pr(1) -- print files
pr is used to format and print the contents of a file. If file is -, or if no files are specified, pr assumes standard input. pr prints the named files on standard output. By default, the listing is separated into pages, each headed by the page number, the date and time that the file was last modified, and the name of the file. Page length is 66 lines which includes 10 lines of header and trailer output. The header is composed of 2 blank lines, 1 line of text ( can be altered with -h), and 2 bla... |
praliases(1) -- display system mail aliases
The praliases utility displays the current system aliases, one per line, in no particular order. The options are as follows: -f Read the specified file instead of the default sendmail system aliases file. The praliases utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. |
preallocColors(1) -- preallocate colors to minimize desktop colormap flashing
preallocColors is run early in the login process to preallocate a small set of colors used by the IRIX Interactive Desktop. By preallocating these colors early in the login process, it avoids colormap flashing when running GL programs. On machines with multiple colormaps, where flashing is not a problem, preallocColors exits immediately, without allocating any colors. On machines with a single colormap, preallocColors will allocate the colors, and for a child. The parent will exit immediately, w... |
preset(1) -- reset the lp spooling system to a pristine state by deleting printers
preset is a tool to be used only as a last resort. preset resets the lp spooling system to a state in which no printers are installed, the spooler is not running, and all special spooler files have been removed and recreated. After preset has been run, no information regarding previously installed printers will exist on the system. preset should be used only when all other methods of manipulating printers and the printing queues fail.... |
print(1) -- printing tools
These options apply only to raster image files supported by Impressario, but are independent of the image file type. All of the following options apply to all supported image types. bestfit Rotate and scale the image to occupy the largest possible amount of space on the page. rotate Rotate the image in integer degrees, clockwise. Takes one integer argument. flip Flip the image, producing a mirror image. Useful for printing transparencies and iron-on decals. zoom Scale the image to an integer per... |
printers(1) -- graphical printer manager command
printers provides a graphical interface to the System V print spooling system. It allows the user to easily add, remove, and configure printers. It also has commands for setting the system default printer, setting printer specific options, and viewing the job queue of a particular printer. printers is typically started by using the "Printer Manager" command on the "System" menu of the toolchest(1). printers can also be started from the "System Manager" (chost(1M)) or the command line.... |
printf(1) -- print formatted output
The printf command converts, formats, and prints its args under control of the format. It fully supports conversion specifications for strings (%s descriptor); however, the results are undefined for the other conversion specifications not specifically mentioned below. format a character string that contains three types of objects: 1) plain characters, which are simply copied to the output stream; 2) conversion specifications, each of which results in fetching zero or more... |
printstatus(1) -- graphical printer status tool
printstatus, also known as PrintStatus, provides a graphical interface for monitoring printers under the AT&T System V print spooling system. The program can be displayed on 24-bit, 8-bit, and 1-bit X displays. Command Line Options -e updateInterval Specifies the interval, in seconds, between updates of the printer engine status information. This includes the icon itself and the Current Printer Status area of the interface. This information is polled whether printstatus is iconified or not. -q u... |
prioinfo(1) -- print priority IO allocation information.
prioinfo prints out the priority IO allocation table of the system. Each entry represents an allocation, with a blank line in between entries. Within each entry, the first row is the bandwidth allocation handle, the process id of the process which owns the allocation, followed by the bandwidth in bytes/second. The second row is the source name, the third row is the sink name. |
sysadm/PrivilegeManager(1) -- privilege manager
Managers display information about your system and provide access to interactive guides (also called tasks) that let you administer your system. For example, the User Manager displays a list of the user accounts currently on the system and gives you access to guides like "Add a User Account" and "Modify a User Account." In a Manager window, you can open a guide by choosing its name from the Task menu or by clicking its button at the bottom of the window. The Privilege Manager displays inform... |
sysadm/ProcessManager(1) -- Process Manager
Managers display information about your system and provide access to interactive guides (also called tasks) that let you administer your system. For example, the user Manager displays a list of the user accounts currently on the system and gives you access to guides like "Add a User Account" and "Modify a User Account". In the Manager window, you can open a guide by choosing its name from the Task menu or by clicking its button at the bottom of the window. The Process manager displays the pr... |
proclaim(1) -- client for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Proclaim is a client that communicates with a DHCP server to obtain configuration parameters, including at least an IP address. The format of DHCP messages is based on the format of bootp messages, described in RFC 951. A detailed protocol specification of DHCP is in RFC 1541, available from the Network Information Center. The DHCP protocol uses UDP/IP as its transport mechanism. The DHCP server receives service requests at the UDP port indicated in the bootp service description contained in the... |
ProclaimRelayMgr(1) -- graphical interface for the proclaim relay-agent
ProclaimRelayMgr is a graphical front end that displays the status and configuration of the proclaim relay-agent running on the local host. It also displays the set of proclaim servers to which requests are forwarded. Proclaim is an implementation of DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol). The main window allows you to add and delete addresses and names of proclaim servers. You can enable or disable the relay-agent by clicking the Relay On/Off button in the main window. The File button opens... |
ProclaimServerMgr(1) -- graphical interface for proclaim server configuration
ProclaimServerMgr is a graphical front end that displays the status and configuration of the proclaim server running on the local host. It displays the set of IP addresses and lease times that are currently assigned. Proclaim is an implementation of DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol). The File button on the main window opens a pull-down menu for editing options and configuration files. The Options menu choice allows you to edit proclaim server options defined in the /etc/config/proclaim_... |
prof(1) -- analyze SpeedShop performance data
prof analyzes one or more data files generated by the SpeedShop performance tools and produces a report. (Note that most reports are formatted with long lines, and should be viewed in a window that is 135 characters wide, and printed in wide format.) The second form is used to analyze data files generated by the SpeedShop performance tools if the target program is not in the same directory as the data files (in which case should be the path to the target program). Multiple file... |