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 standard/winconstraints(3) -- binds window constraints to the current window
 standard/windepth(3) -- measures how deep a window is in the window stack
    gwid expects the window identifier for the window you want to test. FUNCTION RETURN VALUE The returned value of this function is a number that you can use to determine that stacking order of windows on the screen.
 standard/window(3) -- defines a perspective projection transformation
    left expects x coordinate of left side of viewing volume. right expects x coordinate of right side of viewing volume. bottom expects y coordinate of bottom of viewing volume. top expects y coordinate of top of viewing volume. -near expects the z coordinate of the near clipping plane. -far expects the z coordinate of the far clipping plane.
 Tk/windowid(3) -- retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
    Tk_Window tkwin (in) Token for window.
 Tk/winfo(3) -- Return window-related information
    The winfo command is used to retrieve information about windows managed by Tk. It can take any of a number of different forms, depending on the option argument. The legal forms are: winfo atom ?-displayof window? name Returns a decimal string giving the integer identifier for the atom whose name is name. If no atom exists with the name name then a new one is created. If the -displayof option is given then the atom is | looked up on the display of window; otherwise it is looked up on | the displa...
 standard/winget(3) -- returns the identifier of the current graphics window
    none FUNCTION RETURN VALUE The returned value for this function is the identifier of the current graphics window.
 standard/winmove(3) -- moves the current graphics window by its lower-left corner
    orgx expects the x coordinate of the location to which you want to move the current graphics window. orgy expects the y coordinate of the location to which you want to move the current graphics window.
 standard/winopen(3) -- creates a graphics window
    name expects the window title that is displayed on the left hand side of the title bar for the window. If you do not want a title, pass a zero-length string. FUNCTION RETURN VALUE The returned value for this function is the graphics server and window identifier for the window just created. Use this value to identify the graphics window to other windowing functions. Only the lower 16 bits are significant, since a graphics window identifier is the value portion of a REDRAW event queue entry. If no...
 standard/winpop(3) -- moves the current graphics window in front of all other windows
 standard/winposition(3) -- changes the size and position of the current graphics window
    x1 expects the x screen coordinate (in pixels) of the first corner of the new location for the current graphics window. The first corner of the new window is the corner diagonally opposite the second corner. x2 expects the x screen coordinate (in pixels) of the second corner of the new location for the current graphics window. y1 expects the y screen coordinate (in pixels) of the first corner of the new location for the current graphics window. y2 expects the y screen coordinate (in pixels) of t...
 standard/winpush(3) -- places the current graphics window behind all other windows
 standard/winset(3) -- sets the current graphics window
    gwid expects a graphics window identifier.
 standard/wintitle(3) -- adds a title bar to the current graphics window
    name expects the title you want displayed in the title bar of the current graphics window.
 Tk/wm(3) -- Communicate with window manager
    The wm command is used to interact with window managers in order to control such things as the title for a window, its geometry, or the increments in terms of which it may be resized. The wm command can take any of a number of different forms, depending on the option argument. All of the forms expect at least one additional argument, window, which must be the path name of a top-level window. The legal forms for the wm command are: wm aspect window ?minNumer minDenom maxNumer maxDenom? If minNume...
 standard/wmpack(3) -- specifies RGBA writemask with a single packed integer
    pack expects a packed integer containing the RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha) values you want to assign as the current write mask. Expressed in hexadecimal, the format of the packed integer is 0xaabbggrr, where: aa is the alpha value, bb is the blue value, gg is the green value, and rr is the red value. RGBA component values range from 0 to 0xFF (255).
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