The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The machine-independent ISA subsystem provides support for the ISA bus. The ISA bus was introduced on the IBM PC/AT. It is an extension to the original bus found on the original IBM PC. The ISA bus is...
The isr_add functions establish interrupt handlers into the system interrupt dispatch table and are typically called from device drivers during the autoconfiguration process. There are two types of in...
The isr_add functions establish interrupt handlers into the system interrupt dispatch table and are typically called from device drivers during the autoconfiguration process. There are two types of in...
The isr_add functions establish interrupt handlers into the system interrupt dispatch table and are typically called from device drivers during the autoconfiguration process. There are two types of in...
The isr_add functions establish interrupt handlers into the system interrupt dispatch table and are typically called from device drivers during the autoconfiguration process. There are two types of in...
The itimerfix function checks that the value in tv is valid (0 <= tv->tv_sec 0 <= tv->tv_usec < 1000000), and that the total time represented is at least tick. If it is smaller, then it is adjusted to...