prosonus - high quality sound and music files
The directory /usr/share/data/sounds/prosonus contains a collection of
music and sound files created by Prosonus especially for your Silicon
Graphics IRIS Indigo, Indigo^2, Indy, Personal IRIS 4D/35 or 4D/30
computer system. These files are a small sampling of the music, sound
effects and instrument samples that will be available on CD-ROM through
Silicon Graphics Software Express and Prosonus.
For more information concerning Prosonus CD-ROM products, call SGI
Software Express at 1 (800) 800-7441 or contact Prosonus at:
10 Indian Way
Falmouth, Maine 04105 USA
+1 (207) 878-0934
+1 (207) 878-0914 FAX
Prosonus music and sound files are licence free when used in private
presentations. The files may be shared via NFS with other IRIS computers
but they may not be copied to other computers.
If the Prosonus files are to be shipped with a product that is intended
for resale or broadcast, copyrights or royalties may apply. Please
contact Prosonus for questions concerning licensing and resale of
Prosonus music and sound files.
All the sound and music files are recorded at 44.1 kHz and are in AIFF
format. The following sounds are included:
Environmental Sounds - in the ambience directory
crickets.aiff crickets at night
forest.aiff a busy forest
rain.aiff light rainfall
traffic.aiff city traffic
All these sounds are looped (see note 1 below).
Instrument Samples - in the instr directory
alto_flute_sus.G#4.aiff sustained flute playing G# in octave 4
alto_sax_sus.D#3.aiff sustained sax playing D# in octave 3
braz_hi_shaker.aiff brazilian shaker
celeste.E3.aiff ethereal chime playing E in octave 3
cello_pizz.C4.aiff cello playing pizzicato C in octave 4 (middle
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china20_crown.aiff percussion
conga_hi.aiff percussion
conga_hi_rim.aiff percussion
crash16_hrd.aiff percussion
drm_clave.aiff percussion
drm_cowbell.aiff percussion
drm_scratch.aiff percussion
drm_snare.aiff percussion
drm_stick_mid.aiff percussion
dx_elec_piano.F4.aiff Yamaha DX electric piano playing F in octave
hat_closed.aiff percussion
hat_open_closed.aiff percussion
med_bata1.aiff percussion
med_bata2.aiff percussion
med_down_rototom.aiff percussion
metal_mute_power.E1.aiff muted metal guitar power chord in E, octave 1
metal_triad_power.E1.aiff unmuted power chord in E, octave 1
paul_single_mute.G#1.aiff single pluck in G#, octave 1 on Les Paul
pearl_tom_dry_lo.aiff percussion
ride_med_22_mid_ro.aiff percussion
steel_guitar_6str.D2.aiff guitar chord in D, octave 2
stn_bass_sus_fgr.A0.aiff sustained satin bass playing A in octave 0
strng_orch_sus.F#4.aiff sustained string orchestra playing F#,octave
tama_base_drm.aiff percussion
tama_snare_fbr.aiff percussion
tama_snare_gbrltr.aiff percussion
tamborine.aiff percussion
trumpet_sus.F5.aiff sustained trumpet playing F in octave 5
warped_harm.aiff percussion
woodblock.aiff percussion
Most of the non percussion instruments are looped.
See note 3 for the MIDI note numbers corresponding to the notes and
octaves of these instruments.
Musical Tags - in the musictags directory
tag2.aiff musical tag
tag3.aiff musical tag
slinky_slap.aiff slapping a slinky
belltree_up2.aiff arpeggio up a belltree
harp_glis.Cmj.aiff harp glissando in C major
jar.aiff synthetic sound
orch_hit.aiff orchestra hit
stereo_uparp.aiff stereophonic up arpeggio
Sound Effects - in the sfx directory
alarm_clock.aiff an old fashioned alarm clock
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bell.aiff melodic bell
bomber.aiff bomber flyby (left to right)
cannon.aiff heavy cannon shot
click2.aiff a high speed camera shutter click
click3.aiff a slower speed camera shutter click
cricket.aiff a cricket chirps
doorchime.aiff two-tone door chime
double-ricochet.aiff electronic left-right-left ricochet
frog.aiff a frog croaks
glass_break.aiff breaking glass
tennis.aiff tennis ball hit across the sound stage
alarm_clock is looped.
Note 1:
playaifc(1) and sfplay(1) do not yet understand loop points so they
will play the looped sounds through once only.
Note 2:
multitrack(1) does not understand loop points. If you read a looped
AIFF file into multitrack and write it out again, the loop points
will be lost.
Note 3:
The MIDI note numbers corresponding to the given notes on the
instrument samples are:
Note/Octave MIDI Note Number
A0 21
E1 28
G#1 32
D2 38
D#3 51
E3 52
C4 60
F#4 66
G#4 68
F5 77
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