standard/semctl(2) -- semaphore control operations
semctl provides a variety of semaphore control operations as specified by cmd. The following cmds are executed with respect to the semaphore specified by semid and semnum: GETVAL Return the value of semval [see intro(2)]. {READ} SETVAL Set the value of semval to arg.val. {ALTER}. When this command is successfully executed, the semadj value corresponding to the speci... |
standard/semget(2) -- get set of semaphores
semget returns the semaphore identifier associated with key. A semaphore identifier and associated data structure and set containing nsems semaphores [see intro(2)] are created for key if one of the following is true: key is equal to IPC_PRIVATE. key does not already have a semaphore identifier associated with it, and (semflg&IPC_CREAT) is true. On creation, the data structure associated with the new semaph... |
standard/semop(2) -- semaphore operations
semop is used to perform atomically an array of semaphore operations on the set of semaphores associated with the semaphore identifier specified by semid. sops is a pointer to the array of semaphore-operation structures. nsops is the number of such structures in the array. The contents of each structure includes the following members: short sem_num; /* semaphore number */ shor<... |
standard/send(2) -- send a message from a socket
Send, sendto, and sendmsg are used to transmit a message to another socket. Send may be used only when the socket is in a connected state, while sendto and sendmsg may be used when the socket is unconnected. The address of the target is given by to with tolen specifying its size. The length of the message is given by len. If the message is too long to pass atomically through the underlying protocol, then the error EMSGSIZE is returned, and the message is not transmitted. Usually no indication of... |
standard/setash(2) -- set array session handle
The setash function changes the handle for the array session containing the current process to the value specified by ash. The current process must have superuser privileges to invoke setash. Ordinarily, a handle that is unique within the current system is assigned to an array session when the array session is created using the newarraysess(2) function. The setash function can be used to override this default handle, perhaps for assigning a handle that is unique across an entire array or for syn... |
standard/setgroups(2) -- set group access list
setgroups initializes the group access list of the current user process according to the array gidset. The parameter ngroups indicates the number of entries in the array. The sysconf(_SC_NGROUPS_MAX) system call may be used to determine at runtime the maximum allowable value for ngroups in the particular kernel configuration (it is an lbootable value (ngroups_max) which is declared in /var/sysgen/master.d/kernel). If using the BSD version, ngroups may never be greater than NGROUPS (as defined in... |
standard/setpgid(2) -- set process group ID
setpgid sets the process group ID of the process with ID pid to pgid. If pgid is equal to pid, the process becomes a process group leader. If pgid is not equal to pid, the process becomes a member of an existing process group. If pid is equal to 0, the process ID of the calling process is used. If pgid is equal to 0, the process specified by pid becomes a process group leader. setpgid fails and returns an error if one or more of the following are true: <... |
standard/setpgrp(2) -- set process group ID (System V and 4.3BSD)
The System V version of setpgrp behaves identically to setsid (2). The BSD version of setpgrp sets the process group of the specified process pid to the specified pgrp. If pid is zero, then the call applies to the current process. If pgrp is zero and pid refers to the calling process, setpgrp() behaves identically to setsid (2). If the invoker is not the super-user, then the affected process must have the same effective user-id as the invoker or be a member of the same session as the calling pro... |
standard/setprid(2) -- set project ID
The setprid function changes the project ID for the array session containing the current process to the value specified by prid. Ordinarily, the project ID for a new array session is inherited from the array session of the process that created it. However, when the array session is created as part of a new login (or moral equivalent, such as a batch job or rsh(1)), it may be appropriate to assign a new project ID, such as a default project ID associated with the user that is logging in. The setp... |
standard/setregid(2) -- set real and effective group ID
The real and effective group ID's of the current process are set to the arguments. Unprivileged users may change the real group ID to the effective group ID and vice-versa; only the super-user may make other changes. Supplying a value of -1 for either the real or effective group ID forces the system to substitute the current ID in place of the -1 parameter. |
standard/setreuid(2) -- set real and effective user ID's
The real and effective user ID's of the current process are set according to the arguments. If ruid or euid is -1, the current uid is filled in by the system. Unprivileged users may change the real user ID to the effective user ID and vice-versa; only the super-user may make other changes. |
standard/setsid(2) -- set session ID
If the calling process is not already a process group leader, setsid sets the process group ID and session ID of the calling process to the process ID of the calling process, and releases the process's controlling terminal. setsid will fail and return an error if the following is true: EPERM The calling process is already a process group leader, or there are processes other than the calling process whose process group ID is equal to the process... |
standard/setspinfo(2) -- set service provider information
The setspinfo function sets the service provider information for the array session containing the current process to the contents of the acct_spi struct pointed to by spi. Typically, this would only be done when the array session is first created. The invoker must have superuser privileges. Service provider information is intended for use by software such as batch queueing systems that need to maintain fairly static information about an array session. It is included in session accounting records... |
standard/setuid(2) -- set user and group IDs
The setuid system call sets the real user ID, effective user ID, and saved user ID of the calling process. The setgid system call sets the real group ID, effective group ID, and saved group ID of the calling process. At login time, the real user ID, effective user ID, and saved user ID of the login process are set to the login ID of the user responsible for the creation of the process. The same is true for the real, effective, and saved group IDs; they are set... |
standard/sgigsc(2) -- SGI graphics system call
This system call is used for underlying operating system support of graphics and window management functions. It is not intended for direct use by user programs. PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111 |