services - service name database
The /etc/services file contains information regarding the known services
available in the Internet. For each service a single line should be
present with the following information:
o official service name
o port number
o protocol name
o aliases (optional)
Items are separated by any number of blanks and/or tab characters. The
port number and protocol name are considered a single item; a ``/'' is
used to separate the port and protocol (e.g. ``512/tcp''). A ``#''
indicates the beginning of a comment; characters up to the end of the
line are not interpreted by routines which search the file.
Service names may contain any printable character other than a field
delimiter, newline, or comment character. For example,
smtp 25/tcp mail
It is sometimes useful to be able to determine which processes are using
a particular port. This can be accomplished using the fuser(1M) command.
For example, in order to see which processes are listening on TCP port
25, the command
fuser 25/tcp
can be used. Note that fuser only accepts service names in their numeric
form; symbolic names such as ``smtp'' cannot be used.
If the NFS option is installed and NIS is running, the getservent(3N)
library routines only access this file if no entry was found in the NIS
fuser(1M), getservent(3N)
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A name server should be used instead of a static file.
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