tokenring - IRIS-4D Series Token Ring controllers
The IRIS-4D Series supports local-area networking with the Token Ring.
The Token Ring protocol is supported with a hardware controller, a kernel
driver. Though the controllers may be different among IRIS-4Ds and over
time, their drivers and the daemon provide the same programming interface
to networking routines.
The IRIS-4D TokenRing controller is named using the following convention:
The suffix is the controller unit number.
Controller name Type IRIS model
mtr0, mtr1, ... PCI tokenring O2, OCTANE
Depending on the model, an IRIS-4D can support several Tokenring
controllers, allowing it to act as a gateway among different local
The Token Ring boards are initialized during system startup from
/etc/init.d/network (see network(1M) for details).
The Tokenring boards can be configured to be used in 16Mbit/sec ring or
4Mbit/sec ring. (see mtrconfig(1M) for details).
Each Token Ring packet contains a 14-byte MAC(Media Access Control)
header, up to 18-byte Source Route information, 3 or 4 byte LLC header,
and 5-byte SNAP(Sub-Network Access Protocol) depending on DSAP value in
LLC header:
typedef struct tr_mac {
u_char mac_ac; /* access control */
u_char mac_fc; /* frame control */
u_char mac_da[6]; /* Destination MAC address */
u_char mac_sa[6]; /* Source MAC address */
typedef struct tr_rii{
u_short rii; /* routing information */
u_short sgt_nos[8]; /* variable up to 7 hops */
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typedef struct llc {
u_char llc_dsap; /* Dest SAP */
u_char llc_ssap; /* Src SAP */
u_char llc_cont[2]; /* Control: up to 2 bytes */
} LLC;
typedef struct snap {
u_char snap_org[3]; /* Protocol ID or Org Code */
u_char snap_etype[2]; /* Ether Type */
Various error messages are printed by the kernel when a problem is
encountered. The message is preceded by the controller name, for
example, mtr0. If they occur repeatedly, contact your product support
service for assistance. Use the mtrconfig(1M) command to determine the
software revision number. Counts of Token Ring input and output errors
can be displayed with the command netstat -i (see netstat(1M)).
IEEE 802.5 token ring requires the board plugged in to MAU unit to be
initialized. Thus the tokenring cable must be plugged in to the MAU unit
before any tokenring initialization.
network(1M), netstat(1), ifconfig(1M), mtrconfig(1M), hinv(1M)
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