ERR_GET_REASON(3) -- get library, function and reason code
The error code returned by ERR_get_error() consists of a library number, function code and reason code. ERR_GET_LIB(), ERR_GET_FUNC() and ERR_GET_REASON() can be used to extract these. The library num... |
ERR_lib_error_string(3) -- obtain human-readable error message
ERR_error_string() generates a human-readable string representing the error code e, and places it at buf. buf must be at least 120 bytes long. If buf is NULL, the error string is placed in a static bu... |
ERR_load_crypto_strings(3) -- load and free error strings
ERR_load_crypto_strings() registers the error strings for all libcrypto functions. SSL_load_error_strings() does the same, but also registers the libssl error strings. One of these functions should be... |
ERR_load_strings(3) -- load arbitrary error strings
ERR_load_strings() registers error strings for library number lib. str is an array of error string data: typedef struct ERR_string_data_st { unsigned long error; char *string; } ERR_STRING_DATA; The e... |
ERR_PACK(3) -- load arbitrary error strings
ERR_load_strings() registers error strings for library number lib. str is an array of error string data: typedef struct ERR_string_data_st { unsigned long error; char *string; } ERR_STRING_DATA; The e... |
ERR_peek_error(3) -- obtain error code and data
ERR_get_error() returns the earliest error code from the thread's error queue and removes the entry. This function can be called repeatedly until there are no more error codes to return. ERR_peek_err... |
ERR_peek_error_line(3) -- obtain error code and data
ERR_get_error() returns the earliest error code from the thread's error queue and removes the entry. This function can be called repeatedly until there are no more error codes to return. ERR_peek_err... |
ERR_peek_error_line_data(3) -- obtain error code and data
ERR_get_error() returns the earliest error code from the thread's error queue and removes the entry. This function can be called repeatedly until there are no more error codes to return. ERR_peek_err... |
ERR_print_errors(3) -- print error messages
ERR_print_errors() is a convenience function that prints the error strings for all errors that OpenSSL has recorded to bp, thus emptying the error queue. ERR_print_errors_fp() is the same, except that... |
ERR_print_errors_fp(3) -- print error messages
ERR_print_errors() is a convenience function that prints the error strings for all errors that OpenSSL has recorded to bp, thus emptying the error queue. ERR_print_errors_fp() is the same, except that... |
ERR_put_error(3) -- record an error
ERR_put_error() adds an error code to the thread's error queue. It signals that the error of reason code reason occurred in function func of library lib, in line number line of file. This function is... |
ERR_reason_error_string(3) -- obtain human-readable error message
ERR_error_string() generates a human-readable string representing the error code e, and places it at buf. buf must be at least 120 bytes long. If buf is NULL, the error string is placed in a static bu... |
ERR_remove_state(3) -- free a thread's error queue
ERR_remove_state() frees the error queue associated with thread pid. If pid == 0, the current thread will have its error queue removed. Since error queue data structures are allocated automatically fo... |