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 CSSM_TP_FormSubmit(3) -- Submit form to ClearanceAuthority (CDSA)
    The completed Form is submitted to a ClearanceAuthority, who is acting on behalf of a RepresentedAuthority. Typically the submitted form is requesting an authorization credential required as input to ...
 CSSM_TP_PassThrough(3) -- Extend trust policy functionality
    This function allows applications to call trust policy module-specific operations that have been exported. Such operations may include queries or services specific to the domain represented by the TP ...
 CSSM_TP_ReceiveConfirmation(3) -- Poll for confirmation (CDSA)
    A certificate authority uses this function to poll for confirmation from a requester who has been served by the authority. A requester sends a confirmation to the authority by successfully invoking th...
 CSSM_TP_RetrieveCredResult(3) -- Return the results of the credentials request (CDSA)
    This function returns the results of a CSSM_TP_SubmitCredRequest() call. The single identifier ReferenceIdentifier denotes the CSSM_TP_SubmitCredRequest() invocation that initiated the request. It is ...
 CSSM_TP_SubmitCredRequest(3) -- Submit credential request (CDSA)
    If the caller is successfully authenticated, then this function submits a request to the Authority identified by PreferredAuthority. The authority service can be local or remote. If the Authority is n...
 CSSM_TP_TupleGroupToCertGroup(3) -- Create a set of certificate templates (CDSA)
    This function creates a set of certificate templates based on a set of input tuples. The tuples describe a set of authorizations for one or more subjects. The trust policy service provider maps these ...
 CSSM_Unintroduce(3) -- Remove module (CDSA)
    The CSSM_Unintroduce() function removes the module referenced by ModuleID from the list of module information maintained by the CSSM framework. A caller can unintroduce modules other than itself if th...
 CSSM_UnwrapKey(3) -- Unwrap the wrapped key (CDSA)
    This function unwraps the wrapped key using the context. The wrapped key can be a symmetric key or a private key. If the unwrapping algorithm is a symmetric algorithm, then a symmetric context must be...
 CSSM_UpdateContextAttributes(3) -- Update context attribute values (CDSA)
    This function updates one or more context attribute values stored as part of an existing context specified by CCHandle. The basic context structure is not modified by this function. Only the context a...
 CSSM_VerifyData(3) -- Verify input buffer data (CDSA)
    This function verifies all data contained in the set of input buffers based on the input signature. Verifying can include digesting the data and decrypting the digest (from the signature) or verifying...
 CSSM_VerifyDataFinal(3) -- Finalize the staged verify data (CDSA)
    This function finalizes the staged verify data function.
 CSSM_VerifyDataInit(3) -- Initialize the staged verify data (CDSA)
    This function initializes the staged verify data function. For staged operations, a combination operation selecting both a digesting algorithm and a verification algorithm must be specified.
 CSSM_VerifyDataUpdate(3) -- Continue the staged verification (CDSA)
    This function continues the staged verification process over all data contained in the set of input. Verification will be based on the signature presented as input when finalizing the staged verificat...
 CSSM_VerifyDevice(3) -- Cause the cryptographic module to perform a self verification and integrity check (CDSA)
    This function triggers the cryptographic module to perform self verification and integrity checking.
 CSSM_VerifyMac(3) -- Verify the message authentication code (CDSA)
    This function verifies the message authentication code over all data contained in the set of input buffers based on the input signature.
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