (for instance, principal and dts, but not object), wherever
an attribute list is allowed, options for each attribute that have the
same name as the attribute are allowed followed by their values. For
example, the following are equivalent:
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principal create smith -attribute {{quota 5} {uid 123}}
principal create melman -quota 5 -uid 123
Lists of Lists [Toc] [Back]
The DCE control program interpreter relies on list structures to parse
command input and return command output. For instance, the following
sample command removes the user ACL entry for the principal melman
from an object called /.:/foo.
acl modify /.:/foo -remove {user melman}
Because the -remove option uses a list structure to group attributes
and values in the option argument, it can take a list of ACL entries
as in the following example, which removes the user ACL entry for the
principals melman and salamone:
acl modify /.:/foo -remove {{user melman} {user salamone}}
Lists of one value that do not contain spaces do not require braces.
The string syntax of an ACL entry allows the type and key to be
separated by a : (colon), so the following are valid:
acl modify /.:/foo -remove user:melman
acl modify /.:/foo -remove {user:melman user:salamone}
If only one ACL entry given, that is, the -remove option's value has
only one element (and that element does not contain spaces), then
braces are not needed to delimit the list. The following are all
valid, but all are examples with unnecessary braces:
acl modify /.:/foo -remove {{user melman}}
acl modify /.:/foo -remove {{{user melman}}}
acl modify /.:/foo -remove {user:melman}
acl modify /.:/foo -remove {{user:melman} {user:salamone}}
Convenience Variables [Toc] [Back]
All dcecp commands set several variables on execution. The variables
contain the name of the object operated on, the return value of the
last command, the cell name of the last object operated on, and so on.
To avoid unnecessary typing, you can substitute the value of these
variables into the next command.
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Convenience variables behave just like other variables in dcecp. Thus,
you can trigger variable substitution by prepending a $ (dollar sign)
before the name of the variable. Alternatively, you can trigger
substitution by using set. The convenience variables can be set only
by using dcecp.
The following variables are defined by dcecp:
_b Holds the name of the server bound to by the last command.
This variable is actually a Tcl array where the indexes are
used to identify the service. Currently there is only one
index is defined: sec. Refer to the variable as _b(sec).
The value specifies the name of a server in whatever manner
the service finds useful. This value could be the name of
an RPC server entry in the namespace, a string binding, or
the name of a cell. This variable cannot be set by the
_c Holds the cell name of the current principal. The login
command sets the cell name (_c) and principal name (_u)
convenience variables at login (see the login command). This
variable cannot be set by the user.
_conf This variable alters the behavior of most commands that
operate on a CDS object. It indicates the confidence you
have in the local CDS daemon to fulfill requests. The legal
values are low, medium, and high. The default is medium.
_e Holds the last DCE error code encountered. This variable
has meaning only if dcecp is able to determine what the
error code is. The value -l (negative one) is used when an
actual error code is unavailable. This variable cannot be
set by the user.
_h Holds the hostname the current user is operating on. This
variable cannot be set by the user.
_local Holds a flag that indicates the mode in which the dcecp
session is operating. This variable is set to true if the
dcecp session was started with the -local option. This
variable cannot be set by the user.
_n Holds a list of the names entered in the last command.
These names are the names that the command operated on,
typically entered as the third argument. This variable
cannot be set by the user.
For example, the following command lists the simplenames of
the entries in the /.: directory:
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dcecp> directory list /.: -simplename
hosts subsys absolut_ch cell-profile fs lan-profile sec sec-v1
The _n variable then contains the following name:
dcecp> echo $_n
The following command creates the /.:/x and /.:/y
dcecp> directory create {/.:/x /.:/y}
The _n variable then contains the following names:
dcecp> echo $_n
/.:/x /.:/y
_o Holds the object used in the last operation. For example,
if the last command was dir show /.:, then _o is directory.
This variable cannot be set by the user.
_p Holds the parent of the object named in the _n variable. If
the _n variable is a list, the _p variable is a list of the
same length, where each element is the parent of the
corresponding element in _n. If an object in _n has no
parent, the value of _p is the empty string. This variable
cannot be set by the user.
The following example creates the directories named
/.:/gumby and /.:/pokey. When the command completes, the _n
variable contains the names gumby and pokey. The _p
variable contains the names of the parents of /.:/gumby and
dcecp> directory create {/.:/gumby /.:/pokey}
dcecp> echo $_n
/.:/gumby /.:/pokey
dcecp> echo $_p
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/.: /.:
_r Holds the return value of the last executed command. This
variable cannot be set by the user.
_s Holds the name of the server to bind to by the next command.
This variable is actually a Tcl array where the indexes are
used to identify the service. The currently defined indexes
are sec, cds, dts, and aud.
The value specifies the name of a server in whatever manner
the user finds useful. This value could be the name of an
RPC server entry in the namespace, a string binding, or the
name of a cell. Users can set this variable by issuing the
set command to select the server to use.
Each service treats the values of this variable (array)
differently. For example, the Security Service uses this
variable to select the registry to bind to for the next
command, and as a default for the next registry operation.
If bound to a read-only replica and an update is requested,
dcecp tries to bind to the master registry to perform the
change. CDS attempts to communicate only with the CDS
server named by the variable. If the named CDS server
cannot satisfy a request for any reason, the request fails.
The auditing service and DTS uses its variable in a manner
similar to the CDS server. To contact an audit daemon or
DTS server on another host, set this variable to identify
that server.
For information about an object's use of this variable, see
the object's reference page or use the object's help
-verbose operation.
_u Holds the current principal name. The login command sets
the cell name (_c) and principal name (_u) convenience
variables at login (see the login command). This variable
cannot be set by the user.
Error Handling [Toc] [Back]
All dcecp operations return either a list of some information or an
empty string on success. If an error occurs, dcecp returns an error
message. The DCE control program also provides a catch command to
help scripts catch errors and invoke error handlers.
The DCE control program provides two global variables that store error
information returned from commands. The errorInfo variable contains
the stack-trace of the error messages. When errors occur, dcecp
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commands return one line error messages by default. If the variable
dcecp_verbose_errors is set to 1, then a stack trace as it would
appear in errorInfo is output as well.
When a dcecp command argument is a list of objects, the command
operates on multiple objects. These operations are usually performed
iteratively. If an error occurs, the command ceases at the time of
error, producing an exception. Some operations will have finished and
others will not have. These operations are always performed in the
order listed, and the error message should make it clear on which
object the command failed.
Help [Toc] [Back]
The DCE control program provides several kinds of help. All returned
help strings are obtained from appropriate message catalogs.
To see which operations an object supports, use the operations
command. An example follows:
dcecp> principal operations
catalog create delete modify rename show help operations
This command provides simple help similar to usage messages found on
many systems. Users unsure of an operation name or of whether an
operation is supported by an object can use this command to find the
answer. The output is a dcecp list that can be used by other dcecp
To see other information about an object, use an object's help
operation. All dcecp objects have a help operation that offers three
kinds of information.
+ View brief information about an object's operations by using help
without arguments or options. Operations are listed in
alphabetical order with the operations and help operations listed
last. For example:
dcecp> principal help
catalog Returns all the names of principals in the registry.
create Creates a DCE principal.
delete Deletes a principal from the registry.
modify Changes the information about a principal.
rename Renames the specified principal.
show Returns the attributes of a principal.
help Prints a summary of command-line options.
operations Returns a list of the valid operations for this command.
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+ View brief information about the options an operation supports by
using help with the name of the operation as the argument. This
operation returns attribute options in alphabetical order. If no
options are supported, an empty string is returned. For example:
dcecp> principal help create
-alias Indicates the principal name is an alias of the uid.
-attribute Specify principal attributes in an attribute list format.
-fullname Fullname of the principal.
-quota How many registry objects can the principal create.
-uid User Identifier of the new principal.
-uuid Orphaned UUID to be adopted by the principal.
+ View a short description of a dcecp object by using the help
operation with the -verbose option. This operation returns text
explaining what the object represents and how to use it. For
dcecp> principal help -verbose
This object allows manipulation of principal information stored
in the DCE registry. The argument is a list of either relative or
fully-qualified principal names. Specify fixed attributes using
attribute options or an attribute list. Specify any extended attributes
using an attribute list. Principal operations connect to a registry that
can service the request. Specify a particular registry by setting the
_s(sec) convenience variable to be a cell-relative or global replica
name, or the binding of the host where the replica exists. The
completed operation sets the _b(sec) convenience variable to the name
of the registry contacted.
Utility Library [Toc] [Back]
The file opt/dcelocal/dcecp/utility.dcp contains Tcl functions useful
for DCE administration. The functions, which can vary from release to
release, are fully commented to document their use.
Reference Pages [Toc] [Back]
To display a reference page for a dcecp administration object, use the
man command and preface the object name with dcecp_. For example, to
display the registry reference page enter:
man dcecp_registry
Users with [POSIX.2] systems can view dcecp administration object
reference pages without exiting dcecp. For example:
dcecp> man dcecp_registry
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Command-Line Editing [Toc] [Back]
You can edit a line before it is sent to dcecp by typing certain
control characters and escape sequences. To enter a control
character, hold down the <Control> key and press the appropriate
character key. (Control characters are indicated in DCE documentation
by the notation <Ctrl-x>, where x is the second key.) To enter an
escape sequence, press <Escape> then press one or more character keys.
(Escape sequences are indicated in DCE documentation by the notation
<ESC x>, where x is the second key.) Escape sequences are casesensitive;
control characters are not.
You can enter an editing command anywhere on a line. In addition, you
can enter <Return> anywhere on the line.
You can specify a number [n] as a repeat count. To enter a repeat
count, press <Escape>, a number, and the command you want to execute.
For example, <ESC 4><Ctrl-d> deletes the next four characters on a
Use the following control characters and escape sequences for line
Control Sequence [Toc] [Back]
Action Performed
<Ctrl-A> Move to the beginning of the line
<Ctrl-B> Move left (backward) [n]
<Ctrl-D> Delete the next character [n]
<Ctrl-E> Move to the end of the line
<Ctrl-F> Move right (forward) [n]
<Ctrl-G> Ring the bell
<Ctrl-H> Delete the character before the cursor [n]
<Ctrl-I> Complete the filename (<Tab>)
<Ctrl-J> Done with the line (<Return>)
<Ctrl-K> Kill to the end of the line (or column [n])
<Ctrl-L> Redisplay the line
<Ctrl-M> Done with the line (alternate <Return>)
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<Ctrl-N> Get the next line from history [n]
<Ctrl-P> Get the previous line from history [n]
<Ctrl-R> Search backward (or forward if [n]) through history for
the text; start the line if the text begins with an up
<Ctrl-T> Transpose the characters
<Ctrl-V> Insert the next character even if it is an edit command
<Ctrl-W> Wipe to the mark
Exchange the current location and mark
<Ctrl-Y> Yank back the last killed test
<Ctrl-[> Start an escape sequence (<Escape>)
<Ctrl-]> Move forward to the next character c
<Ctrl-?> Delete the character before the cursor [n]
Escape Sequence [Toc] [Back]
Action Performed
Delete the previous word (<Backspace>) [n]
Delete the previous word (<Delete>) [n]
Set the mark (<Space>); refer to the <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-X>
and <Ctrl-Y> control characters
<ESC .> Get the last (or [n]th) word from the previous line
<ESC ?> Show the possible completions
<ESC <> Move to the start of history
<ESC >> Move to the end of history
<ESC b> Move backward one word [n]
<ESC d> Delete the word under the cursor [n]
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<ESC f> Move forward one word [n]
<ESC l> Make the word lowercase [n]
<ESC u> Make the word uppercase [n]
<ESC y> Yank back the last killed text
<ESC w> Make area up to mark yankable
<ESC nn> Set repeat count to the number nn
The DCE control program also supports filename completion. For
example, suppose the root directory has the following files in it:
vmunix, core, vmunix.old.
If you type rm /v and then press <Tab>, dcecp finishes off as much of
the name as possible by adding munix. If the name is not unique, the
terminal alarm sounds. If you enter <ESC ?>, dcecp displays the two
possible complete filenames: vmunix and vmunix.old. If you respond by
entering a . (period) and by entering <Tab>, dcecp completes the
filename for you.
Command History and Command-Line Recall [Toc] [Back]
The DCE control program includes a history facility that stores
previously entered commands. View the stored commands using the
history command.
By default, the history facility stores the 20 most recent commands,
but you can use a history keep command to change this as follows:
dcecp> history keep 50
Each stored command is numbered so you can recall it by using a !
(exclamation point) followed by the event number, as follows:
dcecp> !7
[execution of event 7
Recall a specific command using an ! (exclamation point) followed by
the first unique characters of a previously entered command, as
dcecp> !dir
[execution of last event beginning with dir
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You can also recall and revise the most recent command using the
^old^new syntax familiar to UNIX users, as follows:
dcecp> directory vreate /.:/admin/printers
Error: Unrecognized argument 'vreate'.
dcecp> ^vreate^create
EXAMPLES [Toc] [Back]
The following examples show some ways to issue dcecp commands:
1. Invoke dcecp for interactive use:
% dcecp
2. Invoke dcecp for a single command:
% dcecp -c clock show
3. Invoke dcecp and run a script:
% dcecp get_users.Tcl
Simple Object Commands [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> acl show /.: -ic
{unauthenticated r--t---}
{group subsys/dce/cds-admin rwdtcia}
{group subsys/dce/cds-server rwdtcia}
{any_other r--t---}
% dcecp -c directory show /.:/subsys
{RPC_ClassVersion {01 00}}
{CDS_CTS 1995-10-11-14:06:47.884826100/08-00-09-85-b5-a6}
{CDS_UTS 1995-10-23-03:06:43.209673100/08-00-09-85-b5-a6}
{CDS_ObjectUUID 0c27c0ac-03d6-11cf-ad88-08000985b5a6}
{{CH_UUID 03ccab5c-03d6-11cf-ad88-08000985b5a6}
{CH_Name /.../gumby1/blech_ch}
{Replica_Type Master}
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{Tower {ncadg_ip_udp}}
{Tower {ncacn_ip_tcp}}}}
{CDS_AllUpTo 1995-10-23-13:06:43.560848100/08-00-09-85-b5-a6}
{CDS_Convergence medium}
{{Parent_UUID 044a2a14-03d6-11cf-ad88-08000985b5a6}
{expiration 1994-04-19-16:39:58.049}
{extension +1-00:00:00.000I0.000}}
{myname /.../brain_cell.osf.org/subsys}}
{CDS_DirectoryVersion 3.0}
{CDS_ReplicaState on}
{CDS_ReplicaType Master}
{CDS_LastSkulk 1995-10-23-13:06:43.560848100/08-00-09-85-b5-a6}
{CDS_LastUpdate 1995-10-23-03:06:43.209673100/08-00-09-85-b5-a6}
{CDS_Epoch 0c3512fc-03d6-11cf-ad88-08000985b5a6}
{CDS_ReplicaVersion 3.0}
The foreach Loop [Toc] [Back]
dcecp> foreach i [group list temps] {
> account modify $i -description "temps research" -expdate 1997-01-22-11}
Commands: cds_intro(1m), dce_intro(1m), dts_intro(1m), sec_intro(1m).
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